Dr N Cindy Trimm ACTSDesign eBooks is available in digital I resistsatanic contentions, intentions, provocations, and negotiations concerning my life and my soul, and superimpose prophetic purpose and divine destiny over and against all activities and opposing forces that are contrary to the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning my life. I therefore submit to God and God alone. IN THE NAME OF JESUS, I decreeand declare that my times and seasons are in the hands of the Lord and they shall not be altered or adjusted by anyone or anything. Title Cindy Trimm Written Atomic Prayer Keywords Cindy Trimm Written Atomic Prayer Created They forget that the "Son" has never stopped shining on their lives, no matter how dark the clouds in the sky are. Are there habits that you should form that will keep you on course? So David prevailed over the Philistine with a sling and a stone, and struck the Philistine and killed himDavid ran and stood over the Philistine, took his swordout of its sheathand cut off his head with it. Line up your mouththe rudder of your lifewith where you are going. According to Luke 10:19, Hallelujah! atomic prayer lyrics by cindy trimm Let them be caught in the same net that they set for me. It is You who makes my feet like hinds feet, giving me stability so that I am able to stand firmly and progress on the dangerous heights of testing and trouble. I declare successful divine and angelic undertakings, undergirding, reinforcements, and assistance. digital format. Thank you so much for the powerful Spiritual prayers. Daily Warfare Prayer #1 Begin with praise and thanksgiving. weapon, be it emotional, financial, physical, social, spiritual, psychological, Old things have passed away; all things have become new. They are broken off of our body, off of our life, off of our children, off of our marriage, off of our spouse, off of our business, and off of our practices. As you do, know that whatever begins with God and His principles has to end right. [PDF] CINDY TRIMM WRITTEN ATOMIC PRAYER supernatural might, knowledge and of the utmost fear of the Lord is upon me, and 17:8-13), ABRAMS TROUBLE WITH LOT (Genesis13:5-13), A GUIDE FOR PEACE IN THE WAITING ROOM OF LIFE (Psalm37:1-10), ARE YOU SATISFIED WITH GODS GIFT (Exo 16:1-7, 14-15; Num11:1-9), HE FOUGHT THE BATTLES, I ENJOY THE VICTORIES (Isa. 2 Comments Let every attack of retaliation fail. Amen. Let them stumble and fall into the very destruction they have contrived for me. IN THE NAME OF JESUS, If we put bits into the mouths of horses so that they obey us, we guide their whole bodies as well. 1. Hallelujah! http://ondobook.com/dl/atomic-power-of-prayer-bing-free-pdf-downloads-blog.pdf Reader Inspired, Dream of my Husband a Cloud with spots hit him and went into him and he felt disgusted by it, 11 things that the Bible tells us to do when we go through persecutions, Morning Prayer (Deliverance & Breakthrough), Blood Bath II Prayer | Blood Speak! Let their mischief be returned to them twofold. I prohibit the accuser of the brethren from operating or influencing my soul or Now Father, You have given me a great work to accomplish. That you ascend into new realms of power and authority and access new dimensions of divine revelation. For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life. Out of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing. Let me, but is released NOW into my hands. Adapted The whole universe waits in anticipation for the sons and daughters of God to manifest themselves and bring it back into alignment with God's original intent for them. I speak that Gods anointing destroys every yoke in my life and that my soul, spirit, and body now function in order according to divine systems of protocol. works of the enemy. That Psalm 25:21 ministers to you, "Let integrity and uprightness preserve me; for I wait on Thee.". Let every attack of retaliation fail. of Jesus. 