In his near-death experience of hell, he saw Christians who refused to But first and foremost, being a devoted Christian is her most important job. The Lord will judge His people. Hebrews 10:26-30. How do you know you have forgiven? I was at the gates of hell, but not in hell. Everything appeared two-dimensional to him, like he was watching a TV. near in the valley of decision. Please contact an attorney for advice about your individual situation and related deadlines. I believe many NDEs are real but this one is very doubtful because of this statement, It is not just people getting saved, Alec adds. While there are many similarities throughout the stories of these ten individuals, there are also a great number of differences. The Lord communicated to him, What the world deems insignificant is what I am going to use in this revival. But then God breathed new life into his body. It takes the grace of God to remain a Christian. Sixth, their obedience in giving tithes to God. There may be a huge, miraculous revival of the christian Faith very soon but the revival could possibly be delaying some decades or centuries later. Brother, where sin does abound, graces does the more abound. In a truly miraculous healing, Ian left the hospital the day following his tragic accident. If I had died in that vision, I would still be there.The fact is that there are many people in Hell. Hell was created because of a relational issue. order were behind Hillary waiting to I should know.Im an EMT. Before giving testimony, you should have all the facts straight. At the young age of 15, Tamara Laroux attempted to take her own life. In front of me was like a veil, the gates of Hell, Alec recounts. Noah was left behind. The people were oblivious that Hell was at the front of the room. But not all near-death-experiences are that positive. In his experience, he remembers terrifying creatures, torment, and profound isolation. Then he heard a voice say, Jesus I know but you I dont.. They put me in the ambulance and took me to the hospital. If you die tonight, where will YOU spend eternity??? As such, I dont know if any of these near death experiences are real because the Bible says apostle Paul was not allowed to say what he saw. Heaven - Life After Death In most all religions, there is a place called heaven. They finally faded away. But everything was immediate. This man in the testimony, was taken to the gates of hell big difference. God is graciously allowing people that have died, to return to life, and warn us about hell. Jesus said all those who believe in the Son of Man will be saved. Transported to Hell: The Things I Saw Changed Me Forever! The Passion of The Christ Jim Caviezel (complete interview). He Himself is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not for ours alone, but also for the sins of the whole world. all! I will show you the power of the Holy Spirit. Laura Wanma - Testimony of Heaven and Hell. Others there couldnt see Him or hear Him. I Saw Hell and Judgment Testimonies - Demons comes to them in visions and take the shape of jesus and they are shown false Heaven and Hell. In conclusion, the bottom-line proper interpretation of these teachings of Christ concerning forgiveness and reconciliation with fellow professing believers is that we should seek reconciliation with those who sin against us, but forgive them even if they never repent or are reconciled with us and the Lord our God. The horribleness and pain in Hell accelerated and continued to get worse. 1. Some are said to be sheep, and the . In fact, I knew that if I could add up every panic I have ever felt, it didnt come close to what I was experiencing. That morning we were in our weekly two-hour evangelism meeting. Dont damn your soul over non-tithing or by believing false doctrine. It was attached to me like a suction cup in the area of my chest and began dragging me further into Hell. I think it wise to be on the safe side and just go ahead and ask forgiveness, forgive others, make amends and reconcile. And on some have compassion, making a distinction; but others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire, hating even the garment defiled by the flesh (Jude 1:21-23). They come from many 7 different nations showing God is spreading this warning message about Tithing widely to many. So that day I raised my hands to God and I sung loudly to Him. An eye witness said a man helped her out of the vehicle. Today, I still have an eerie weightiness whenever I share about Hell. This existence . Free Downloads - Testimonies of Heaven And Hell Unlike Bill Wiese and Kenneth Hagin, Jennifer was first led to heaven, and then to hell. Someone said to me, Laurie, you are in Hell!. She survived her attempted suicide in what the doctors could only describe as a miracle and has spent the remainder of her life teaching people about the reality of hell. Will you expound? Many other such like testimonies one hears of..some of them ring true. He was hit by a stray bullet on the head outside a restaurant in Atlanta. This guy isnt a Christian but has the chance to repent and get saved in the afterlife. I didnt think he could win the Presidency in a million years. Jesus Showed Me the 5 Most Powerful Words in Heaven! In his book titled I Believe in Visions, Reverend Hagin shares his experience with hell. The car took off and got up to about 30 miles per hour. Read the full testimony here. Around me was a sea full of people, he recounts. On a November morning in 1998, Bill Wiese, Author of 23 Minutes In Hell had an experience that would forever alter the course of his life. IF we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left, but only a fearful expectation of judgement and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of God. I thought Trump a buffoon, but even though I am a registered Democrat, I couldnt stomach Hilary, she is really demonic! Muslim Sees Jesus In His Dream | Jahir Israels Testimony, Proving there is a rapture of the church before tribulation Susan Davis. Jesus watched the Romans tossing dice for his garments and a few other unbelievers gathered at the foot of His Cross and said, Father forgive them for they do not know what they do. Anita Moorjani, a public speaker, was