Studies in African Linguistics Ndinga-Koumba-Binza, H. S. (1993) Splitting the Mora. N. Hyman, L. M. The phonetic differences which exist between closely related languages provide opportunities for testing theories about phonological organisation. In the rest of this section, three of the particular issues of phonetic interest are discussed: the dental/alveolar place contrast, the possible occurrence of articulatorily complex consonants, and the nature of the so-called whistling fricatives. Longer sections of the chapter will be devoted to aspects of laryngeal action in consonants, to the description of clicks and their distribution in Bantu, and to some of the interesting aspects of nasality which occur in these languages. R. , (2007) A Qualitative and Quantitative Study of Zulu Affricates. 8, No. It has since sometimes come to be used for any consonant which has any local lowering effect on pitch or, more accurately, on the fundamental frequency of vocal fold vibration, abbreviated F0, such as an ordinary voiced plosive. , Whistled Fricatives in Southern Bantu. Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies ISBN: Chapter 3 is about the sounds of Bantu languages. Starwalt, C. M. & A Bantu five-vowel system consisting of /i a u/ has been described for Soga JE16 (Nabirye et al. , Journal of the International Phonetic Association & (2015) The Bantoid Languages. In Oxford Handbooks Online. A. (1969) Bantu Lexical Reconstructions. Mbochi C25, which does not have downdrift, still has final lowering due to a L% boundary tone (Rialland & Aborobongui 2016). , 55: 119148. , Faytak, M. Print ISBN: 9781138799677 Meinhof, C. A vertical white dotted line has been added to facilitate comparison between the two images. x & This kind of display closely parallels the traditional auditorily based vowel space based on perceived height and backness values used, for example, in the IPA Handbook (1999), but has the advantage of being based on verifiable measurement. I. Chewa N31b and Tumbuka N21, for instance, do not have focus prosody (Downing 2016). Handbook of African Languages By M. A. Bryan. Journal of the International Phonetic Association (eds. Phonology In these words there is noticeably breathy phonation during part of the consonant and at the vowel onset which is transcribed as []. Cape Town: University of Cape Town, PhD dissertation. However, breathiness is not an invariable accompaniment of depression as had been proposed by Rycroft (1980). Hubbard, K. (1989) Relatrio do I Seminrio sobre a Padronizao da Ortografia de Lnguas Moambicanas. When speakers of these languages come to Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. Nurse, D. Source: Recording made by Peter Ladefoged in 1979 and archived at the UCLA Phonetics Lab Archive (. (1990) Studies in Shona Phonetics: An Analytical Review. P. , 2003). , however, the dorsal burst has a higher amplitude than the anterior click burst. It is found in Malawi, where, since 1968, it has served as the national language; in Mozambique, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. The phonetic realisation of dental and alveolar consonants is dependent on the airstream mechanism. , is appropriate rather than the [i e a o u] preferred by Maganga and Schadeberg (1992). 29(2): 101114. , Bostoen, K. C. 1989, Pongweni 1990). Phonological development of first language isiXhosa-speaking children aged 3;0-6;0 years: A descriptive cross-sectional study. (2015) Mid Vowel Assimilation in siSwati. Languages across the world have unique phonemic systems. (2016) Illustrations of the IPA: Lusoga (Lutenga). Rather, what is critical is that the larynx is lowering during their production, so that the size of the supralaryngeal cavity is being enlarged while the oral closure is maintained. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, 28(3): 176194. Bostoen, K. The book is divided into four sections: I) Introduction, II) Identifying the Bantu Languages, III) Methods of Classification and IV) The Bantu languages Classified. In Reports and Papers, 235264. In (2010) Tongue Body and Tongue Root Shape Differences in Nuu Clicks Correlate with Phonotactic Patterns. For example, the word meaning armpit, transcribed by Mathangwane as [apka], could receive three pronunciations [hakwa] with no labial closure, [hapxa] with a labial stop followed by a fairly long velar fricative, or [hapka] with a sequence of stops with clearly separate releases, as illustrated in Wetzels, L. W. T. 38(4): 604615. Pulleyblank Typically, studies of intonation in Bantu languages tend to look at F0 and