2022+ Graceful Works | Successful Servant Leader | Dare To Pursue | Align+Impact | All Rights Reserved. Let them who hear of me submit and obey me. EndTime Intercessory Prayer Ministry eBooks is available in digital format. I forbid and disallow further opposing activities of any satanic personalities I speak that they will not cease or come down from their watchtowers until their assignments have been completed. Now unto Him that is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all that I could ask or think according to the power that works in me. I SAW the LORD (Book of Isaiah) by Anne GrahamLotz, R6. that they will not cease or come down from their watchtowers until their Cindy Trimm 2 SCRIPTURE Floyd Ronnie The Power of Prayer and Fasting Trimm N Cindy I know that you want me to live without pain, without hurt, without stress. Then continue, Heavenly Father, I come to You in the Name of Jesus, and ask You to forgive me of anything I have done that could displease You in any way. I comeagainst the spirit of deprivation. of heaviness, oppression and depression. I am not my own and have been bought with a price. 41:8-10), THANK GOD FOR GUYS LIKE HUR (Exo. understanding. ", "If anyone does not stumble in word, he is a perfect (mature) man, able also to bridle the whole body", "They sow the wind and reap the whirlwind.". Visit now to download the latest Christian songs and ebooks. I further bind and cast out every lying spirit, gossip, slander, backbiting, Write about it in your journal. IN THE NAME OF JESUS, It was many years later before David actually wore that crown, but from the moment he was anointed, he was already a king in God's eyes. As a global ministry, Cindy Trimm Ministries International is dedicated to the service of humanity. We do not know that our daily declarations and decrees have the power to alter our destiny and change the quality of our lives. every diabolical sanction, subverting activity, and injunction, directive Let all future diabolical communications and networking fail. My ears are in tune with the correct frequency of the Spirit, and I have clear transmission. I Thank God for this and Lord cover this mighty woman of God in all aspects of her life. I superimpose the prophetic word over There shall be no perforations or penetrations to these hedges of protection. Let their tongues be divided. I forbidand disallow further opposing activities of any satanic personalities with diabolical assignments concerning my life, ministry, and family, and I wage a war with them. You teach my hands to war and my fingers to fight, granting me supernatural strength and abilities so that my arms break a bow of steel. As Gods official legislator and law-enforcement agent: I come in the name of the resurrected Jesus Christ, whose I am and whom I serve, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Let them be burned in the very fire they have lit for me. I decree and declare that in this battle, no We know we cannot fight this power on our own. spirit of Elijah and Jehu. Since my times are in Your hand, I decree and declare that this year and the years to come shall be filled with mind-blowing supernatural occurrences and restorations that will bring me great joy and prosperity. We command every evil attachment to be broken. Muster Your devices; gather Your weaponry and ammunition from Your divine arsenal. ENROLL NOW Upcoming CTMI Events: Upcoming Events Hear Dr. Cindy Trimm In Person Booking Request Have Dr. Cindy Trimm Speak at Your Next Event Let them be turned back and confounded who plan my hurt. in the midst of them is this Cindy Trimm Prayer Declarations For Warfare Pdf that can be your partner. Possessing the GATES of the Enemy by Cindy Jacobs(PDF), C1 . My business is coming together. And when the Philistines saw that their champion was dead, they fled. in my life. Lake Mary, FL. He institutes, he confirms, he settles, he summons, he authorizesthat's what a king does. Continue to protect her and guide her father. Trimm, C. The rules of engagement: the art of strategic prayer and spiritual warfare. I liftfalse burdens and remove feelings of heaviness, oppression, and depression. The impact was great and I could see a lot of movements in the spirit. "Heis like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind" (James 1:6). I prayed this prayer once and the results where out of this world! prayer words Bing PDF Downloads Blog eBooks is available in digital format. "Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit. Father we decree and declare according to 3rd John Chapter 1:2, Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soulprospers. I declare and decree this day that I will operate according to Gods divine will. My vision prevails. Even as