APUSH Practice Exam #1 - Medium But many residents of San Francisco worried about finding enough water to serve their growing population, and saw the valley as an ideal place for a reservoir. But how did the dam get to be here? o Some did not agree with a restriction on immigration: employers (immigrants = cheap labor), immigrants themselves, and their political representatives. What was the goal of the American Medical Association? By 1919, 39 states had granted women the right to vote in at least some elections. Building a dam there was off the table. The Hetch Hetchy Valley was within Yosemite National Park and protected by the federal government, leaving it up to Congress to decide the valley's fate. Roosevelt's conservation deal meant working with the big logging companies, not the small, independent ones. Issues: He brought together a coalition that would support his program. Others felt it was a threat to freedom. Direct Primary and Recall o For the next three year, a state commission studied the background of the fire and the general APUSH Framework. The chief began packing up and, when Nate asked him why, he replied, The valley is yours now., Far below them, the river cascaded into a peaceful valley floor, a heavenly setting similar to that of the main Yosemite Valley. Newlands Reclamation Act: Definition. There have been lawsuits over whether San Francisco violated the agreements of the Raker Act. Albert Bierstadt was known for his sweeping landscapes of the American West. But the Hetch Hetchy Valley was within the confines of Yosemite National Park. The battle went on for over a decade over whether or not to have a dam. This 1910 view shows Kolana Rock and Tueeulala Falls in the background. Lukas Keel was an intern withHumanitiesmagazine. Right next to the Lucky Buck Cafe, youll find the Yosemite Westgate Lodge and Buck Meadows Lodge. Hetch Hetchy was a spectacular high-walled valley within Yosemite National Park. Why did Roosevelt push for the passage of the Meat Inspection Act? Why did many progressives look towards reforming state governments? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This is interesting from an ideological perspective. Men and municipalities who wish something for nothing will encroach upon them, if permitted. The Freeman Report artfully depicted reservoirs in Norway, the United Kingdom and the eastern United States showing how nature and public utility worked together to improve their surroundings and provide long-term benefits for everyone. Instead, it was a more complicated battle which pitted public interests against private interests. Formerly called Buck Meadows Restaurant and Bar, the new caf crosses rustic-mountain flair with roadside cafe friendliness. Congress would decide the fate of the Hetchy Hetchy Valley. Was everyone satisfied with the amendment? Garfield was responding to critics who believed that the federal governments primary responsibility was to use the nations public resources for development in the service for the greatest number of people. What was the Socialist Party of America? In 1896, the National Academy of Sciences created a National Forest Commission, tasked with researching and reporting policy recommendations for the administration of Americas forests. Morgan not used to being told "no". Corporations bought up entire forests for lumber. professional organizations, trade associations representing businesses and Commission Plan: (city) mayor and council replaced by an elected nonpartisan commission o Efforts to limit the power of the party and improve the quality of elected officials. The book confronts the common historical narrative that Muir and Pinchot were enemies, their relationship defined by their battle over the creation of the Hetch Hetchy Dam in Yosemite. They needed to find a way to increase the power of the electorate and decrease the power of the bosscontrolled legislatures. o Divorce rate grew. It was such an evening as I have never had before or since. This friendship was critical to the success of the National Forest Commission. the double-declining-balance method is an accelerated method of depreciation. The trail continues to climb for 1.8 miles (2.8 km) above the trail intersection, but you can turn around any time. Monroe went on to lobby members of Congress as the battle moved to Washington D.C. She was a tireless advocate who believed that people needed to be educated in order to do what was best for everyone involved. According to the philosophy of pragmatism, society should be guided by. How to menright to vote (Elizabeth Cady Stanton). The trail to Wapama Falls is one of the most popular trails in the Hetch Hetchy area for a good reason. Some clubs were important in winning passage of state (and ultimately federal) laws that regulated the food and drug industries, reformed policies with Native Americans, urban housing, manufacture and sale of alcohol, child labor laws, women's pensions. In American politics during the late nineteenth century. What impact did Roosevelt have on the National Park System? First, the beauty of the valley which they felt should not be sacrificed to build a dam. desirable activities get fewer resources