duration; measures of intensity and spectral tilt are less often used to identify prosodic cues (Zerbian & Barnard 2008). Abry Tsoutios Figure 3.20 (2006) Just Put Your Lips Together and Blow? (forthcoming) Click Loss and Click Insertion in Fwe. A. Stevick, E. W. Schadeberg, T. C. & (ed. Lee, S. J. , Kerford In Nkuna S53D, Baumbach (1974) indicates that clicks are indifferently pronounced as dental or post-alveolar. (2015) Insights from the Field. Makuya De Wit, G. Naidoo 2007), which is auditorily reminiscent of a lateral click. Figure 3.1 2016). Bloomington: Indiana University, PhD. The Bantu languages are polysyllabic, employ class prefixes, use tone for grammati- cal rather than semantic distinctions, place the genitive after the governing noun, etc. (1999a) Downdrift and Pitch Range in Chichewa Intonation. 74: 1634. In Zulu, for instance, the lexical function is shown in the contrast between yng doctor and yng moon or yl refuse and yl begin. The grammatical function is illustrated in mnt person and mnt it is a person or nghlnz I wash and nghlnz I washing (the participial form). 2010), and in Tswana S31 only for some speakers (Coetzee & Pretorius 2010). In both cases aspects of timing are particularly relevant. Like most linguistic maps, this map represents a somewhat fictitious ethnographic idealisation not corresponding precisely with any exact time or population distribution. O. ), Intonation in African Tone Languages, 167194. Gieseke, S. Pienaar K. B. , with no difference in meaning. Gunnink Among phoneticians, the Bantu languages have a reputation as not having many interesting features, with the exception of the clicks introduced in some languages of the southern area. Seifert Voll, R. Sells & Bennett, W. G. Figure 3.27 Valle (2016) Stem-Initial Accent and C-Emphasis Prosody in North-Western Bantu. Thomas, K. Whistling fricatives are very rare cross-linguistically, but they do occur in Mozambican Portuguese (Ashby & Barbosa 2011), clearly due to the influence of Bantu languages. (1971) Comparative Bantu: An Introduction to the Comparative Linguistics and Prehistory of the Bantu languages. (1998) Thimbukushu Grammar. | Cookies Narayanan Goesche South African Journal of African Languages 2(1): 5172. Velarised diphthongs occur in Aghem, a Grassfields Bantu languages of the Ring group, where they have seemingly resulted from an intrusive consonantal gesture (Faytak 2013). Phonetica There is a raising process in Xhosa S41, which results in higher variants of /e o/ when /i u/ occur in the next syllable. (1996) Phonetics, Phonology and Rhetorical Structuring of Chichewa. & Y. There is evidence for post-nasal fortition rather than devoicing in the Ngwato S31c variety (Gouskova et al. . | Contact us | Help & FAQs Paper presented at the 32nd Annual Conference on African Linguistics. (eds. F. The chapter is organised into sections on vowels, consonants and prosody. In Tswana S31, declarative sentences are primarily marked by penultimate lengthening and a reduced or devoiced final vowel (Zerbian 2016). Tervuren: Royal Museum for Central Africa (Available online at. Leipzig: F.A. Lee-Kim, S.-I. UCLA Working Papers in Phonetics (eds. 1987). , Berkeley Linguistics Society Monakas detailed study combines acoustic data with data about larynx height and vocal fold vibrations obtained using a laryngograph. Journal of Phonetics LINGUISTICS: The Languages of Africa. Joseph H. Greenberg - AnthroSource , Myers, S. The closures overlap for 100 ms, until frame 140. , 2: 6697. Figure 3.13 (eds. Los Angeles: UCLA Department of Linguistics (Available online at. Martin In each case the putatively [ATR] vowel has a substantially higher first formant (hence a lower position on the chart) than its harmonic counterpart. UCLA Working Papers in Phonetics Note that the tongue tip is on the right and the tongue root on the left, the reverse of the images in Figure 3.6. A.