he overcame the lion and the bear, he knew he could overcome giants. Related searches for atomic power of prayer Cindy Trimm Atomic power of I decree and declare that they will conduct their intercessory assignments under the direction of the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ, who is my chief intercessor. Father we prevail in prayer for the family, for marriage, for the church, for school and for government. Christiandiet is an online source to download free Christian songs and Music and also free Christian ebooks and download. I accept ever Blessing mentioned. Good things began to happen to him almost immediately because he started looking at his world through eyes of blessing rather than eyes of failure. What did he mean? Destiny and the Meaning of Life(PPT), G1. My thoughts are now subject to the lordship of Christ. My brethren, these things ought not to be so.James 3:9-10. In this biblically rich exploration of God's prophetic word, apostolic leader andprophet Jane Hamon inspires and instructs readers to partner with God for the breakthroughs they need.Each chapter is a study of prophetic words Jane has received--promises every believer can claim. Cindy Trimm is a best-selling author, high-impact teacher, and also a former senator. And if anyone does not stumble in what he says, he is a perfect man, able also to bridle his whole body. and character assassins. I take authority over my day in the Name of Jesus. minds can get cluttered with all the information out a transcript of her atomic prayer. Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. Based on chapter three of Dr. Cindy Trimms amazing book The Rules of Engagement: the Art of Strategic Prayer and Spiritual Warfare, I felt led by the Holy Spirit to share this dynamic, power and strategic prayer with listeners of my podcast and readers of this blog. plans and purposes from their quick, swift and speedy manifestation. I shatter barriers, blockages, barricades, and boulders. 43:1-7), SAILING LIFES STORMY SEAS (Psalm55:1-23), GODS PROMISE TO ABRAM RENEWED (Gen13:14-18), PRECIOUS PROMISES FOR YOUR JOURNEY (Isa. IN THE NAME OF JESUS, Atomic Prayer Pdfslibforyoucom eBooks is available in digital format. Read about it. It is you And if anyone does not stumble in what he says, he is a perfect man, able also to bridle his whole body. are designed to hinder prevent, frustrate, foil, deny or delay Gods original I declare and decree that the wealth of the wicked is no longer laid up for THE BONDAGE BREAKER by Neil TAnderson, B5. We seal Using the authority you have been given by God, you can enter the realm of prayer-power. IN THE NAME OF JESUS, I disapprove and prohibit any demonic interception and hit the bulls eye. I ask you to cover me with the Blood of Jesus and fill me with Your Holy Spirit. Father we decree and declare that families are free from demonic domestic violence, Hallelujah!, Incest, dysfunction, hunger, lack, shame, child-abuse, and abandonment. Atomic power of prayer words: (Seal the Prayer & Closing Declarations). My budget is coming together. Heavenly Father, Supernatural God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the covenant-making, the covenant-keeping God, grant us the grace and courage and capacity to walk out of the old and into the new. heart, mind and spirit to the mind of God and the Holy Spirit, in SOUL BODY PROPHECY 2013 crownoflifeministries eBooks is available in digital format. IN THE NAME OF JESUS, What paths did they take? I want to say a very big THANK YOU to you for making it poss Music Promoter | PR Consultant. Him and through Him I will accomplish great exploits. I bind and cast out satanic harassment and rebuke satanic concentrations, and bring to a halt By Your season of frustration and failure is over, and you walk in a season of success and prosperity. Again I reiterate, I shall not be denied! Amen Amen Amen. How to pray Rules of Engagement Prayers & Declamations, Is Cindy Trimm A Servant of God? I decreethat the laws that govern this prayer and all spiritual warfare strategies and tactics are binding by the Word, the blood, and by the Spirit. WARFARE PRAYER (2) Adapted from THE RULES OF ENGAGEMENT By Dr. Cindy Trimm . I declare and decree that nobility and greatness is my portion. I decreeand declare that the eyes of my spirit function with 20/20 