than they deserve? An adjacent building contains another five suites with vaulted ceilings, forest views and soaking tubs. The San Francisco Bulletin printed a Dec. 1, 1913, story calling the bills opponents a crowd ofnature lovers and fakers, who are waging a sentimental campaign to preserve the Hetch Hetchy Valley as a public playground, a purpose for which it has never been used.. For Pinchot, a close friend and adviser to the president, this was an obvious choice. Garfield had granted San Franciscos request, but Ballinger ordered the city to show cause as to why Hetch Hetchy should not be deleted from their grant. The naturalists and advocates of the dam argued for years and eventually after WWI, the dam was approved and constructed. Challenges to traditional partiesGreenbacks, Populism, Mugwumps (Independent Republicans) Secret ballotsprinted by the government and distributed at the polls to be filled out and deposited in secrethelped chip away at the power of the parties over voters. Some claimed if women could vote war would become a thing of the pastcalming, maternal influence (WWI gave a final decisive push to suffrage). Waterfalls gushed at Hetch Hetchy after an atmospheric river event in October 2021. From the turn-off, the road winds for 16.5 miles up the old Hetch Hetchy railroad grade (26.5 km) to the Hetch Hetchy Reservoir, passing many lonely trails along the way. Describe the controversy that destroyed Taft's popularity with reformers for good. It pitted a powerful city against a dedicated group of conservationists. Fight for their civil rights. America needed enlightened experts and well-designed bureaucracies to create stability. But if you still have energy, continue past the bridge to Rancheria Falls. The Tuolumne River continues through Tuolumne Meadows and the associated park developments at an elevation of 8,600 feet. Had it been, the Sierra Clubs members would have presented a united front in opposition to its development. He would sign what is known as the 1897 Organic Act into law. The first is utilitarian conservation. Within the ranks of the Sierra Club, there was a split between those San Francisco members who favored the dams municipal use versus those who believed this pristine area should not be tampered with under any circumstances. In 2019, Restore Hetch Hetchy commissioned another study that found enormous recreational value from removing the dam. What are some of the issues clubs addressed? What did the congressional elections of 1910 show? o Commander of the Rough Riders Utilizing its superior resources, the city produced a detailed report which made a compelling case that, far from damaging the beauty of Yosemite, the dam would actually enhance it. o 146 workers (most women) died. Coming from the San Francisco Bay Area youll pass right through Buck Meadows on Highway 120. Crusading journalists who began to direct public attention toward social, economic, and political . This can be very disorienting to fish and disrupt their migrations as they depend on steady streams and flows to guide them. How did the following influence reform: The new 68-mile (109 km) railroad wound its way up the narrow canyon of the Tuolumne River past sharp curves and up steep 4% grades. be called after a sufficient number of citizens had signed a petition. The inadequacy of the citys existing water supply came into sharp focus. It was the fourth Panic in 34 years. Expect delicious meals and hearty portions to fuel your adventure or beat that post-hiking hunger. Explain the success of the child-labor laws supported by Wilson. He was a firm believer in utilitarian conservation. The Hetch Hetchy Controversy, 1903-13 Additional Resources in the Library of Congress The Library of Congress's General Collections include many materials related to the Hetch Hetchy controversy: books, pamphlets, and government documents. Be specific. Looking up at Wapama Falls from the footbridge on the hiking trail. o Recall: gave voters the right to remove a public official from office at a special electioncould It pitted a powerful city against a dedicated group of conservationists. Five country-chic rooms in the main building include en suite bathrooms, free WiFi and electric fireplaces. San Francisco received permission to build a dam in Hetchy Hetch Valley, a part of Yosemite National Park, causing much controversy. Chapter 28 Apush. O'Shaughnessy Dam (California) - Wikipedia emergency exits to prevent workers from leaving "unjustly". Residents from San Francisco, however, wanted to use the territory to get water for their growing population. Robert W. Righter. The Battle Over Hetch Hetchy: America's Most Progressives involved in reform placed emphasis on knowledge and expertise (examplesocial work). It was one of the central institutions of the urban machine. We have historic photographs to remind us of what Hetch Hetchy Valley looked like before the dam was built. Chapter 20 APUSH Reading Guide Flashcards | Quizlet o Land and resourcescontrolled by federal government. Socialist Party of America Women found themselves excluded from most of the emerging professions. o Declining family size A Century Later, the Battle for Hetch Hetchy