Spiritual ears and eyes are opening up everywhere across Quebec. He opened the diamond up like you would a locket and placed theheart inside the diamond and closed it up and said to me,"Love is the greatest Power on heaven and earth, love never fails". Draw from His Resurrection Life in this hour! God is saying- a lot of people have been so beaten, bruised, cut up, wounded and rejected that their true identity has been disfigured and mangled to the point that they have no idea who they really are or who they were originally designed to be! I Decree the Word of the Lord will be unleashed from the least likely places and these voices will rise and rise and rise and they will collectively become a fountain of living water for many to drink from and be refreshed and be strengthened! I could see my earrings were pearls withwhisks attached that were whirling and turning around, accelerating my ability to move forward. Many will rise and fall according to their own desires. The Lord told me they were symbolic of boldness as the Bride would be much likea bull in a china shop, upsetting and breaking things that man had set up so nice and neat, and that she was going to be bold and have much courage to do this. You are perfectly designed and equipped for such a time as this!And I saw that these glass shoes werent normal shoes- theyre dancing shoes and as soon as the shoe slipped into place- I saw the women rise up and begin to dance on the head of injustice! 2020 PROPHETIC WORD. Jan 24; To . I saw spiritual mothers rise up to mother the fathers, in a cross-pollination type relationship so that spiritual fathers could bear fruit, reproduce and fulfill their destinies. When God occupies us, the enemy can no longer touch us. I understood that this person represented the body of Christ and the holes were emotional wounds. Today, I am destroying the yoke of shame that has been like a chain around your neck for generations and I am exchanging it with honour as I surround you with my favor! Walls becoming wells! (Feb. 1, 2019), The Father is Commissioning His Joan of Arcs in Canada! I see the Father holding the pearl of Saskatchewan in His hand. So, I bless the Deborahs, I bless the army of warrior women that God is raising up as Apostolic Mothers! Just then, I was able to see many others in the yard as well. What sticks out to me the most is the determination of those marching. The new wine is going to flow freely in my Territories. In Jesus name, I renounce and break all legal rights and powers associated with this evil spirit. I see Canada standing before Nations and I see Canada stengthening the weak hands and making firm the feeble knees. Spiritual mothers aligning and positioning themselves in order to conceive into their spiritual wombs and incubate the promises, the plans, the vision, and the purposes of the Father. and you will accomplish ALL thats in the Fathers heart for you to accomplish! Suddenly, Jesus began to gently blow upon these Intercessory prayers and they took flight, swirling and whirling within the valley! The women began dance on their enemies including, the enemies of intimidation and fear of man and rejection and poverty and jealousy etc. The church will walk in the Resurrection Power of Jesus Christ! The church is being healed from the inside out. After it was finished the Lord spoke to me and said this: This belly cast is both prophetic and symbolic for I am about to birth a womens movement across this Nation that will take down the movement of feminism and these women will rise up in a warrior anointing like that of a Deborah. And I looked up the story of Deborah in the book of Judges and it said and then I Deborah arose a mother of Israel. I saw that the Word had become flesh within the Bride. Canada will be invaded with the supernatural. I am the God of the impossible, and I am ready to [] READ MORE The Father Says Today: April 27th, 2023 By admin | April 27, 2023 | 1 Comment Who is this who cometh up out of the wilderness leaning upon her beloved? Millions and millions are in the valley of decision, but I say to you as a son and a child of the Highest I Am calling you to bow to My . You will flourish like the grass! The manger reminds us how the glory of God shines the brightest in the most lowly and humblest of places. Such desperation, such brokennessso beautiful and precious in My sight. Daughters of God, I speak life into your spirits, your souls and your bodies and I break the power of death from you and I decree that you are stepping into a whole new Era of Resurrection life and Resurrection power! Across the screen, there was an interruption for a Breaking News story. 