Purpose: The purpose of this piece is to describe and discuss the ideas and rationale behind whale hunting, as well as conveying the authors own opinion. 7: Create secondary sources of tension. For example, Herbert describes the water spray of the whales as "catching the light in spectral play of colour." A sound of thunder.". Effect on reader: Technique: punctuation, Examples include: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you (the Bible), All men are created equal (the United States Declaration of Independence, 1776), I have a dream, (Martin Luther King, 1963) and, for the more mathematically minded, E=MC2! Effect on reader: Technique: listing Effect on reader: alludes to Charles Darwin's theory of evolution (only best, most equipped of the species survive) Imaginatively by conveying sensory impressions to the reader, especially visual and auditory effects The author then further ratchets up the tension, and thus the readers emotional engagement with the writing, by use of the simile the isolation which completely surrounds you and which clings to you like a second skin. Quote:"There were over a hundred punters" Initially, she builds tension about the hunt, encouraging the reader to share her excitement about witnessing the event. The examination boards certainly seem to think so and appear to be obsessed with challenging our young people to consider how this might be achieved. Creates a feeling of anticipation for the arrival of the race. Of course, the fact that the reader is encouraged to imagine that he / she is this unnamed character only serves to intensify the readers empathy and, consequently, sense of unease. Close analysis of language: Touching the Void - Joe Simpson; Summarising ideas across two texts: Between a Rock and a Hard Place - Aron Ralston and Touching the Void - Joe Simpson; Comparing writers' perspectives and methods; Reading Unseen non-fiction texts: The Hawaiian Archipelago - Isabella Bird; Analysis of language In the passage from 'The Explorer's Daughter', how does the writer use language to make the passage appealing to the reader? Furthermore, as the novel Is in first person, the reader senses Arthur conflicting emotions which builds tension as he questions the realism of his experiences. essentially chronological 'No light came on. How does William Shakespeare create tension? This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. H Is for Hawk. The way the whales are referred to as a "contributor" is rather unsentimental, pragmatic, perhaps insensitive and diverges heavily from the descriptions of the whales in paragraph one. Reader will have experienced waiting for something . We will look at how understanding Ralston's viewpoint helps us to make further observations about the attitudes and feelings communicated within the account. An example of a complex sentence with the main clause first is: It ran, its pelvic bones crushing aside trees and bushes, its taloned feed clawing damp earth, leaving prints six inches deep wherever it settled its weight.. Check out Adapt the A-level & GCSE revision timetable app. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. There are 3 races intertwined in the text: donkey race; race to get photos and race of spectators. Slow pace of opening contrasted later with speed of the donkeys. This contrasts from the boring he said, and it also describes how the character reading the speech says it so there is a more detailed description of how the speech is read. They both feel isolated and are set at night and use Pathetic Fallacy and each protagonist shows extreme emotion and thoughts. Technique: Handling of time, hyperbole Effect on reader: the writer employs lots of references to waiting and time. It is a sound in a long silence to voice Macdonalds surprise, trying to understand what had just happened. Another technique used well is having Silence on its own paragraph. The average student has to read dozens of books per year. You can get a custom paper by one of our expert writers. In paragraph 6, how does the writer build up the tension? Moreover, the use of the words "escaping" and "dead of winter" now introduce a more dangerous atmosphere which contrasts with the previously joyful and beautiful description of the paragraph before. Moreover, It foreshadows a sinister future for Arthur and spider. 7 Ways Build Tension in Your Story. Additionally, the evening light is described as "butter gold" and "glinting." As be begins to doubt (his) own reality. Herbert often switches between descriptive and informative language and the piece shows her conflicting feelings between her love of the whales and the need for survival of the hunters. My man you are a god thank you for these notes, super useless link in the description belowTGFSTORE.COMlololololol. Secondly, Ray Bradbury uses interesting verbs to great effect. In the language he has used modal verbs, personification, exclamation marks for the extreme conditions, and he has made big use of emotive language. The structure of a text is how it is organised and how its parts fit together. Explain. You should refer closely to the passage to support your answer. 