We command you to be quiet and not interfere and shut up during this deliverance renunciation session. BE REMINDED, WHENEVER BREAKING CURSES FROM YOUR ANCESTRAL LINE OR ANYONE THAT HAS DONE YOU HARM OR WRONG, YOU GO THROUGH THESE SIX STEPS TO FREEDOM FROM CURSES IN ORDER TO CANCEL THE LEGAL RIGHTS OF THE DEVILS THAT CAME IN AS A RESULT OF THE CURSES. Another instance of demonic characteristics can be seen in Mark 5:9 when the demonized man spoke in response to Jesus question. Love covers a multitude of sins; that was Gods prescription to block the Jezebel spirit from attacking the women. I feel like all of my dreams have been snatched away from 6:10-18. It is the legal right to use power a legitimate, God ordained right. NO weapon formed against me shall prosper (Isa. I thank You that my heart is pure before You. 19. Job. Obedience * Yes, your legal rights have been cancelled, they have all been forgiven, rise up and go to the abyss in Jesus name. I declare that I am divorced from this god Baal and I am married to Jesus Christ from this day forward. WALKING IN FREEDOM AFTER DELIVERANCE (EXCERPTS). 0000006414 00000 n In the name of Jesus Christ, I bind every evil spirit and every evil plan made in this situation. 3. If you detect a power seeking to prevent you from participating in these deliverance sessions, then you know that its Satans work. * Ill have you know, we have on the whole armor of God and are covered with the blood of Jesus from head to toe. We must overcome this by exercising due diligence to destroy the works of our flesh to overcome this attack. ), Perseus Tammuz Phoroneus Lord Of Heaven Nimrod The Sun Nin Belus, Aida Odeo Beltis Goddess Of Wisdom Anahita Ardvi Sura Anahita Anat Anath Atargatis Isis Ceres Shing-Moo Sati Virgin Mary Re-Anen Josephine Delilah St. Barbara Aida-Odeo Mother Of The Gods Mother Of Lies Mother Of Cheating Inanna Enheduanna Gaia Hather Demeter Kali Ariadne. It may be that unclean spirits from which you are now free had been with you for a very long time. When Jesus set free the woman with the issue of blood, He said unto her, Woman, thou art loosed from thine infirmity. (Luke 13:12) 2:5). If you look up the word heaven in the Greek, youll find another word called air, which is where the spirits dwell. I call on you now as my healer and deliverer. 10:7-8, Lk. 0000003288 00000 n 45. Satan we put you on notice and all your forces that we are attacking you from the power of the third heaven, high above you and all your principalities, powers, thrones, dominions, world rulers, kings and princes and all spiritual wickedness in high places, we order all of your forces over our lives to be bound immediately. 59:19, Isa. CONFRONTATION: Suspicion, Distrust, Persecution, Fears (PARANOIA) (5), REBELLION: Disobedience, Anti-Submissiveness, SELF DELUSION, SELF DECEPTION, SELF SEDUCTION (8), PRIDE, UNTEACHABLENESS, JUDGMENTAL, CONTROL & POSSESSIVENESS. Therefore, when you bind something here on earth, it will be bound in the spiritual realm as well. Free spirit (Psalm 51:12) We hope to shed light on this subject in a way that you may not have thought about it before. If I get out of my set place (physically or spiritually) it will hinder the authority I have over my territory, therefore, thank you Lord for giving me the wisdom and strength to remain in my set place. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Arent we supposed to so it? 4. 5:24-25, Heb. I believe prayer is the one thing that can change our nation, more than any other thing. 1:9-11; h) Inflicting disease. Job. Spend some time in praise and worship with thanksgiving (singing will bring you into His presence, thanksgiving will bring you into His gates, praise will cause you to enter His courts and worship will allow you to go into the Holy of Holies). 0000003571 00000 n Ps. 1. 2168 0 obj<>stream You cannot bind a persons will or force them to accept the gospel, but you can do something about the demons which are holding the person back. 13. Some renunciation prayers are long but only need to be said once. I loose myself from every spoken curse and negative word spoken against my life. Midnight warfare watch; all of the watches belong to God, and the ones who do evil work it in vain because your prayer will cause what they are doing to be shaken to the ground at sunrise, Judges 7:19.THIRD OR MORNING WATCH: 2:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m.Last watch; the watch we gain victory over enemies in the morning. Neither are you tender and delicate (Isa. Spirit of princes (Psalm 76:12) You are no queen. Restore our fragmented souls: restore all the pieces of the fragmented minds, wills, emotions, appetite, intellect, heart or personality; send your angels out to recover what Satan has stolen from us and bring them back to proper and original positions where they belong as they were before Adam and Eve sinned, in the name of Jesus. 