6. He just reminded them that what you have in Christ is far greater than anything on this earth materially that you will have. The 2 nd century Church bishop and . What is in the way of my listening to God? Be thankful that He did this that He died for us. He was faithful until death and he lost his physical life, but he gained so much more which brings us to the fifth reminder to help us suffer well. released through Familius Publishing in 2020. He is an enemy who will stop at nothing. They had sufferings to overcome and learn from, but most chose to run the course their way and tarnish His Way. How would these verses encourage you to persevere in the midst of tribulation and suffering? You are too good. So, they were persecuted for that. Undoubtedly, the church of Smyrna could have justified any syncretistic actions to preserve their livelihood and lives by proof texted scripture or by claiming that their compromise was for the greater good of tolerance, love, and grace. Spend some time thanking Jesus for what He endured for us. They said you make light of that then we will burn you at the stake! The Jews who hated him gathered the wood for the fire. 2. The first death means when we physically die and then go into eternity for rewards and to wait for the resurrection and the everlasting life. He has witnessed their continual affliction and the slander theyve suffered from those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan. The fact that these hardships have not escaped their Saviors attention surely would have strengthened the Body and served as a loving reminder of Jesuss abiding presence. Father, I pray that we would be people who suffer well, who would please you in a way that we handle anything that comes up. Even if these believers face death at the hand of the persecutors, it is not the end for them. However, Jesus wanted to remind them that their sufferings would anoint them for a Christlike death and burial that could only result in an eternal resurrected life. I was with another student, another medical technology student, and I noticed that this lady had very little to do with me. I went into her office and I said you know I just wanted to ask you a question. Why does God allow Satan to bring tribulation in our lives if God is ultimately in control? Which attributes of God most comfort you in the midst of trials and why? 5. Pt 2, Kingdom 103: Student or Disciple of the Kingdom? Judging from the characteristics of his appearance, Fuming gave him a very good impression now arctic diet pills Shuerjia can only keto fuel pills review form his first impression based on his appearance. Many believe that this church represents the martyrs of all the ages and the sweet-smelling fragrance of their faithfulness until death. That is the doctrine or the view of annihilation of hell. Appreciation for this transcription work goes to Marilyn Fine. I want that kind of prayer life. But then we would always say, I dont want to go through what they went through. You see, the road to getting there is through suffering. He died for one reason: his unyielding faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Thus, it is not that much of a stretch or even a job relocation to be a church of Satan, since we are already such a place. Ch 1 pt 3, Kingdom 104: Masculine-Minded Men of the Kingdom Government Pt 1, Kingdom 104: Masculine-Minded Men of the Kingdom Government Pt 2, Kingdom 104: The Benefits of Understanding the Simplicity of the Kingdom, Kingdom 104: The Benefits of Discernment, The Kingdom Is the Crux of the Problem Pt 1, The Kingdom Is the Crux of the Problem Pt 2. WEALTHY WITHOUT WEALTH In the church Ephesus, the Lords finds a decay of first love, in Smyrna, we see Him voiding Satan's malice to restore the former freshness. 7 Richards, L., The Teacher's Commentary (Wheaton: Victor Books, 1987), 1075. They would tell us about their relationship with the Lord and they would tell us about the things they had endured during the Cultural Revolution because of their faith in Christ. Annette has also written curriculum for character growth and development of elementary-age children and has developed parent training seminars to benefit the community. What Is the Abomination of Desolation in the End Times? Satan is the ultimate enemy. They would be thrown into prison probably for the purpose of forcing them to worship the Roman emperor. If we are going to suffer well, the first thing we have to remember is that Jesus Christ is the ultimate victor. I sat outside and prayed. Thank you for being that ultimate victor who won victory over death so we might have life eternal. Copyright 2002-2023 Got Questions Ministries. Maybe you have a financial issue. It is a synagogue of Satan. Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him; do not fret because of him who prospers in his way, because of the man who carries out wicked schemes. - Psalm 37:7. We need to be ready to stay firm and to stand and resist his attacks. All rights reserved. Christ not only knew their hearts, but He spoke to this flock using language and terms that held deep personal meaning for them. Ch 1 Pt 1, Kingdom 104: Where Are the Masculine-Thinking Men? They are for us to give back to Him. Do not be afraid. The trials that you are going to go through will be brief. But instead, through their surrendered lives, the Holy Spirit empowered the Smyrnaean Christians to choose spiritual wealth over worldly gain. What two instructions did Jesus give them concerning the upcoming tribulation? Like myrrh, produced by crushing a fragrant plant, the church at Smyrna, crushed by persecution, gave off a fragrant aroma of faithfulness to God.2. List reasons why those Jews were not considered real Jews in Jesus eyes. Is the Apocalypse Mentioned in the Bible? Right now, I hate this woman. So, I got up the next morning before dawn and I took a walk. I just thought, you have no idea.. When fear grips the human heart, and our very life is threatened, nothing can bring tranquility like faith in Him who is both the first and the last.3. How have you seen God use trials and suffering in your life? 3. The problem was that it bugged them that I did not drink. How does the fact that Jesus knows your pain and feels your pain help you persevere in times of trials and confusion? I cried and I prayed and I said, God, I do not think I can do this. Because I was on staff here and was one of the instructors, I had to go to all the parties, all the festivities, and all the graduation dinners. The members of the Smyrna church, though, are facing persecution because they are more focused on what God thinks than what man thinks. Kingdom 103: Student or Disciple of the Kingdom? He knows the suffering that you are going through. The Cross And Separation From The World (1 Peter 4:1-6), 7. 2:8-11. (Notice the similarities to the description of Christ in 1:17-18). Pt 3. Laodicea (Revelation 3:14-22) Perhaps the most well-known of the seven letters addresses the church in Laodicea. It is like Sally and I were saying this morning. It is emphatic in the Greek. Most American Christians today will not be called to die a martyrs death. 10. The city rivaled Ephesus in grandeur and influence. We can have confidence as believers that we will spend eternity with God and not face the second death. Ask God to strengthen your faith so that you can endure the suffering in your own life more victoriously. How does this ruin a church? As with all Jesuss letters to the seven churches, His letter to Smyrna ends on a note that invites every Believer, in every age, to hear and receive these important messages. But, we are going to experience suffering on this earth without doubt. Why are these blaspheming Jews referred to as a synagogue of Satan? One source is they were under constant pressure from the government to worship the Roman emperor because, you see, the city of Smyrna was a strong ally of Rome. If they sought praise from menif they wanted to please the people around themthey would not be so readily targeted for persecution. Life is not going so great. What does He mean when he refers to their being rich in the midst of poverty? 8. Jesus was reminding these suffering Christians in Smyrna who may be facing death in the near future. The pressure came with these students. He wants to discourage us. I have heard it said and I put this up on the screen to help you, If you are born twice, you will only die once. If you are born physically and then later you are born spiritually, you will only die once and that will be when you die physically, (unless the Lord comes back, in which case you would not die at all). The people loved the Roman government because it was strong. He does not want us to move toward spiritual revival. How would Jesus words in Luke 12:4-7 encourage someone about to suffer for his faith? In verses 10 and 11, he makes two promises. He fled briefly and then they caught him and he did not run that time. They cannot coexist. She said, Janene, lets just get down on our knees. I know your afflictions and your povertyyet you are rich!Followers of Jesus living in Smyrna were seen as a cult and persecuted by the hostile Roman empire. Judaism It was mighty. ATTOM AVM; Home Equity Data . Her passion is to help wanderers find home. We need to look beyond the pain and look for that purpose that He wants to accomplish in our life. And He genuinely cares about what happens to His children. He will do anything to stop good things that God is doing. He has always existed. But we do experience our own pressures, suffering, and afflictions. Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you life as your victors crown.