5: Keep making the reader ask questions. Q1. In this essay, the author. 6: Create internal and external conflict. Bradbury uses short sentences and short paragraphs to a great effect so create tension. You will also be asked to compare. Ralston is describing one of the most important events in the autobiography: the falling stone, which leads to the amputation of his arm. Sheathed over in a gleam of pebbled skin like the mail of a terrible warrior. This technique is good because it also, like the metaphor, helps the reader to create a mind-image of what is happening in the text. By continuing, you agree to our Terms and Conditions. Some sentences contain compound objects. Structure. A reptile. Quote:"this was formula one without rules" The Explorer's Daughter by Kari Herbert: Analysis. Emotionally by creating feelings within the reader, e.g. * The exemplar A* answer which follows is in response to an examination-style question which requires the candidate to analyse a writers use of words and phrases in order to create effects. MacDonald alludes to her grief in the passage: that there was something behind it that was very important, lines 69-70. I knew that. I also want to provide some context so the readers can further understand where MacDonald was coming from. Alliteration is the repetition of a consonant at the beginning of words that are placed together. To install StudyMoose App tap This creates tension because it makes the reader, read the sentences faster. Some of the questions will be short questions. Nothing. Thankyou for this language structure you guys gave.But I would be more happy if this was more descriptive. This is shown at the beginning of the third paragraph: [] he reached inside, and amidst a whirring, chaotic clatter of wings and feet and talons and a high-pitched twittering and its all happening at once [] The repetition of the conjunction and speeds up the pace, showing a large number of details Helen Macdonald noticed, implying that she was worried, a bit disconcerted, quite interested and paid a great amount of attention on the hawk. Well occasionally send you promo and account related email. 3: Keep raising the stakes. Thanks for the analysis it was perfect and it really helped me, it was good i hoe i get a good mark trmw i have a test, ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff, fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffzzzzzzzzzzzz ebenezer gay, it is useful but at the same time it is useless, you bloody bankshod you fu** you bloody go to hell and go downhttps://youtu.be/5mKpgTIG19c, why you shouting at menooooooo bankshod youyou fu** me i fu** you shouting no good manrunnin like lady yahyou fu**ing gonna fall inithave a nice daybye bye. Quote: "We drove off to find the best viewing spot", Quote: "I asked the lads if we could join in the Wacky races. This gives a poetic flow to the writing, thus appealing to the readers aesthetic sensibility. the writer's use of language. I feel like this highlights a great sense of life and the raw beauty of nature. With alliteration, it is important to consider the sound and whether it is harsh or soft. Technique: Exam questions ask you to . Technique: ". Reading unseen non-fiction texts: Between a Rock and a Hard Place - Aron Ralston, Examining thoughts and feelings: Between a Rock and a Hard Place - Aron Ralston, Exploring the writer's perspective: Between a Rock and a Hard Place - Aron Ralston, Close analysis of writer's methods: Between a Rock and a Hard Place - Aron Ralston, Evaluative response: Between a Rock and a Hard Place - Aron Ralston, Examining thoughts, feelings and perspective, Close analysis of language: Touching the Void - Joe Simpson, Summarising ideas across two texts: Between a Rock and a Hard Place - Aron Ralston and Touching the Void - Joe Simpson, Comparing writers' perspectives and methods, Reading Unseen non-fiction texts: The Hawaiian Archipelago - Isabella Bird, Alternative Perspectives: Hawaiian Archipelago - Isabella Bird, Comparing texts: Form and function - Isabella Bird and Aron Ralston, Planning techniques: Logos, ethos and pathos, Creating an impact: Rhetorical devices and sequencing. The shadow embeds fear into the reader . This may sound unusual, but it was something she was interested in for a long time, and she said sometimes grief manifests itself in a way you dont understand. Feel free to email me at s.bulcott@gmail.com. I lower myself from the chimneying position and step onto the chockstone. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. But the illusory realm of the novel is, of course, built on a foundation of words and phrases even though you may have become so engrossed in the plot that you cease to notice them. How does Shakespeare create drama and tension in the scene? Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. i have my edexcel board exam tommorow, thanks for this it will help me for edexcel exam, i also have my exams tmrw but this doesnt have so much please develop the use of emotive language the writers dilemma her thoughts the description of narwhal include this in your future editions, Shut the fuck up and appreciate the fact someone has made their notes available you twat. She reminds the reader of the magnificence of nature with vivid visual imagery, such as a metaphor of the glittering kingdom. These cookies do not store any personal information. Sliding my belly over the front edge, I can lower myself and hang from my fully extended arms, akin to climbing down from the roof of a house.. Dont know where to start? By clicking Check Writers Offers, you agree to our terms of service and privacy policy. (2016, Jun 27). i am very much enjoying this book and writing style. But one of the things that Im often asked is, So how do I write that in an essay? Required fields are marked *. This list of adjectives describe the fear and anger they are Immediately faced with. The third paragraph continues with this unadorned and objective writing style, "The narwhal is an essential contributor to the survival of the hunters" I think this lack of emotion in her writing implores the reader to focus on the content and approach the information with a more objective, matter of fact perspective. This keeps the reader engaged and entertained Theres certainty - no doubt in his mind - as to what is occurring in the incident. SEMANTIC FIELD water examples (17, 33) - flood and drenches - has applied water . I was just wondering what could sort of points could I make about how Macdonald uses language and structure to engage the reader. Keep adding complications to characters' arcs. Here again there is a shift in tone, back to the past tense and more emotive, descriptive language as in the beginning of the passage. There is a definite sense of tension and agitation/uneasiness present here. A good writer will draw you into the story through a variety of techniques, especially plot, characterisation, dialogue and description. Thank you so much for accepting my assignment the night before it was due. 1032. Herbert shifts from her previous use of descriptive and emotive language to a more informative and factual approach - notice how she refers to place names such as Thule and Inglefield Fjord. use of word eternity is hyperbole; communicates the sense of impatience and how long it feels like they have waited. Retrieved from http://studymoose.com/how-does-ray-bradbury-use-language-to-create-tension-essay. : Kari Herbert (born 17th September 1970) is a British travel writer, polar explorer, photographer, and television presenter. Knowing how to create tension ranks up there as one of the most important skills for anyone writing stories. For example, the women's reactions create tension: they watch the hunters, "spinning round at a small gasp or jump", capturing their anxiety about their husbands. The last paragraph clarifies the fact that this hawk is important, for other reasons. excitement, fear, pity, anger, suspense, (Of course, the feelings experienced by the reader will often be very different to those being portrayed within the character, e.g. and then Add to Home Screen. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. This paragraph focuses on the perspective of the wives of the hunters and how their emotions play an important role. the descriptions of the Inughuits lives; You should refer closely to the passage to support your answer. During the hunt, the writer experiences conflict between her head and her heart. Language is an extremely powerful took, and our use of language can greatly distort people 's perceptions and evoke deep feelings within the readers. Ralston uses extensive description within his autobiography: Stemming across the canyon at the lip of the drop-off, with one foot and one hand on, each of the walls, I traverse out to the chockstone. Q1. Bradbury uses short sentences and short paragraphs to a great effect so create tension. So absorbed have you become that you that are blissfully unaware of the isolation which completely surrounds you and which clings to you like a second skin. Sensory language It can happen! She also describes the scene of the whales as a 'glittering kingdom,' which once again uses the imagery of light and shows how majestic the environment of the whales is, perhaps suggesting it is superior to any other. For these questions, you must look at using analysis. It Is clear that from the beginning of the chapter when Arthur and Spider face utter darkness they end up In a state of. Use short words, for example, 'at once', rather than, 'immediately'. He has used language to show his helplessness and his condition. The passage finishes with a simple but decisive statement Hunting is still an absolute necessity in Thule which persuades