4:4). I know that this is sin and I confess it as sin and now ask that you forgive me as I have forgiven those that have offended me. So your prayer would sound like this I bind up pride in the name of Jesus and I loose humility So you would loose the opposite of what you are binding up. 1. Declare that you have on the whole armor of God (Eph. The controversy with the Pharisees, about Beelzebub raises a lot of issues, Mark and Luke have included as a part of the ongoing teachings arising from this incident, Jesus instructions about how to plunder a strong mans house. Blessing Matt. Ro- 5: 1-6 *, * I have received the gift of the Lord into my life that I might know the things freely given to me by God, 1Cor. Matt. Matthew 10:18 I beheld Satan as lightening fall from heaven, behold I give you authority to tread upon serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall anywise hurt you. Justice Courage Every witchcraft power loose your hold upon my life, in the name of Jesus. 34Believers are to obey the command of Christ by binding on earth what has already been bound in heaven. One can put a thousand to flight and two ten thousand according to His word in Deut. * As the Red Sea swallowed Pharaoh and his army let it be so for every demon of rebellion, that is holding me captive, COME OUT!! God bless you with clear direction and with a controlled and disciplined life. I thank You that Your hand might be with me and You would keep me from evil so it might not hurt me, I Chron. Jesus commented on the need for binding evil. The power and authority given to us as believers to bind and loose Satan and (his fallen angels and his earthbound devils) is understood to mean that the believer has been given the keys of the kingdom of heaven. 1 :5, Gal. Fear of God Until we realize this we will not win. 12:29 when Jesus raised the question as shown in the scripture. The strongmans house is the stronghold. I feel like the struggle has been too much for me to bear, and I dont know what else to do. Thank you Lord, in Jesus name. You can read more about this here in a post on Spiritual Warfare. I ask you to send your angels to gather and restore the pieces of my fragmented mind, will and emotions to their proper place. I bind every destiny pirate, destiny thief, and destiny devourer in the name of Jesus. Use your authority and weapons as you pray this prayer out loud. Sincerity endstream endobj 2167 0 obj<>/Size 2143/Type/XRef>>stream I loose myself from all bonds (Psalm 116:16). STEP #2 Get the person to pray about their specific problems so that the blood of Jesus and cleans the people and take away their legal rights that the demons have to remain so that God can act. The enemy may try to intimidate you with demonstrations of his power. BEGIN NOW TO CALL OUT THE FOLLOWING SPIRITS OF _________________ AS LISTED BELOW USING COMMANDS, DECLARATIONS, SCRIPTURES, PRAYING IN THE SPIRIT, CRYING OUT TO THE LORD, WHATEVER THE LORD LEADS YOU TO SAY AND DO. 3:8-10). Forgiveness We can pray and ask God to release the angels, but we cannot command them. Let us now ask ourselves this question: Why has the blood been shed for the redemption of our sins and everyone is still not saved? 13:38-39; m) Deceiving soul and body. Rev. We see that Jesus dealt with the demonic realm as he ministered the gospel of the kingdom, primarily as it had to do with the casting out of devils out of the lives of people. Please forgive me for idol worship, passivity, irresponsibility, fear, weakness, sexual impurity, pride, selfishness, witchcraft, control, criticism, jealousy, rebellion, competition, retaliation, marriage breaking, child abuse and worshiping other Gods. Maintain a life of fellowship and spiritual ministry. endstream endobj 2153 0 obj<>stream * It is clear from the above scriptures that the believers have been given authority over thedemonic realm. Matt. Vs. 19. So when you bind something you are forbidding it, prohibiting it from happening and putting it in chains. 