vision for correct understanding and interpretation of divine movements. I pull down strongholds and cast down vain imaginations and every high thing that lifts itself against the knowledge of Jesus Christ. We command every evil cords to be broken. I believe that this is such a powerful and life changing resource that I could not at all deviate from the plan God gave Dr. Cindy Trimm specifically. Beat down the enemy. Spirit. I release my name into the atmosphere and declare and decree that prayer warriors, "He who guards his mouth (watches what he says) preserves his life. In the name of Jesus, command that the two leaved gates be opened. Cindy Trimm is a best-selling author, high-impact teacher, and also a former senator. Rebukeand dismantle satanic alliances, and arrest them by the Spirit. I declare that my head with never lack fresh anointing oil. Arrestthose who operate in the spirit of Jezebel or Belial. Neutralize the negative effects of viruses and bacteria, drugs and medical treatment now! I sendthese words forth as Euroclydon winds in the realm of the spirit to demolish and destroy the enemys camps. declare and decree that the Cyrus anointing flows unhindered and uncontaminated Today is the dawning of a new day. spirit. IN THE NAME OF JESUS, mind. Faith With Reason Why Christianity is TRUE by Joseph R. Farinaccio PDFBook, B2. "Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse" (Romans 12:14). You set me securely upon my high places. is a movement; a clarion call to Servant Leaders worldwide to align and emerge to be the change, force, resource and success that God has called them to be. Nothing g left our. I declare sudden good surprises, supernatural increase, supreme delight in the Lord, sustainable glory, favor, health, wealth, riches, power and influence. I decree and declare that a prayer shield, the anointing and bloodline form a ask You to contend with those who contend with me, fight with those who fight With this anointing I enter into a new season and declare a new season of strength, peace, joy, wholeness, focus, prosperity in family, ministry and glory. We release ourselves from strongholds of the enemy and over dark spiritual forces which bombard our mind. it go and restore everything he has taken sevenfold!! By Dr. Cindy Trimm. [PDF] COMMAND YOUR YEAR ENDTIME INTERCESSORY PRAYER MINISTRY IN THE NAME OF JESUS, (Ruth4:1-17), REDEEMED, REDEEMED, BY LOVE DIVINE (Ruth3:9-4:12), FINDING YOUR PLACE AT HIS FEET (Ruth3:1-11), GETTING READY TO MEET THE MASTER (Ruth3:3), ABIDING IN THE FIELD OF GRACE (Ruth2:21-23), GOOD NEWS FROM THE FIELD OF GRACE (Ruth2:17-21), THREE TOMBSTONES IN A WASHPOT (Ruth1:1-7), AN EXAMPLE OF A STEADFAST LIFE (Ruth1:1-22), BLESSINGS THE SOUL FORGETS (Psalm103:1-5), THE DESTRUCTIVE POWER OF ADULTERY (Exodus20:14), THE PRIVILEGES OF THE GODLY MAN (Genesis18:17-19), WHAT EVERYONE SHOULD BRING TO CHURCH (Psalm100:1-5), THERES MORE TO MURDER THAN TAKING A LIFE (Exodus20:13), THREE SIDES OF A MAN NAMED ABRAHAM (Gen18:1-33), GETTING IN OVER YOUR HEAD (Ezekiel47:1-12), LESSONS LEARNED FROM THE POTTER Jeremiah18:1-6, HONOR THY FATHER AND THY MOTHER Exodus20:12, THE GOD OF THE EVERLASTING COVENANT Genesis17:1-27, WHERE WILL SALVATION TAKE YOU? Get activated and cover yourself in the spirit realm with this prayer! The Son of God was made manifest for my life and that He would destroy the works of the devil. Good prayer for Spiritual warfare! I am non-responsive to demonic depression. Father God, the shield of faith to defensively and offensively cover my body, the helmet of salvation to cover my head and the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God shall cover me. [PDF] SPIRIT SOUL BODY PROPHECY 2013 CROWNOFLIFEMINISTRIES Our territories are enlarged. We have gathered All Cindy Trimm Books Free Download for you. IN THE NAME OF JESUS, I call in resources from the north, south, east, and west. accomplish. Get Instant Access to eBook Atomic Prayer By Cindy Trimm PDF at Our Huge Library For songs promotion, Call: +2349121454607, WhatsApp Line: +2348162497590 Email Us: officialchristiandiet@gmail.com. Below are the Lists of Cindy Trimm Books: 40 Days To Discovering The Real You Cindy Trimm, 40 Days To Reclaiming Your Soul Cindy Trimm, Commanding Your Morning Daily Devotional Cindy Trimm, PUSH, Persevere Until Success Happens Cindy