the reader that hunting must continue if the Inughuits are to survive. This rich imagery creates a sense of warmth and softness - which is interesting as this is clearly a very cold climate! I look forward to working with you moving forward . Although Herbert uses language techniques to draw the reader into her emotional conflict, she doesnt leave the reader in any doubt about whether the hunt should occur. In a thriller or crime novel, particularly, the situation typically grows increasingly dire for the protagonist. Introduction. The ancient Aztecs thought so highly of popeorn that they even use to wear it around their necks. The narwhals are also portrayed as intelligent creatures with keen senses and the ability to talk to one another. me too still studying. For example, the narwhals fat is the only source of light and heat for them. Notice how she focuses on the detail of the narwhal - how they move, what they look like and how she reacts to it - she is clearly in awe of them. Furthermore, the reference to a second skin may well conjure up in the readers imagination a fleeting impression of nakedness, thus further increasing the sense of this characters vulnerability. When Macdonald realized that the hawk was not hers, the writer uses a paragraph with just a sentence with only one word: Oh. This sentence, comparing to the ones from the last paragraph, was like a sudden break. In this passage HM writes about her adoption of a goshawk, and the fear when she meets the bird for the first time that she. ", Quote: "We waited for eternity on the brow of the hill" "Nearly one hour later", Quote: "fifty vehicles roaring up in their wake", Quote:"the two donkeys were almost dwarfed by their entourage. Quote:"it was survival of the fittest" Use sections of the IPA from different words to start constructing a word, focusing either on harsher or softer sounds depending on how I want the language to sound. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Transformationally in the sense of life changing? This no doubt has influenced her writing and how she identifies herself; the very title of this piece is a clear homage to her father and his influence. Other questions will be long questions. A good example of this is: "Suddenly it all ceased, as if someone had shut a door. Structure Description of the landscape 'I come to another drop-off', this introduces the extract by use of first person, showing that we are in one person's narrative.It's also an extremely short sentence, creating drama, especially because it starts with a verb phrase.The writer then goes into description of the rock he is going to descend down, distinguishing it from the one . Students looking for free, top-notch essay and term paper samples on various topics. In regards to this, he also refers o the house as a ship at sea, battered by the gale that came roaring across the open marsh. This makes the reader feel sympathy and fear for Arthur as we know that It Is unjust of the woman In black to torment him In such a way due to her own misfortune. Once you have written your response, there will be a model answer for you to self-assess against and track your progress. Don't use plagiarized sources. Put the words in, then look to the right at the IPA symbols. This sudden turn of events is how anti-climax is conveyed as Hill uses these dramatic and contrasting events to surprise the reader and leave them Just a breathless as Arthur. It supports me but teeters slightly. an adrenaline-fuelled thrill ride for the reader at the characters expense. The narwhals themselves contribute to the beauty of the area, with their spray catching the light in a spectral play of colour. Thirdly, the writer uses adverbs in the text to allow a better description of verbs. Something bright and distant, like gold falling through water. These sentences describe the young hawk as lots of things, including a reptile that represents fierceness, a fallen angel that represents outstanding beauty and innocence, a griffon that represents unbounded courage, and gold falling through water that suggests the natural magnificence of the hawk. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. freebooksummary.com 2016 2022 All Rights Reserved, We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. You may use brief quotations. You should refer closely to the passage to support your answer. 2 Give one example from lines 22-28 of how the writer uses language to show his feelings for his new wife. Herbert emphasises the Inughuits struggle to survive to interest and engage the reader. Then, write the correct form. Technique: allusion, metaphor, humour Such bland and unfocused explanations as these could refer to any one of millions of evocative words or phrases whereas a well-targeted response will be specific to just one particular word or phrase and will outline one or more very precise ways in which this particular instance of the writers use of language may affect a reader.