2:7; i) Opposing the righteous Zach. Spirit of truth (John 14:17) Father, it is written that no root of bitterness should ever spring up in my life. Father, I thank you for sending your Son Jesus to die for me, and resurrecting him to sit at your right hand in Heaven right now. As we seek to fight the good fight of faith to lay hold to eternal life. * I renounce all astrology and interest in horoscopes, I renounce the heresy of reincarnation and all healing groups involved in metaphysics. It is suggested that the _demons in the person be bound/ so that you. *We use every verse of the Holy Bible to war against every spirit of rebellion and all your support group, rise and come out now in Jesus name. I loose now the Holy Spirits power and the blood of Jesus Christ to cleanse my life from these demon gods, from you Satan, from Baal however you may show your ugly head. in the name of Jesus. * There is a significant difference between binding up spirits and deliverance. Might Fire from head to toe, REPEAT, BURN YOU A THOUSAND TIME HOTTER THAN HELL, COME UP AND OUT AND GO TO THE ABYSS. The rulers of the synagogue were angered because this miracle was carried out on the Sabbath day. The principle of binding and loosing/how to bind and loose in Jesus NamePlease take just a moment to agree with me in prayer. I am standing on James 5:4 which says, that my cries as a harvester have come to the ears of the Lord of hosts. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. 2:11; Appearing as an angel of light 2 Cor. Your are no virgin. * Bind up the spirits and get them into a controlled setting where deliverance can be carried out, follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. A thousand may fall at my side and ten thousand at my right hand, but it shall not come near me, Ps 91:7. 2:9; f) His malignity seen in tempting to disobedience. Daily prayer. He has already given us the strategies that we need in order to succeed. BIND ALL STRONGHOLDS AND TELL THEM THAT THEIR ONLY ASSIGNMENT IS TO GO, BIND AND GAG ALL LYING SPIRITS, THEN PRAYER THE PRAYER OF BLESSING OVER THEM. This gives us the ability to bind demons, because they dwell within the spiritual realm. Resist the Devil, be sober and vigilant, resist steadfast in the faith, and he will flee from you (I Peter 5:8-10). This method has been tried and proven; many hard cases have been successfully dealt with through this means. Meek and quiet spirit (I Peter 3:4) Although Delilah, Eve and Josephine are not Goddesses, they have been added because they are found as demons among the demons of the Goddesses. Here is a general binding and loosing prayer: Jesus, according to Matthew 16:19 you said that you gave us the keys to the Kingdom and whatsoever I bind on earth 17. Jesus is telling us in the above passage, that we cannot enter a strongmans house to reclaim your goods before you first bind up the strongman rendering him incapable of resisting your commands. 0000005524 00000 n 47. I suggested that Earline receive it first. Lord we bind our nation to peace, and we lose our nation from violence. All true believers have been given authority and power over all the powers of darkness. Welcome everyone on the prayer line and those that will join us on the website. 3. 2. Kindness Jesus was our example of walking in kingdom authority, the Apostles also followed his example. This shows you a spirit that specializes in his function leviathan who is the king over the children of pride. Eph. BE ARRESTED BY THE FIRE OF GOD. COMMANDS ARE NOW BEING GIVEN IN CALLING UP DEMONS. (See below an example of using the declarations/commands along with calling out spirits) and as you are led by the Holy Spirit. ALL OF THE FOLLOWING DIRECT COMMANDS AS SHOWN IN PREVIOUS LESSONS ARE ALREADY INCORPORATED IN THE DECLARATIONS AND COMMANDS THAT FOLLOW AS AN EXAMPLE OF HOW TO GO ABOUT CALLING OUT THE SPIRITS. 20:2 And I saw an angel coming down out from heaven having the key to the abyss and holing in his hand a great chain. * All powers are subjected to the word of His power. But is has been shown that the word loose is in reference to that which was bound and fettered, so it could not be in reference to Holy Spirit or angels. Phil 2:1-2, 1 John 3:14) (Pride: Prov 3:34, 15:25, 16:18-19, Prov 29:1, 23, Prov 13:10, 21:23-24, Ja 4:10) (Self Pity: Ne 8:10, Ps 50:23, Phil 4:11-13-19, 1 The 5:18) (Fear: Jos 1:9, Ps 107:2, Heb 13-6, Isa 44:2-3, Ps 56:3) (Fear of Man: Jos 1:5, 10:8, Prov 29:25) (Rebellion: Eph 5:21, 1 The 5:18, Prov 17:11, Ro 12:1-2, Phil 2:5-8, 2 Tim 3:1-3, Ro 13:1-2) (Lust: Isa 52:11, Matt 5:8, 1 Cor 3:16-17, Eph 5:3, 2 Tim 2:22) (Unbelief: Mark 11:23-24, Mark 16:17-18, Gal 2:20, 1 Pet 1:6-7, John 6:29) (Rejection: Ps 16:5-8, Ps 91:1-2, Ps 23, John 