(Revelation 2:8-10). Laodicea lay in Phrygia's Lycus Valley, ten miles west of Colosse and six miles south of Hierapolis. Home values, sales prices, taxes, school data, and more. I went in and I just said, God I do not think I can do this. SmyrnaThe Suffering Church (Revelation 2:8-11) Christians in developed countries today think little about being persecuted for their faith, but there are churches in the world where oppression is a daily reality. He casts us in the fires of trial in order to refine us and strengthen our character. All they had to do was burn a pinch of incense and say Caesar is lord, but many of the Christians refused to do so. You do not need to fear or worry about the future! Anytime there is a sense of spiritual awakening or spiritual revival or the sense of the spirit of God moving in lives I will tell you, it makes Satan scream. I have felt his warfare. Description. The Bible tells us that. We need to be on guard and we need to commit to pray for the church for the leaders. She would not teach me. How would you encourage someone who is being persecuted for his faith or going through a tough time? Do not fear. Editor's Note: a lightly edited transcription of the attached audio file will be found at the end of this originally written daily study guide. She would totally ignore me. 3. How does this fact strengthen your faithfulness? My exhortation for us with this is that we should be thankful. What season of life are you in today? I want to begin by asking you a question. I wish I had more time to go into detail of his story. What was Jesus message to the church in Laodicea in Revelation. He is not just a Savior and/or best Friend; He gives us life, holds our lives, and will judge our lives. I had not ever said anything about the Lord to her. Kingdom 103: Trusting in Mankind While Believing in God's Word? Do not be afraid of what you are about to suffer. The Letters to the Seven Churches of Asia in Their Local Setting by Colin Hemer. Maybe you are in a season that everything is going great and you are just loving life. How can I be changed, so I can learn and grow? You are so in love with the Lord. I was doing an internship in medical technology at Baton Rouge General Hospital. The first thing He tells them is be fearless. We became great friends. He is the overcomer and it says here in Revelation 2:11. God asks us to be conquerors and faithful witnesses to whom and what He is! 2. It would protect them. Be encouraged as you study the message sent to this church. They will suffer and be tormented for a period of time, but it will not be for eternity because it says the second death. Life was hard for these Christians. 5 Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest, June 25. Ironically, our sufferings are far less of a venture and sentence than our poor choices. Kingdom 102: Kingdom of Light or Darkness? I wanted to hurt her and I wanted her to go to hell. Mailing address: Kingdom Citizens, 1027 S Pendleton St Suite B-242 Easley, SC 29642, Kingdom Concepts: Understanding Religion Part 1, Kingdom Concepts: Understanding Religion Part 2, Past Tragedies In History While Seeking the Kingdom, The Contrasts Between a Kingdom and a Democracy, Christ's Message Was on His Kingdom, It's What He Preached, The Kingdom of God Versus The Government of Man, Understanding the Kingdom Concept of Territory, The Name Christian Is Neither God Sent Nor God Given, The Unshakable Kingdom and Unchanging Person, Everything That God Created Has Potential, Being Obedient, Is Much More Important Than Sacrifice, How Did We Lose the Gospel of the Kingdom? What does it mean to be faithful until death? Is it fire, is it brimstone, is it gnashing of teeth? A person spends 35 pence from a small stall. Of course, all the other med techs are sitting there pretending like they were not listening. I do believe that hell is a literal place. 3. He does not like it and he will unleash his wrath on this church or any group of believers because he does not want you to grow. If I am trusting God then I should not be afraid. Are you a God pleaser more than a people pleaser? Others were taken to the Coliseum and fed to angry, hungry lions. First, we serve a God who knows, sees, and is with us through every fiery trial and dark night (Isaiah 43:2). Do you ever feel that way that you are under that kind of pressure that it is just going to suffocate you? She went on and on and on and I was dumbfounded. The ultimate reward is life. How can you better realize the fact that our trials will be limited and temporary? Give it to the Lord, trust His hand, and look ahead to the blessings that await you eternally. Some of the first schools of science and medicine were founded in Smyrna, and on the beautiful slopes of Mount Pagos, the city erected a theater that sat twenty thousand people; the ruins of the theatre are still visible today. Even after I left to go on staff of Campus Crusade, she wrote me while I was in ministry. We will become lifesavers, thrown to those who are drowning. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. Jesus gives them two instructions in verse 10 as to how to handle this impending suffering. If they kill you, they just ended your physical life. The second instruction He gives them is to be faithful until death. I believe it is something so horrible that it is hard to describe in words. If so, how is that evident in your life? Smyrna was a hotbed for pagan worship. She came in and I said, Good morning, how are you doing? That is according to I Corinthians 3:13-14 which talks about that approval, that standing before him, to be evaluated for our works. And just like myrrh requires crushing to release the sweet perfume of its fragrance, the church at Smyrna would continue to be crushed through adversity. The words of Jesus to the church in Smyrna in Revelation 2:8-11 offer insight into the life of a first-century congregation, and there are many applications for today's believers. At first, the emperors did not want anything to do with it, but by the time Domitian became the Roman emperor, he made it mandatory that all citizens would worship the emperor or face death. How can the fact that Jesus knows us more intimately that we can imagine, and desires us to be in Him strengthen your faithfulness? In Revelation, the Apostle John records Jesuss address to seven churches in Asia Minor. Another kind of pressure they were under was a pressure to worship the pagan gods and goddesses. It reads, You will not in any way be hurt by the second death. As a believer, you do have eternal life and He is saying you may suffer the first death, you may die physically, but you will never die again. . I was going in the next morning and I was going to tell this lady that she was going to hell and I was going to celebrate that she was going. 6. Well, Smyrna lay 40 miles almost due north of Ephesus. She used the Word of God to just muzzle me. It would be fine if they just left me alone. What causes a Christian to become belligerent against Christ and a church to turn on one another, forsaking their call and duty? They cannot coexist. Just trust the One who holds your life in His hands. Jesus Christ is the eternal God. He is with us fully. by David C. Grabbe Forerunner, "Prophecy Watch," January 2, 2009 . The church at Smyrna was to undergo some intense persecution and tribulation. Even Jesuss greeting to the church reveals His loving, personal care. It was exceptionally wealthy. According to Revelation 4:9-11, what are crowns ultimately for? 2 Corinthians 4:4, http://www.churchleadership.org/apps/articles/default.asp?blogid=0&view=post&articleid=43133&link=1&fldKeywords=&fldAuthor=&fldTopic=0, http://www.churchleadership.org/apps/articles/default.asp?blogid=0&url=10&view=post&articleid=43139&link=1&fldKeywords=&fldAuthor=&fldTopic=0, http://www.churchleadership.org/apps/articles/default.asp?blogid=0&url=10&view=post&articleid=43138&link=1&fldKeywords=&fldAuthor=&fldTopic=0, http://www.churchleadership.org/apps/articles/default.asp?blogid=0&url=10&view=post&articleid=43137&link=1&fldKeywords=&fldAuthor=&fldTopic=0. 6. Satan does not want believers to study the book of Revelation because he does not want you to know your eternal hope. Ancient coin inscriptions describe Smyrna as first of Asia in size and beauty, and The Ornament of Asia.. She would not spend one minute helping me, somebody who had thrown their life away believing in this fantasy of Jesus Christ. This article is part of our larger End Times Resource Library. The church at Smyrna was to undergo some intense persecution and tribulation. Ephesus is the first of the seven letters. Why are they treading on dangerous ground? Garlands of victory were bestowed only to the highest achieving athletes. Because they did they were considered to be unpatriotic traitors: you do not love Rome. Thus they were tortured. They, and the zealot Jewish leaders, hated Christians and prohibited them from working, buying, or selling, any time they got a chance. 7. It is like going to a birthday party without a present to give to the host. What is in the way of these precepts affecting me? Consider this: when we are independent from Christ in our personal lives and in running our churches, we are forsaking and opposing Him. He is the One who overcame life and death for our benefit, and when we seek to run His church our way, we embarrass and dishonor Him and His Way. Another warning for us is do not let him use you. . Most of us will never die for our faith and I hope we do not. My human flesh cries out and I will do everything I can to avoid it. Well, the first type of suffering they were going through is pressure. He knows exactly what you are going through. The Essential Inductive Questions (for more Inductive questions see Inductive Bible Study): 1. As I