diagnosed with lymphoma in 2002 and was quickly losing her battle to cancer. Testimony of Heaven: Esau (2 Corinthians 12:2) I know a man in Christ who 14 years ago - whether in the body or out of the body I do not know, God . It was coming for me. When he talks about the car accident and about the stent placement, I am a bit puzzled, medically this account doesnt quite add up. After sharing his experience with anyone who would listen, he recorded the entire saga in his first book, Bill Wiese has dedicated his life to sharing his experience, encouraging believers and unbelievers to understand the. By focusing on the needs of creative writers and artists and adopting the latest print-on-demand publishing technology and strategies, we provide expert publishing services with direct and personal access to quality publication in hardcover, trade paperback, custom leather-bound and full-color formats. But to his right another voice said: I am the Lord God. The children saw angels, demons, heaven, hell, even when they were ignorant of the spiritual truths being revealed to them . Stuff like my blood moving, my eyes seeing, and how all parts of my body work. The word purgatory may not be in the Bible along with the word Trinity, but the teachings are. My testimony of how a shark played the violin for me doesn't prove a shark can play a violin #shortsFull Video can be found here - To purchase a copy of the book, As she continued to fall, she felt her surroundings becoming hotter and hotter. It can be quite fascinating to research this phenomenon. Divine Tradition, 3. When the servant refused to forgive the debt and stood before the king again, he was called wicked. Those who love money more than My Word will never see my Kingdom. The bride is going to be beautiful her appearance, her apparel and her beauty.. In his book, he recounts his experience as follows, I began to descend down, down, into a pit, like youd go down into a well, cavern or cave. And Any Christian who doesnt tithe will not be blessed because they love money more than my word. It can be quite fascinating to research this phenomenon. Some a REVIVALIST. Heaven is for Real - By Colton Burpo's Story; Heaven is . One is filled with power and many other wonderful things and the RCC is all about their dogma and liturgy. Hence, there has been a lot of misconceptions about it too. Still other passages may seem to suggest that Jesus believe in hell. Hope Stewart devotes most of her time working in the healthcare sector. by Young Moon Park. So he wasnt even going to try. Born and raised in a Christian family, Reverend Kenneth Hagin experienced hell at the age of 15 in a near-death-experience resulting from a chronic heart condition. This is how my word is preached; this is what takes care of my churches! The Lord said: You go and tell them.without holiness, no man can enter into my Kingdom The Lord said to me exactly what was in the bible: Be ye holy as I am holy!!! 1525. At this very moment there are many people on Earth that are robbing the Lord like I did. The Hell realm unlocked and I heard massive gates creak open and I felt extreme heat enter the room. He made a shocking recovery and went on to become a minister in the United Church of Christ. Always keep your heart soft and loving. Im also seeing a remnant rising up on Facebook for Revival with live Worship and Miracles. It wasnt even nearly as horrible and unfathomable as I had imagined. Being angry with one another, allowing a root of bitterness to take hold is how Satan controls us. I was fully awakened to the terrible reality of this place. I had no idea how much trouble I was in or that I would be forever changed. You OUGHT to have said Lawrence, the metaphor that the RCC uses is that of a 3-legged stool. Don Piper Saw A Magnificent Gate. According to him, he died on the spot, and he went into a place where there was "utter blackness" and "incredible fear". Unlike Bill Wiese, Kenneth Hagins experience began when his heart ceased to beat. He continues to teach through his outreach ministry, Soul Choice Ministries. Oh God, what did I do wrong? Fictional ideas and Biblical truths have been mixed and passed down from generation to generation. Read the full testimony here. Because they would not love and obey God. She felt herself leave her body as she fell at an unstoppable speed andremembers entering a space of darkness with absolutely no light. Its not like on the earth where innocent people have gone to jail for something they didnt do. The others didnt see the gates, hear that sound, or feel the heat. I made the distinction between how Jesus says to handle offences within the church and how to handle those without. I have to truly think about what it would be like for my lost family members to not make it to Heaven. But even more, a supernatural knowledge filled in the blanks that I did not already know. The song gripped me and just seemed to add to the excitement I already felt. The holiness had come for me. The ways of God are righteous, always righteous! Which side you end up on is based on what you did for the least of His brethren!!! This site and its information is not legal advice, nor is it intended to be. God help us. But real Christians end up in hell for not forgiving, thus negating the very notion of being saved that he is talking about, and negating the doctrine of justification through grace by faith. For the sake of brevity, Ill cut it short. I agree with your feelings regarding Trump. I could feel a cold eerie feeling as though something or someone was looking at me.. I would forgive you and I would ask you to recover the damage you did to me, by going to those people and telling them the truth. After paramedics pulled his lifeless body from a four-car pile-up, Piper found himself "standing at some magnificent gates surrounded by people I had known and loved in life. God protect America &Trump. We should be doing something about it. I looked with my eyes wide open and I saw Hell through the gates. If you are unsure of your beliefs surrounding hell, I would encourage you to read more about, 10 People Who Have Been To Hell and Their Stories. It was His kindness. I do not understand them but do recognize they are real. We think