20:20: Believe the Prophets, so shall you prosper The Father says today I am the God who gives you the desires of your heart. And I saw this move beginning in the mouths of the Prophets who carry the rhema word of the Lord! He is the Head of every kingdom and authority of the universe!" Especially those who have been struggling in who they are and what they are called to do. Even as Mary birthed Jesus in a hidden place so shall the spiritual mothers of this generation labour and birth in the unlikely places. Beautiful, in Greek means- belonging to the right hour or season, timely, ripe, and mature. You will walk like, talk like, look like and act like a daughter! Doors to the dark places are opening up. Right now, in the name of Jesus Christ, I take authority over the spirit of division, I bind it in the name of Jesus and I break its power over the Inuit people of Canada. A year of Destiny breaking forth. Sealed, I Decree a new sound as the Kings arise and reveal the Kingship of Jesus Christ! For these ones the scripture in Isaiah 9:2 rings true - The people who walked in darkness Have seen a great light; Those who dwelt in the land of the shadow of death, Upon them a light has shined. Forget the former things, behold I am doing a new thing! God has been showing me more and more over the years, that to administer is to govern and to govern with Kingdom purpose is to establish His culture. We were made to be seated in heavenly places with Him above all powers and principalities. They are lay-people, skillfully trained people and to the world, unsuspecting people, all called to work together. Behold I am doing a new thing at the North gate and Im doing a new thing in Canada!. I saw waiters/waitresses dressed in formal attire serving them. The land before us is ripe and ready for our feet to enter in! we are coming to you live to bring you a story that is just breaking now, its LIVE and its happening right now!, Across the TV screen I read the caption- This is a breaking season, its the breaking and birthing season!. All authority has been given to Him. It is the kindness of the Father that will turn the hardest of hearts to run into the Fathers bosom! TheLordstrong and mighty, the Lord mighty inbattle. The Daily Prophetic Word: April 28th, 2023 They are preparing the way! Yes, every tree that does not produce good fruit will be chopped down and thrown into the fire. Spiritual re-alignmentre-vamping and reshaping My bodyall the parts being fitted according to My plan. It is upon us even now. Today, the strongholds of shame and hopelessness are being uprooted and removed from your generations. Its time to breakthrough into victory, into rest and into destiny! And I believe this is the perfect time as many of us who are on lock-down- need to LET HIM heal our hearts. (After subscribing you will shortly receive a welcome e-mail containing several free gifts). They did not give up! freedom. I saw these two spirits infiltrate and influence Christians through unhealed wounds in their soul. Ask Me for the impossible. God is good! Suddenly, a helicopter with a huge spotlight came into my room and stopped directly over me. For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, Be removed and be cast into the sea, and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says. Release the strategies to possess, Release My words. 2018 will be a year of taking and establishing new territory for the Kingdom of God. I declare that this girdle will cause you to war with the Word of the Lord in your mouth, from the place of INTIMACY with Jesus Christ, your Bridegroom and your Commander-in- Chief! No matter who they are we will love them into the kingdom. I see peace and rest coming into the church in Manitoba because it is the God of peace that will crush satan under your feet. This mass is riddles with questions and accusations and speculation and slander and misunderstandings--- this mass of Confusion has distorted the truth and caused massive division in relationships. Canada is about to turn on a dime - the colloquial definition of acceleration. Malachi 4:2 and the Son of righteousness will rise with healing in His wings. A new generation is being raised up to stand on guard for the Destiny of Canada. She went into places through the front door, and came out the backdoor. They too had come out of the House and into the yard, surveying and beholding the carnage. Trials have built capacity to receive and perceive the hand of God. I break the power of every assignment connected to SHAME in your life in Jesus name! A few years ago I was praying for revival in Canada saying God- pour out your spirit, pour out your spirit and He actually interrupted me and said- Dont pray so much for My Spirit to be poured out because thats the easy part- Pray that it will be received. There was a huge water-fall and lightening and thundering and the wind was whirling. As they swirled and whirled, their wings began to release a sound into the land, it was the sound of breakthrough and victory in spiritual warfare. I bless you to walk in the gift of Faith to believe God for miracles, signs and wonders! Holy Spirit I invite you to fill my heart with the Fathers love so that I can truly love, cover, protect, honour and pray for others. I see all doubt being removed and displaced with the gift of Faith and I see mountains falling as you speak to them with divine confidence! And I see financial breakthroughs