said in your study this week that fear and trust are opposites. Faith and fear are opposites. Olympian games were held in Smyrna. An aspect of maturity is being slow to respond to accusation-as our Lord did. She began to just blast me for my faith. We need to look for that end result. He knows what you are feeling. The second death will be eternal separation from God in torment. As a matter of fact, she began to teach me. There was coming another form of suffering and that is prison in verse 10: Behold, the devil is about to cast some of you into prison, so that you will be tested, and you will have tribulation for 10 days. You and I and our congregation may not be a Smyrna church just now. The Eastern Orthodox Church, also called the Orthodox Church, officially the Orthodox . But believers need not to fear death, because it will only result in their receiving a crown of life. How does knowing that Christ, the Creator and Lord of the universe, approves you help you cope with "feeble mortals" telling you dishonorable things? So, how is He involved in your church? 1. Property Reports > U.S. > Georgia > Cobb County > Smyrna > 30080 > Church St > 975 . It was one of the chief cities of Roman-dominated Asia and competed with places such as Pergamos and Ephesus for the title "First City of Asia." Some Jews, like the Sadducees, believed this was annihilation (John 5:28-29; Rev. I want that kind of depth. Second, in a lesson especially relevant for todays Western Christians, Jesus praised the church at Smyrna for choosing poverty over compromise. Tina said, you know Crickett, or at that time I was Janene. 6 Stott, What Christ Thinks of the Church, 43. We try to go it alone when Christ is beckoning us to trust in Him, go His Way, and give our fears to Him. The characteristics of the church as seen in verses 9-10 are its tribulation and poverty and the insidious existence of a synagogue of Satan. The one who is victorious will not be hurt at all by the second death. (Revelation 2:11). This was a message meant to encourage them in light of what they were facing presently and were about to face in the future. It's incumbent on us to listen up and give heed to what the Holy Spirit is saying to the churches. As a matter of fact, He promises us that if you are a believer, you will face suffering and you will have some persecution in your life (2 Tim. Whether it is because of our faith or whether it is because He wants to deepen our faith, we will suffer. He is talking about that kind of pressure that comes from when you take a heavy rock and you put it on someones chest and you press down on their chest with all your force so that it suffocates the person. Why is it that when we seek to run "His" church "our" way, we embarrass and dishonor Him and His Way? 2006 R. J. Krejcir Ph.D. Do not be afraid. He does not want you to go deeper in Gods Word. John was then to send the divine dictation to the seven churches: to Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea. (Revelation 1:11). How do our stubbornness, recklessness, and selfishness contribute to a church's dysfunction? Its system of coinage was old, and now about the city coins of every period are found. Get our Question of the Week delivered right to your inbox! 1.2 Name. She read, He was oppressed and He was afflicted, yet He did not open His mouth. (NIV). They were hated. Christians were viewed as antisocial elitists for refusing to participate in it. Look at Revelation 2:8 with me, And to the angel of the church in Smyrna write: The first and the last, who was dead, and has come to life, says this: (NASB). We would go and sit in their homes. What was Jesus message to the church in Sardis in Revelation? It reminds us of five things that we must remember if we are going to suffer well. The letter to the church at Smyrna is unique for several reasons. 11. They were being slandered by those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan. These Jews were physical descendants of Abraham. We would be amazed at their love for God and just the depth of their walk with him. That night my roommate came in and I was telling Tina about what had happened and my plan for the next day, and how I was going to really get her. Do not let him use you. It was like the Word just pierced my heart. The Essential Inductive Questions (for more Inductive questions see Inductive Bible Study): What does this passage say? Most scholars agree that the name Smyrna was a reference to the myrrh, which was the chief export of the area. I had some coworkers in Dallas who used to joke about the parties they were going to have in hell. She finally said, do you have anything you want to say? I said nope. I did not know what to say because I thought I knew I was going to cry. Every time that God has taken me through a difficult period of life, whether it is just a trial or suffering, I can always look back after it is over and go, yes, Lord, I see how You used that in my life. The name of Smyrna was equated with myrrh. How would these verses encourage you in the midst of tough times? My time came to rotate through that lab. 1. Have I done something to offend you? It is not mentioned anywhere else in the Bible other than these four verses, but it is believed it is with the other churches that were founded while Paul spent two years in Ephesus on his third missionary journey. Who is it that overcomes the world? 