4:10, Eph 1:4-6). WebI bind all sickness and disease released against my mind or body in the name of Jesus. Ps. BELOW IS AN EXAMPLE OF THE OPERATION OF CASTING OUT DEVILS. NOTE: READ THE SCRIPTURES TO DEMONS TO SOFTEN THEM UP, GET SCRIPTURES TO DO WITH SPIRITUAL WARFARE, PRIDE, SELF PITY, FEAR, REBELLION, LUST, UNBELIEF, REJECTION, ETC. NOTE: REMEMBER TO INCLUDE ALL THE NAMES OF THOSE THAT OFFENDED YOU, MASS DELIVERANCE SESSION: WIN WORLEY (SEE TAB/PRAYERS IN DELIVERANCE PREP. WebIn chapter 16, Jesus was talking about building the church (verse 18). Thank you for these scripture readings and prayers. ls it good to have a list of (warfare prayer list. MINISTER TO PRAY (SEE TAB/PRAYERS IN DELIVERANCE PREP). b) IF DEMONS DONT LEAVE: NO DEMON CAN RESIST THE NAME OF JESUS OR DISOBEY THE WORD OF GOD WHEN THEY ARE BEING USED PROPERLY IN DELIVERANCE. He sees the dragon, that ancient serpent which is the devil or Satan and bound him for a thousand years. Jesus withstood Satans temptation by using Scripture. 7. Glory (1 John 4:1) They searched the scriptures daily whether those things were so. (Acts 17:11), Inclusion on this site does not imply agreement with or endorsement of Example: Victims of ritualistic sexual abuse. Thank You Father God that You have given me the power through Your Son Jesus to shut down the authority of the demons that send false winds from the four corners of the earth. I bind leviathan and all proud spirits arrayed against my life (Job 41:5). James 4:7 Submit to God; resist the devil and he shall flee from you. Ungodly sexual relationships create soul ties. Father, I ask you in Jesus name to send your warring angels to break, cut and sever (John 14:14) all fetters, bands, chains, ties, and bonds or whatever the enemy has been able to place on my mind by word or deed including all evil curses by witchcraft, in Jesus name. CURSE OF AHAB AND JEZEBEL NOTE: If unable to keep pace with the prayer, be in agreement as I pray force the demons out by coughing (keep mouth open-keep pail, bucket or plastic bag at hand). For those who are alive I ask that you bless and save them as I release them to you in Jesus name. (Hosea 4:6), Prayer of Release from Hermes /Hermaneutics, The Truth about Christian Denominations, Cults andSects, The Rise of the Global Church of Lucifer by CharlesLawson, Anti-Santa Card 2019: The Truth aboutChristmas, The Doctine of Christ the Only Way toGod, Deliverance Prayer To Break Witchcraft and Mind ControlProgramming, Invalid reasons for staying in a church teaching falsedoctrine, The Bible, The Armour of God and The Sacred Names ofGod, Recovery / Freedom from Codependency Narcissist / JezebelAbuse, Prayer for Protection Against Demonic Oppression, Prayer to Renounce Generational Family Iniquity, Prayer of Release from the Stronghold of Rape and the Spirit of Baphomet. Lukes account shows the weapon the strong man was depending on. Dear Lord Jesus, I believe you are the son of God, I believe you died on the cross for my sins and you rose again from the dead and that you are at the right hand of the Father. * Jesus is our Lord and Master and we operate in His authority, COME OUT. You can bind a demon spirit, much like tying something up with rope or chains. When we bind something, we declare it unlawful (or evil) based on Gods word. HOWEVER, AFTER GOING THROUGH THE 6 STEPS TO FREEDOM FROM CURSES (STEP 4) AGAINST THOSE THAT OFFENDED YOU WHICH SHOULD ALWAYS BE DONE WHEN ESTABLISHING THE BASIS FOR DELIVERANCE IN CANCELING THE LEGAL RIGHTS OF THE SPIRITS TO REMAIN. Many people have made a confession of Jesus Christ as their Savior when they were not serious about it and so Jesus has not yet come in. Every spirit of rebellion I bind and cast you out of my life, in Jesus name, 2. 6:1417). xref I ask that you loose the angels to hearken the Word of God on my behalf. If you have been trying to witness to somebody, and seem to be getting nowhere, try binding the spirits of darkness that are preventing that person from seeing the light in the gospel. I repent and break all curses of false martyrdom and dead works. Restoration 14. *Every spirit of deception, denial, critical and doubting spirit, we bind you up now and cast you out by fire. 3. I BREAK ALL CURSES SPOKEN BY ISLAMIC MULLAHS, OVER MYSELF AND MY FAMILY THAT COULD CAUSE ME/US TO BE INFIDELS, NEVER BEING ABLE TO PROVIDE FOR MY OWN HOUSEHOLD IN JESUS NAME. The Blood of Jesus also covers my inheritance; business income; payroll; assets; investments; funds to pay taxes; all properties; bank and credit union