Trimm, Reclaim Your Soul, Your Journey To Personal Empowerment Cindy Trimm, The 40 Day Soul Fast, Your Journey To Authentic Living Cindy Trimm, The Art Of War For Spiritual Battle Cindy Trimm, The Rules Of Engagement For Overcoming Your Past Cindy Trimm, Your email address will not be published. cindy trimm atomic prayer wordspdf FREE PDF DOWNLOAD NOW I sever them by the sword of the Lord, the blood, and the Spirit. Prayer is the atomic power of God. Learn how I blessed (and continue to bless) my new home so you can do it too. We break free of evil patterns, fetishes, charms, amulets, good luck pieces, talisman, chains, stocks, bondages, incantations, addictions, generational curses, spirits of inheritance, death, poverty, apathy, hopelessness, abuse, helplessness, prayerlessness in the Name of Jesus. Sever and cut off all inappropriate and diabolic soul ties and entanglements. I executedivine judgment against satanic/demonic activities, and I war in the spirit of Elijah and Jehu. Command Your Year I Expose satanic representatives and grant unto me divine strategies and tactics to identify, resist, and overcome plots and plans established for my demise: Draw out Your spear and stop them in their way. in Dr. Cindy Trimm, Spiritual Warfare and prosperity so that God and Gods name alone is glorified. Just click on the title, and you will be directed to the download page. They are turning their lives in circles. He does not have to. I releaseupon my life, ministry, the lives of every family member, associate, and friend the anointings of Jabez, Abraham, Melchizedek, Joseph, Jacob, Isaac, Solomon, Joshua, The Messiah, the Sevenfold Edenic, and Uzziah for wealth and prosperity so that God and Gods name alone is glorified. Amenand Amen. work of my hands. I Everything prepared for me before the foundation of the world, that in the earth and under the earth; and that every tongue should confess that With it (the tongue) we bless our God and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in the similitude of God. If guarding your words causes you to keep your life and grow in maturity, imagine what happens when you do not guard your words? So it was, when the Philistine arose and came and drew near to meet David, that David hurried and ran toward the army to meet the Philistine. I cast them upon the Lord who sustains. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Spirit of God usher us into times of refreshing that You promised will come from the presence of God. http://ondobook.com/dl/command-your-year-endtime-intercessory-prayer-ministry.pdf Get it only A double-minded person is a person with conflicting thoughtssomeone who holds two different opinions at the same time. Atomic Power of Prayer by Cindy Trimm. For the pilot, the course is created first in his thoughts, communicated through the rudder, and then realized as the rest of the ship lines up with his intent. My brethren, these things ought not to be so. carnal, but mighty through God. Study and use the scripture references in your daily devotions. She has self-published several books. I decree that the works of the devil are destroyed. Father I know that You want me to be healthy. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. understanding. I lift false burdens and remove feelings Staying FULL of GOD by Andrew Wommack(PDF), B8. I declare and decree that this prayer and all future prayers take on the Confound the omens of the liars, astrologers, psychics, prognosticators, Take Be blessed. In the name of Jesus Christ, I shall end this year and every year strong and start every New Year empowered. Hallelujah! Revivals RIVER GLORY by Ruth WardHeflin, S2. Are you also searching for atomic prayer lyrics by cindy trimm Bing? devil at his own game and wage warfare with confidence!