4 Reasons Why We Have a Hard Time Talking about Loneliness. (NASB). They took him to the amphitheater where the proconsul tried over and over to persuade him to renounce his faith. Christianity.com is a member of the Salem Web Network of sites including: Copyright 2023, Christianity.com. He was martyred for his faith in A.D. 156. We Were Created to Inhabit This Earth Part 1, We Were Created to Inhabit This Earth Part 2, Kingdom 102: The Kingdom of God is Relevant, Kingdom 102: Knowing How to Apply the Kingdom Concept, Kingdom 103: He Needs No Assistance in Keeping His Promise, Kingdom 103: Seven Last Days Churches and Their Believers' Characteristics, Kingdom 103: Reconsidering the End Times, Kingdom 104: Misrepresenting the Kingdom Gospel. How wonderful it would be if our church received an encouraging letter from Jesus, especially if it contained no criticism. It is because the soul is no longer there. The Cross And Unjust Suffering (1 Peter 2:19-25). They might face death. Pt 2, Kingdom 103: The Unchanging Person and the Unshakable Kingdom, Kingdom 103: Staying Focused on Your Purpose Pt 1, Kingdom 103: Staying Focused on Your Purpose Pt 2, Kingdom 103: Staying Focused on Kingdom Priorities, Kingdom 103: Be Encouraged Through Difficult Times, Kingdom 103: Singleness, Divorce and the Results Pt 1, Kingdom 103: Singleness, Divorce and the Results Pt 2, Kingdom 103: Singleness From God's Viewpoint, Kingdom 103: Forgiveness, Always a Priority, Kingdom 103: Kingdom Principles Are Relevant to Our Way of Life, Kingdom 103: The Indwelling of His Spirit (the Governor), Kingdom 103: In the Kingdom, They are Filled with His Spirit, Kingdom 103: The Holy Spirit is for All Humanity. 9. (Look also at the story of Job in Job 1.). (1 Corinthians 15:50-57). One of the instructors of one particular lab was a well-known atheist there at the hospital. Smyrna is the Greek word for myrrh, a flagrant perfume used in burial. Is there something difficult going on in your life today? HISTORICAL BACKGROUND Smyrna was a proud Kingdom 103: The Kingdom Mindset of Authority, Kingdom 103: Ephesus, Its Believers' Characteristics, Kingdom 103: Ephesus, Its Believers' Characteristics Pt 2, Kingdom 103: Smyrna, Its Believers' Characteristics, Kingdom 103: Pergamos, The Compromising Church, Kingdom 103: Thyatira, Its Believers' Characteristics, Kingdom 103: Thyatira, Its Believers' Characteristics Pt 2, Kingdom 103: Sardis, Its Believers' Characteristics, Kingdom 103: Philadelphia, Its Believers' Characteristics, Kingdom 103: Philadelphia, Its Believers' Characteristics Pt 2, Kingdom 103: Laodicea, The Lukewarm Church, Kingdom 103: He Came Under the Cloak of Darkness, Kingdom 103: Authorized Power for the Heavenly Government, Kingdom 103: Never Assume in Marriage Pt 1, Kingdom 103: Never Assume in Marriage Pt 2, Kingdom 103: Love in Marriage Needs to be Refreshed, Kingdom 103: Fatherlessness, the Source of Disobedience and Sin, Kingdom 103: The Simplicity of the Kingdom Gospel, Kingdom 103: Kingdom Culture Displayed to the Blind. I believe it exists. And finally, Smyrna was the only congregation besides Philadelphia that did not receive admonishment from Jesus. They were boycotted. Faith banishes fear.6. They had no love for God. Physical death is the separation of the soul from the body. I never wanted to open my mouth to pray because my words seemed so shallow compared to the prayers of these godly men and women who had suffered greatly. Their businesses were shut down. I think it is a way to deal with stress in the operating room. He who overcomes will not be hurt by the second death. We need to really commit to pray. Why do we do it? Death is that separation of the soul and the physical body. Father, I just thank you for the privilege of knowing you personally. If this was your church, what could be done to make sure it did not die but be revived to its formerly healthy and vibrant ways? (How does Romans 2:28-29 relate to this? God is very much aware of all that is going on in your life and is not surprised by anything. She never came to the Lord, but I thank God for that roommate who kept me from making a huge mistake in my flesh and my anger. Many were placed on the rack where they were stretched so far that their legs and their arms were pulled out of their sockets.
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