accounts; library, administrative, biblical books and all resources; our personal, business and tax records; P.O. We command you to line up in rank and file and order and come out quickly. To execute vengeance on the nations, Blessed shall you be in the fruit of thy body, the fruit of thy ground and in all of your endeavors. This post will be about binding and loosing. Make a prayer for your urgent needs and concerns, and take time to be in Every grave dug for my sake bury your owner, in the name of Jesus. The word bind means to tie or to fasten something tightly, to cohere or cause to cohere in a single mass. Protect and cover them from all these evils, lust, perversions, drugs and addiction, homosexuality, beastiality, molestation, lying, stealing,cursing, and any others I cannot remember that are attached in Jesus mighty name. Vs 16. Behold, He who keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep, Ps. (Women with broken hearts that was never healed, your father was an angry man, Fornication, Sexual Abuse, Incest, Rape, Pornography, Involvement in the Occult are also open doors to Jezebel and Ahab. 0000008574 00000 n I call forth, in the name of Jesus, all of Gods plans and purposes for my life, and my family. Faithfulness Evil Control of Others, Destruction, Unrighteous Judgement, Subversion, Rock Music, Resistance, Christian Rock, Interference, Deceit, Friction, Trickery, Repulse, Betrayal, Defiance, Pride, Aggressiveness, False Love, Scorn, Arrogance, Sorcery, Conniving, Seduction. 4. They began a search for the whole truth that included all that Jesus taught and did. * I declare that we serve the omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent God, who is all complete, all wise, all powerful, universal, whose authority, influence and power is over all things seen, unseen, living and nonliving. 37. Power of grave clothes of lethargy, lukewarness, sleepiness, half-heartedness, slothfulness assigned against me, I dismantle and uproot you by fire, in the name of Jesus. For some reason the Bible equates rebellion with witchcraft. Lord, empty me this day of every satanic element akin to the root of bitterness and fill me with your unspeakable joy, peace and righteousness in the Holy Ghost. 0000007476 00000 n Or not quite right to have a comma. Once one understands the Christians power and authority over demon powers, and the setting in which Jesus himself was casting out devils, it makes it clear that it is in reference to binding the strong man and setting the captives free. The following prayer is a good one to pray before starting the day: Lord, I cover myself and everyone around me with the blood of Jesus. 14. Judgment Let my tithes and offerings increase (Deut 14:22). Once you take the demons out of the picture, you will be able to talk directly to that person without demons whispering in their ears and trying to combat what you are telling them. 0000007997 00000 n Arsenal Prayers of Heaven by John Ramirez. We bind forces of evil, and loose forces of good that we have the power and authority to do so. They have come here to be free, they love Jesus, they belong to Him, you are trespassers, you are interlopers (meddler), your grounds and legal holds have been destroyed and cancelled. 9:00 p.m. to midnight - Second or Middle Watch, Midnight to 3:00 a.m. Third or Middle Watch, 3:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. Fourth or Morning Watch. 16:19 And I will give unto you the keys of the kingdom of heaven and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth, shall be loosed in heaven. 12:11, Eph 6:10-18, 2 Cor 10:3-5, 1 John 4:4-14) (Against Ruler Demons: Hate Ps 64, Gal 5:22-23, 1 Thes 4:8, Prov. Mark 3:27 No man can enter a strongmans and spoil his goods except he will first bind the strongman and then he will spoil his house. Newness 3:5) in this life, PRAISE GOD! Total: {{shoplist.currency}} {{total_price}}. I NOW RENOUNCE AND LOOSE MYSELF, and all my descendants from all evil curses, charms, vexes, spells, jinxes, physic powers, bewitchments, witchcraft, sorcery, fetishes, charms, hexes, vexes, charismatic witchcraft prayers, crystal balls, root works, obeah, white magic, black magic, Haitian witchcraft, American witchcraft, Indian witchcraft, Santeria witchcraft, which may have been put upon me or my family from any physic source or any witchcraft source and in the name of Jesus Christ, I and through the efficacious blood, I order any spirits to leave right now and never return in the name of Jesus.
Alina Boz And Alp Navruz Relationship, Articles A