-M. Soga JE16 follows this pattern, as shown in the palatograms in (2008) Shekgalagari Grammar: A Descriptive Analysis of the Language and its Vocabulary. Duke, D. J. Downing, L. J. (2015) An Acoustic Study of Luganda Liquid Allophones. J. The Bantu Languages, 2019. Sock, R. Montlahuc Barbosa Schadeberg In the Ngwato S31c variety of Tswana S31, ejectives are weak and are sometimes lenited, with loss of ejection: /t k/ ~ [t kx] (Gouskova et al. London: Gregg. Laine These frames also illustrate the retraction of the tongue tip which occurs just before release of this click type. 2011: 2127). Broken vertical lines indicate the five points in time corresponding to the rtMRI images shown in the bottom row. Diachronica For this reason it is possible to examine on a general basis certain features of the class system of these languages that is involved in the use of concord. (2010) More on Post-Nasal Devoicing: The Case of Shekgalagari. (1996) Notes on Unencoded Speech: Clicks and Their Accompaniments in Xhosa. , Poulos, G. Doke, C. M. H. A. Van de Velde and . Odden, D. In South-East Bantu languages, three contrastive click types are found, and probably no more than seven accompaniments are used. Fulop, S. A. You can find out more in our Privacy Policy. South African Journal of African Languages compares the pitch contours of the Swati S43 words /lhl/ aloe and /lhl/ harrow, where / / is a diacritic to mark the fact that the consonant is a depressor in the second word. Lyon: Universit Lyon 2, thse de doctorat. Stewart, J. M. The word papyrus may also be articulated with a velar stop in place of the click [rukoma], as seen in Paper presented at Special Workshop on Areal Features and Linguistic Reconstruction, 47th Annual Conference on African Linguistics, 2326 March, 2016, University of California, Berkeley. 4: 85165. In Some speakers of Southern Ndebele S407 have a reduced click inventory (Schulz & Laine 2016). Hyman, L. M. due to male/female differences in formant range. Miller, A. 31(1): 149. 46(2): 297305. C. G. Peak negative pressure in the three click types of Zulu S42 means for voiceless clicks in three vowel environments spoken by three speakers. In (1970) Eastern Shona: A Comparative Dialect Study. Muravjeva ), Handbook of Click Languages. Vers une reconstruction du proto-A80. Gick, B. (2015) Liko Phonology and Grammar. you are agreeing to our use of cookies. Most Bantu languages are reported as having two series of plosives, voiced and voiceless, and this follows the Proto-Bantu reconstruction of Meeussen (1967). Clark Figure 3.13 Premire Partie: Grammaires Soubiya et Louyi. , (1990) Shona Velarization: Complex Consonants or Complex Onsets? ), Namibian Languages. Bokamba, E. G. New York: Routledge. , Belo Horizonte: CEFALA. & The Kalanga S16 vowel pairs transcribed /i e/ and /u o/, which are acoustically equally as high as the Vove B305 pairs, differ in both F1 and F2. 3: 19811984. (1974) Introduction to the Speech Sounds and Speech Sound Changes of Tsonga. Fehn The last of these was often described as palatal in older literature. Abstract Professor Guthrie's Comparative Bantu is so impressive in its general layout, so rich in data and so rigorous in its techniques that it constitutes, after such contributions as those of. Limanski This gesture may become associated with any class of consonants and thus is capable of becoming itself an independent phonological entity deployed for grammatical effect as in the depression without depressors described by Traill (1990). Byrd Figure 3.10 Based on shared characteristics and on territorial contiguity, Guthrie grouped the Bantu languages into 15 geographical (and partly genetical) zones. The paper . Oxford; Cambridge: Blackwell. In this variety, lexical stems are marked by a strong tendency for V1 and V2 to be identical except if V2 is /a/, when /i a o u/ are all relatively common as V1, but /e / are not. Maddieson, I. the most detailed study of click production in a Bantu language to date. Africana Linguistica Stanford: Center for the Study of Language and Information (CSLI), Stanford University. , Nathan Equally, voiced segments such as nasals and approximants may contrast in depression (Traill & Jackson 1988, Wright & Shryock 1993, Mathangwane 1998). & Clem Waveform and spectrogram of the middle syllable of the Fwe K402 word [ruoma] papyrus, spoken by a different male speaker than in ), The Khoesan Languages, 435444. Roux, J. C. The East Ruvu Bantu Expand 1 PDF Studies in African Linguistics Volume 50 Number 2, 2021. Firstly, it allows the amplitude of vocal fold vibration to increase during the closure, giving a particularly strong percept of voicing at the time of the release. Y. PDF To appear in The Oxford Guide to the Bantu Languages | Terms & conditions. 2005, Allwood et al. , Africana Linguistica Language Sciences Demolin, D. In (2010) Work on Spoken (Multimodal) Corpora in South Africa. There are several ways of indicating the same click following IPA principles, e.g., /, , / are equivalent ways of representing a voiced (post-)alveolar click. Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies (1987), we understand true depression to consist of a special laryngeal posture consistent with very low pitch co-produced with the consonant it is associated with. ), Studies in Compensatory Lengthening. As Boyer, O. This is also the pattern predicted by computational models of vowel system structure from Liljencrants and Lindblom (1972) to Schwartz et al. Figure 3.11 The Bantu Languages of Africa. The white horizontal lines indicate the width of the maximum constriction. 31: 179198. & The relative timing and durations of velar and front closures deduced from acoustic and aerodynamic data are graphed in (2014) Chain Shifts, Strident Vowels, and Expanded Vowel Spaces. Waveform and spectrogram of the middle syllable of the Fwe K402 word [ruoma] papyrus, spoken by a male speaker. J. C. & Mean formant values of the 10 surface vowels for one speaker are plotted in It is estimated that some 300 to 350 million people, or one in three Africans, are Bantu speakers. Tonga M64 has long vowels but does not show any compensatory lengthening before NC. Vowel harmony in Africa often involves the independent use of pharyngeal cavity size, that is, adjustments of pharynx volume which cannot be accounted for as a function of the height and frontness of the tongue body (see Ladefoged & Maddieson 1996 for discussion). Klner Afrikawissenschaftlichen Nachwuchstagung (KANT I), 119. The first frame, numbered 0, is close to the time that velar closure is first made, as detected from the accompanying acoustic record. Bantu - McGill University Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. (1981) Concise SiSwati Dictionary: SiSwati-English/English-SiSwati. Table 3.1 Older accounts of Southern Sotho S33 describe both post-alveolar or sub-laminal retroflex articulations (Doke 1923: 713, 1926: 301). (1995) Language Contact and Language Change: The Case for chiTumbuka in Northern Malawi. Heerbaart (2009) On Pitch Lowering Not Linked to Voicing: Nguni and Shona Group Depressors. Yaound: SIL Cameroon. Cologne: Rdiger Kppe. This coding system has become the standard for identifying Bantu languages; it was the only practical way to distinguish many ambiguously named languages before the introduction of ISO 639-3 coding, and it continues to be widely used. T. J. P. The fragment marked B has voiceless oral airflow, with resonances similar to those of the following /a/ vowel. Hyman, L. M. In Thomas-Vilakatis study, inserts with 96 electrodes were used, together with software allowing a sweep of the contact patterns to be made every 10 ms. In Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. Mbalangwe K401 has clicks, but whether it is a sociolect of Subiya K42 (Maho 1998: 51) or of Yeyi (Baumbach 1997: 307) is unclear. Areas north of Swati S43 and east of Ndebele S44 with grey patterns show the S10, S50 and S61 zones where clicks have been sporadically attested. (2015) The phonological systems of the Mbam languages of Cameroon with a focus on vowels and vowel harmony. In Blench, R. (1970) The Augment in the Bantu languages. Baumbach, E. J. M. Hyman 19(1): 119. , Roux Hualde & Because the insert does not cover the soft palate, this closure cannot be observed on the EPG record at this time. Clicks in the South-East cluster were borrowed from Khoe and possibly also from Taa and Kxa languages into Nguni S40 (Louw 2013, Pakendorf et al. For instance, /u/ and /o/ are produced as the lower and more centralised vowels [] and [], respectively (Duke & Martin 2012: 220). & N. M. While the deviations from the "pure" type are recognized, this typological method is the chief one utilized in untangling the complex African linguistic situation. Thoughts Prompted by Bilabial and Labiodental Fricatives. Zulu, for example, has nine pairs of singular and plural prefixes. Thus a High after a depressor begins considerably lower than a Low elsewhere. , J. C. In Rialland (eds. Figure 3.29 Downing, L. J. A. Louw, 5991. Cologne: Rdiger Kppe. (eds. (2011) Perceived Vowel Duration in Civili: Minimal Pairs and the Effect of Post-Vocalic Voicing. See Proctor et al. (PDF) Comparative Bantu: Test cases for method - ResearchGate Ladefoged, P. Downing, L. J. 2007, Miller et al. In Mwiini G412, however, long vowels may surface on the penult or antepenult and only occur word-initially in loanwords (Kisseberth & Abasheikh 2004: xvii). B. Journal of Phonetics ] and to be invariably long. Figure 3.4 The book discusses the phonetic and morphological characteristics of these 2 zones and a classification of the groups, clusters and dialects is provided. A. Rialland As a rough rule of thumb, vowels with a first formant lower than 400 Hz may be considered high vowels in a female voice. Ishihara The Structure of a Bantu Language with Special Reference to Swahili, or Form and Function through Bantu Eyes Author(s): E. O. Ashton Source: Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies, University of London, Vol. and Pharyngeals have developed from velars in other Niger-Congo languages. Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies 36: 721734. 59: 150179. L. , Examples of the Rwanda JD61 strengthening of an underlying /u/ or /w/ into a velar stop after a non-homorganic nasal or stop are illustrated by the spectrograms in (PDF) Bantu Lexical Reconstruction - ResearchGate Shah 2(4): 685729. Meynadier The members of the high vowel pairs /i / and /u / in Vove B305 have virtually the same second formant values as each other and differ only in F1. Traill, A. F. A monumental four-volume classification of Bantu languages, Comparative Bantu (196771), which was written by Malcolm Guthrie, has become the standard reference book used by most scholarsincluding those who disagree with Guthries proposed classification, which sets up a basic western and eastern division in Bantu languages with a further 13 subdivisions. , (1967) Bantu Grammatical Reconstructions. (1999) Ikalanga Phonetics and Phonology: A Synchronic and Diachronic Study. The Xhosa S41 voiced clicks are breathy or slack voiced (Jessen & Roux 2002) and may even be devoiced (Maphalala et al. The gesture is also timed differently from ordinary labialisation in that it covers the fricative duration rather than being primarily realised as an offglide; hence whistling fricatives can themselves be labialised in their release phase. (1997) Aspects of Yeyi Diachronic Phonology. De Blois, K. F. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, retrieved from. For example, Myers (1999b) shows that syntactically unmarked yes/no questions are characterised by a slower rate of pitch declination than statements. 1989: 54). In M. (2014) The whistled Fricative in Xitsonga: Its Articulation and Acoustics. Exter The context-free liberty to vary place of articulation of clicks in some Bantu languages is rarely encountered with other classes of consonants. , & , . Determine their location, language, culture, and place in society in their country/region. ), Nasals, Nasalization and the Velum, 251301. & The F1 averages of // and // in Mbam languages is typically higher than that of /e/ and /o/. In the Shona S10 group, clicks have only been reported to occur in midlands varieties of Kalanga S16 and in the Ndau S15 variety in Mozambique (Borland 1970, Mkanganwi 1972, Afido et al. This is the mean across three speakers, two male and one female. Soquet These closely related languages have been argued to violate a constraint against voiceless stops after nasals. The total number of Bantu languages is estimated at between 440 and 680 distinct languages . (2002) The Use of Ultrasound for Linguistic Phonetic Fieldwork. Cologne: Rdiger Kppe. These languages have some prosodic features different from English, not widely discussed in the literature. Maputo: Universidade Eduardo Mondlane. Click loss is an on-going process in Chopi (Bailey 1995) and in Imusho Fwe (Gunnink forthcoming). Southern Sotho S33 only has a single click type which may vary in place. Summary. See Hyman (1999) for more details on historical reconstruction and complications. (2012) Introducing Kwasio Pharyngealized Vowels. 17: 331. Verhoeven (1914) La langue Thonga. Olson, K. S. & 32(1): 97111. Another feature of interest is the presence of a cross-linguistically rare contrast between nasalised and oral glottal approximants (/h/ and /h/) found in Kwangali K33 (Ladefoged & Maddieson 1996: 132). Cole, J. S. In Traill, A. A. C. An interesting issue is therefore whether the Bantu languages, particularly those with seven or more vowels, make use of the ATR feature in this phonetic sense. & Certain more complex patterns, such as those noted by Hombert (1990) in Fang A75, and by Roux (1995) in Xhosa S41, may require a more elaborate model. Dombrowsky-Hahn, K. ), Advances in African Linguistics, 265280. , Post-nasal stops are devoiced in Kgalagari S311 (Sol et al. Pater (Nabirye et al. Ian Maddieson Other studies of coarticulation in Bantu languages have not looked at voicing contrasts (Manuel 1987, Beddor et al. Pharyngealised vowels occur in a few other Bantu languages including Gyele A801 (Blench 2011) and Jarawan Bantu (Rueck et al. Table 3.3 An interesting process of intensification of secondary articulations into obstruents occurs, inter alia, in Rwanda JD61 (Jouannet 1983) and Shona S10 (Doke 1931a). Rice E. Bradfield, J. The Classification of African Languages Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. In Kalanga S16, on the other hand, the vowels are crowded into the upper part of the vowel space, with the front pair in particular being very close together. Elordieta Andy Kgler (1998) Aspirates: Their Development and Depression in Ikalanga. Elderkin MALCOLM The Classification of the Bantu Languages. Press; London, New In the five-vowel system of Xhosa S41, for example, /e o/ are genuinely mid in character. B. Paulian, C. Proctor, M. (1986) Compensatory Lengthening and Consonant Gemination in Luganda. 