/div/div The Illustrated London News Jan 27 2023 The Power of Prayer and Fasting Jul 29 2020 Popular pastor Floyd's insights on the often overlooked, always faith-strengthening discipline of prayer and fasting have been revised for this updated edition. IN THE NAME OF JESUS, grace, honor and well wishes now replace any and all negative feelings, I war for the releasing of finances and all resources that belong to me. beat down my enemy, give me his neck, cause me to pursue and overtake them until FitBetty 11.5K subscribers Subscribe 20K 2M views 5 years ago Shift your atmosphere with. Out of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing. demonic personalities, making it difficult for them to effectively track or I declare that my times are in your Sovereign Hand therefore I am released from demonic cycle, seasons, calendars, timetables. I prohibitsatanic manifestations and speak that divine abortive measures and miscarriages occur in satanic wombs and incubators. I declare that I am advancing according to the purposes, and the plan of God. We oer Cindy Trimm Prayer Declarations For Warfare Pdf and numerous ebook collections from ctions to scientic research in any way. Cindy Trimm Prayer For Marriage is affable in our digital library an online entrance to it is set as public appropriately you can download it instantly. He is King over every region and His kingdom is at hand. Look at the ships also: though they are so large and are driven by strong winds, they are guided by a very small rudder wherever the will of the pilot directs. You are my God: the God who girds me with strength and makes my way perfect. I decreeand declare that the Spirit of the Lord is upon methe spirit of wisdom, understanding, divine counsel, supernatural might, knowledge, and of the utmost fear of Jehovah. http://ondobook.com/dl/cindy-trimm-written-atomic-prayer.pdf Date 922014 115057 AM. selling of this content is prohibited without written consent from the author. http://ondobook.com/dl/dr-n-cindy-trimm-actsdesign.pdf IN THE NAME OF JESUS, I release my name into the atmosphere and declare and decree that prayer warriors, For this reason the Son of God made manifest, that he would destroy the Father, IN THE NAME OF JESUS, But first, here are a couple of great prophetic E-Books by Cindy Trimm: Job 22:28: You will also declare a thing, and it will be established for you; so light will shine on your ways. Jesus that give me stability, you have equipped me with salvation, Your right did in the day of Moses. When a ship sets sail to cross the sea, the pilot plots out the course. If he constantly changes the steering from one minute to the next fixated on his present circumstances, the ship is more likely to go in circles than it is to arrive at the desired port of call. (1 Kings10:1-13), NAAMAN: THE BIG DIPPER (2 Kings 5:1-15;19), THE PASSION AND THE PROMISE (Psalm126:5-6), THE BELIEVERS STATEMENT OF FAITH (Psalm116:1-19), PRAISE YE THE LORD, AND HERES WHY (Psalm113:1-9), RUTH : FROM BROKENNESS TO BLESSEDNESS (Ruth4:13-17), REDEEMED! Father, I come in the name of the resurrected Jesus whose we are and whom we servethat at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven and in the earth and under the earth; and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. spirit. Disappoint the devices they have crafted, so that their hands cannot Draw it. of 2 Daily Warfare Prayer #2 Begin with praise and thanksgiving. they are wounded and consumed, falling at my feet, never to rise again. IN THE NAME OF JESUS, I move synchronized and syncopated to the choreographic, symphonic, and orchestrated movements of God. Our businesses are free from white-collar crime, bankruptcy, loss of customers and clients in the name of Jesus. I reverse the effect of any stigmas and declare and decree that divine favor, I decree and declare that the weapons of my warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God. COMMANDING YOUR MORNING PRAYER Adapted from Commanding Your Morning By Dr. Cindy Trimm In the name of Jesus, I stand to command my morning and declare it is a new day. Please visit CindyTrimmMinistries.org and support her ministry.60+ Hour Audio of Declarations, Decrees, Praise, Promises, Scriptures, & Blessings at https:. Learn the art of blessing, for in blessing a thing or a person, that thing or person must bless you. I shall not/will not be denied. Are there skills you will need to acquire? Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. declare that they shall not stand, they shall not come to pass, they shall not I Peter tells us we belong to "a royal priesthood" (1 Peter 2:9). Contact: 334-286-4008, October 10, 2009 Grant unto me, according to Your riches in glory, Your tender mercies and immeasurable favor, the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places.
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