and new beginnings sprouting up all across Canada! Behold I do a new thing says the Lord!Behold the ROAR of the Lion of Judah! I saw these ones begin to scale tall mountains and re-move the reproach of the LORD from the mountain-tops and re-claim them for the Lord. Today, the table has been turned in your favour. Surely I have not changed. Then we will feel about others the way the Father feels about them and think about them the way the Father thinks about them. The Canadian army of intercessors and warriors has risen up and they are standing on their feet. Dreams that are deep within the Fathers heart, dreams that have been held back for generations are now springing forth in this season, for its a season of birthing and bursting into Resurrection Life! A breaking out of the old and a breaking into the new. The mind of Christ is being imparted into the body of Christ in greater measure! I was thinking how will we cross over- and it was impressed on me that there was only one way to cross over this Threshold and that was: to be carried. Daily devotions Established April 26, 2023 We thank you Lord, for establishing us in your Kingdom, in your church, in the gospel, the truth, so that we are saved. There were huge heavy chains on their legs pulling and weighing them down. I call forth an entrepreneurial anointing to break-forth into Canada! Walking in prosperity is simply being occupied by God. He was the first to ascend to the Father's right hand. They did not expose or uncover themselves nor did they try to draw customers to themselves; they simply released what the Father had given them to release.I understood that all of the servers in this restaurant were sharing and releasing from the Fathers heart rather than from their own.END OF VISION. California, I declare that the old has passed away! You shall trample the wicked, for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet, on the day that I do this, says the LORD of hosts., I sensed the anointing of great grace, victory, and authority upon these butterflies! The Lord is raising up the leadership of David and taking down the leadership of Saul. Maggie Baratto/ Posted: January 15, 2022. All that which is not of Christ will be as sinking sand. 2020-23 PROPHETIC WORDS Daily Prophetic The Lord will no longer tolerate those who would addto the simplicity of the gospelwith their own ideas and works of the flesh! Check these out: Course: Activating the Prophetic (Very popular! Amen. You ask, what about this government of Canada? I saw the name the Word of God written upon Him. The warriors are rising up out of the caves and they are the mighty men (and women) of valour. I could see that this was the time of Birthing! The Kings are rising up! To preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the broken-hearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives. Prepare the places and the spaces! I see the Joy of the Lord begin to strengthen you and undergird you in this hour as you step into new beginnings as a fresh wave of a revelatory anointing settles upon you! I see the Father is so pleased to have raised up the least likely, and to set them into their destinies! I see that you will receive breakthrough and then you will release breakthrough! It was in this place, that she received the Spirit of counsel and the Spirit of might, as she worked alongside Jesus Christ her Commander, carrying out His perfect will in strategic warfare. Jesus was the walking Word. In this hour, I see the Father putting His finger on these deep wounds that are under the surface, deep wounds that have been covered but not healed. I am with you and I am here! Free Daily Prophetic Word from Father's Heart Ministry Free Daily Prophetic Word www.propheticNOW.com Prophets Russ and Kitty Walden Prophets Russ & Kitty Walden Greetings! She held her right hand high and the sound waves were compelling many to line up and receive. Lift up, you everlasting doors! Holy Spirit, I invite you to fill me with your presence and power in every area where this spirit had occupied and affected me. I saw that there was so much brush in this yard and the dead branches and dead trees were actually hiding the living branches and trees that were fruitful. Prepare a place for me, for I am moving mightily into your midst! It is not a hard thing for me to do this. There have been those who have cried out to me long and hard, even to the depths of their beingrenting their hearts before me and turning themselves inside out to seek My face. I was impressed to read the story of Solomon and how the Queen of Sheba visited and was amazed at His wisdom and the order she saw in Solomons house and in the house of his servants. This remnant army, these leaders are emerging in a suddenly moment, in the spirit and power of Elijah. The destiny of Canada is to release Healing to the Nations, by revealing the Father-heart of God- and its the revealing of His heart that will unleash and release Nations into their Destiny!
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