that because people mess up, God sends them to Hell. how do we know we have forgiven? !, After arriving in Heaven .The Lord then asked me five questions. In his near-death experience of hell, he saw Christians who refused to Vikings QB Keenum doesnt play for the name on the back of his jersey he plays to bring glory to God, God smacked rapper NF in the face, revealed Himself through creation, Abuse victim found all things possible with God, Student revival continues, 60K fill Oklahoma stadium, Ex-special forces officer with big heart to rescue innocents, Then Lord impressed on his heart, I will do what I want to bring your healing. This site is owned and operated by McWilliams Publishing. But you say, How have we robbed Thee? In tithes and offerings. You know how when an accident happens, you keep replaying over in your mind what you could have done differently? Christians, if you think Grace alone will save you, youre brainwashed by a false western theology. Even if Trump did nothing else, it was worth having him if only to establish and embassy in Jerusalem. She acquaints these to visions rather than near-death-encounters. take over when she finished off Obama works of weakening America, Heaven and hell testimonies. Repentance is accepting Gods forgiveness, but His forgiveness was already in place through the finished work of Christ of the cross. What most people are that Jesus doesnt state that He is yet coming back..but that things will happen in the world that will change the conscience of people.It is more like a time of mercy..a time to repent..a chance for unbelievers and the lukewarm to recognize God and their relationship status with Him.Remember God is a loving forgiving God..a merciful God..before He returns He will show the world that has moved steadily away from Him that He does will be a time to repent and return..a period of peace and revival..there will still be those that reject Himagain..we do not know the hour and the day of His return as far as Judgment is considered..only the Father knows..but it seems that Jesus..being a merciful and loving going to give this lost generation a chance to amend He did with Nineveh and so many other lost generations before a chastisement befalls.Rather than judge this mans experience and who or what makes a about taking it to heart and live as God expects all Christians..with love, mercy, forgiveness, compassion..non-judgmental..pray for those who are lost, struggling or blind with hate indifference and ignorance. As for Trump God is using him to bring America back to him. Then the wheat will be gathered into his barn. It was like that but more dire. Following his vision, Bill knew his life calling was to share his experience with the world. Tell My children, they must be obedient to give tithes and offerings, said the Lord Jesus. The man appeared out of nowhere, he was not in a vehicle. I believe the bridegroom is coming soon two years, five years, 10 years I dont know when, but its exciting., He believes God will use the current U.S. president, as crazy as Trump seems, in the revival. When he got out of prison, his wife asked him for a divorce. Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. We think someone goes to Hell because they sinned, but really it is about disobeying and disrespecting God. Jesus impressed on his heart: These people call themselves Christians but they couldnt forgive their brothers and sisters. Bill Wiese. We arrived in a place that looked like a big swimming pool of fire, with thousands of men and women inside of it. I am a Republican, and I have despised Donald Trump since I first knew of him 30 years ago. It was just like when He saved me. touched on in scripture -Joel 3:14 What You Need to Know We all have questions about topics we do not understand. What To Expect With a Hospice Service When a Loved One Is Dying. Teaching magisterium of the church. I then saw many pastors, elders, and deacons in Hell. We dont like the down emotion either, but by allowing it we become more tenderized to the eternal truth for lost souls. Any words he used, would fall utterly short in describing the real glory he saw in the 3rd Heaven. I went to a. Jesus stressed in Matthew 6:15 that if you dont forgive others, your Father in Heaven wont forgive you. The parable of the servant who took his fellow-servant by the throat is interesting, and I note that every time its mentioned, the person mentioning it, fails to mention that the other servant had fallen at the feet of the servant asked for mercy and time to repay what he owed. Bee, Your thoughts about Trump mirror my own. 4 People Who Have Been To Heaven And Their Stories - Answers for Everyone I was literally experiencing inside my body the truth I had read in the Bible. But now, I see them all in Hell and they are crying out that it is so hot! I guess you have to look at the glass as half full not half empty. refugees whom she would of brought in To date, Xlibris has helped to publish more than 60,000 titles. It does nothing to promote spiritual growth for a Christian to be allowed to hurt and trouble people in the church and nothing said or done about it. The worship was still going on, but I took center stage from the back of the room with my screaming. Too many people! No shutting off, no taking a break, no passing out, and no quitting. The music was captivating and took me to what I will call a worship place. (obedience, which is speaking and acting in agreement with) the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of (the spiritual kingdom of) sin and death. Matthew describes his experience immediately following being shot in the following way, Utter blackness. I was like the unmerciful servant in one of Jesus parables (see Matt. My view was swiftly changed. BreathThe first breath allowed fire to touch everything in me and be carried throughout my body. because of this enlightenment but then I knew there was no man on this side or that who could ever open those gates. Everyone was in the same position, whilst there were weeping and wailing. As I break them down to explain each one individually, it gives the false appearance that it was a slow progressive onslaught.
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