36(2): 193232. Campbell A. (1945) A Preliminary Study of the Lexicological Influence of the Nguni Languages on Southern Sotho. Areas in black on the map represent the geographical distribution of languages with large click inventories, and areas in grey represent smaller click inventories. (1987) Acoustic and Perceptual Consequences of Vowel-to-Vowel Coarticulation in Three Bantu Languages. Haacke, W. H. G. Figure 3.21 Cibelli, E. Miller, A. & (1970b) Comparative Bantu: An Introduction to the Comparative Linguistics and Prehistory of the Bantu languages. Contour tones may be restricted to heavy syllables. The accompaniment refers to all the other aspects of the click: laryngeal action and timing, nasal coupling, and the location (uvular or velar) and manner of release (abrupt or affricated) of the back closure. Parkinson DOI link for The Bantu Languages of Africa. (eds. The Bantu Languages of Africa | Handbook of African Languages | M. A. 36(1): 6792. 26(1): 314. Figure 3.17 Languages of the North-West, the Eastern coastal area and the South-East often have at least one implosive, most frequently a bilabial, but implosives are generally absent in the languages of the Congo basin and the South-West. (2016b) Introduction. 33(4): 427446. (eds. 46(2): 255274. Malden: Wiley-Blackwell. An unusual VOT contrast between partially voiced plosives and fully voiced stops, possibly implosives, has been described in Bekwel A85b (Cheucle 2014: 287) and the Kanincin variety of Ruwund L53 (Demolin 2015: 495). Co-occurrence restrictions of a harmonic nature between vowels, very typical of sub-Saharan African languages, are quite commonly found in Bantu languages, though often limited in extent, e.g., only applying in certain morphological contexts, such as between verb roots and extensions. Rialland (2003) F0 Timing in Kinyarwanda. (2015) The Phonetic Basis of a Phonological Pattern: Depressor Effects of Prenasalized Consonants. ), Le kinyarwanda (langue bantu du Rwanda): tudes linguistiques, 5573. In Mpiemo A86c, implosives have a slight rise in F0 before the onset of a following vowel while voiced plosives have a sharp dip in F0 (Nagano-Madsen & Thornell 2012). P. Nagano-Madsen, Y. Rueck, M. J. ), Turbulent Sounds: An Interdisciplinary Guide, 245279. This process does not result in double articulations that are almost totally overlapped, as in labial-velars, but sequential articulations which are overlapped either not at all or no more than is typical of sequences such as /tk/ or /pk/ in English words like fruitcake or hopkiln. On the other hand, it does produce rather unusual consonant sequences in onset positions. M. (eds. & Some of this diversity may be disguised by the widespread use of simplifying transcriptions and orthographies which normalise away variation within and between languages or underrepresent distinctions. (PDF) Modern Democracy and Traditional Bantu Governance: Towards an Pretorius (1980) Nasale suivie de consonne sourde en proto-bantu. Access English Franais Africa Afido, P. Louw, J. Pretorius & (eds. 5: 105111. The special phonetic interest of consonantal nasality in the Bantu languages involves principally the prenasalised segments and the realisation of voiceless nasals. (1985) Le kesukuma (langue bantoue de Tanzanie): phonologie, morphologie. South African Journal of African Languages (1969) Tone in Bantu. These studies also address several issues in the relation between intonation and tone. Shosted, R. K. & Zhu P. J. C. (1970a) Comparative Bantu: An Introduction to the Comparative Linguistics and Prehistory of the Bantu languages. As these show, the first segment is released before the closure for the second is formed. London: Gregg International. Figure 3.6 Air pressure in the oral cavity is measured in relation to the ambient atmospheric pressure in hectoPascals (hPa, equivalent to the pressure required to support 1 cm of water).
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