Continues It carried workers and materials for the dam, as well as tourists, postage and other amenities. Although Wilson got only 42% popular vote, he won an overwhelming electoral victory and a Democratic majority in congress. While opponents of the dam were hard pressed for financial support, the city of San Franciscos campaign was well financed. A few became physicians, lawyers, engineers, scientists, and corporate managers. He had to then appease both the conservatives and progressives. I will agree to take down Hetch Hetchy, when we first replace it with a bigger new reservoir such as a bigger taller Yosemite Valley dam at El Capitan. Describe the founding of the NAACP. Within a few weeks the panic passed, with only minimal effects on the country. Congress has set aside the Yosemite Valley as a state park in 1864, established a national park around it in 1890, and then reclaimed the valley as part of the national park in 1903. economy. Since December 19, 1913, when the Raker Act was signed by President Wilson, there has been a lamentation on the loss of Hetch Hetchy Valley. There are four fundamental ways in which dams damage rivers. Gifford Pinchot: A 2021 Lesson From Americas First Forester, Meet The Real Life Batman & Robin Of The National Parks, Natural Rivals: John Muir, Gifford Pinchot, and the Creation of Americas Public Lands, Gifford Pinchot and the Making of Modern Environmentalism, Son of the Wilderness: The Life of John Muir, 10 EPIC Things to Do at Pinnacles National Park (Expert Guide) 2023, 25 MUST-SEE California Landmarks (Expert Guide + Photos). o Social work They poured an estimated total of more than 398,000 cubic yards (304,000 cubic meters) of concrete to form the dam. Put another way, if Congress denied the city of San Francisco the Hetch Hetchy Valley, the California Progressive leaders suspected that it would only be a matter of time before the emerging Pacific Gas and Electric Company would grab the area. him was beyond question. Its chief concern was redeeming the nation's cities. If youre excited about a long hike or backpacking trip, you can continue to Laurel Lake for a 14.2-mile (22.9 km) out and back. San Francisco Mayor James Phelan led the fight to build a dam at Hetch Hetchy. No picture of the giant sequoia trees in Yosemite National Park manages to fully capture their immense size and majesty. 02/08/2011. Environmentalists lost what was the opening battle in a fight to preserve Americas natural wonders. As Clayton writes, the 1897 act and MuirsAtlanticandHarperspieces are as much a climax to the Muir-Pinchot story as Hetch Hetchy. Hetch Hetchy and Yosemite Valley are so similar because they were created by the same sequences of geological activity. Government should regulate . Initiative: both A and B Theodore Roosevelt led the fight in favor of building a dam at Hetch Hetchy. C. favored the direct election of United States senators. Why did women's suffrage seem such a radical demand during progressive time? Who was Jane Addams? View of the OShaughnessy Dam and the Hetchy Hetchy Road and parking. o Primary Election: an attempt to take the selection of candidates away from the bosses and give Describe three different progressive impulses. Use good judgment and stay safe. A second crash occurred in October 1907, and was precipitated when, using money borrowed from F. Augustus Heinze, Heinze's brothers failed in their attempts to corner United Copper. But Hetch Hetchy was a federally protected as part of Yosemite National Park. Du Bois: had never known slavery. Why did voter turnout decline? Strengthen the government's ability to break up trusts. Women's clubs began primarily as cultural organizations to provide middle- and upper-class women without an outlet for their intellectual energies. You could then scuba ElCapitan down to the valley floor. Bierstadts paintings and Muirs writings began to publicize the beauty of the Hetch Hetchy Valley. o Assistant secretary of the navyproponent of expansion While youre at it, plan to add to the historic flavor of this route with a stop the Northern Mariposa County History Center. T he APUSH practice exam appearing below consists of thirty-five multiple-choice questions. He discovered it a few of years later. Guests at these suites receive breakfast on their patios. conditions of the industrial workplace. Frenemies John Muir and Gifford Pinchot o New scholarly theories argued that the immigrants were polluting the nation's racial stock. They refused to support the war effortgrowing What was the Hetch-Hetchy controversy? Those who presumed to speak for wealth, much of which flowed to San Francisco, believed they were transforming a pioneer land into a settled, civilized one. Hetch Hetchy controversy: Definition. For all the similarities between Hetch Hetchy Valley and Yosemite Valley, there is one enormous difference the Hetch Hetchy reservoir. 46. Democrat Woodrow Wilson's political slogan in the presidential campaign of 1912; Wilson wanted to improve the banking system, lower tariffs, and, by breaking up monopolies, give small businesses freedom to compete. Some embraced it while others rejected it. Created. Interracial organization founded in 1909 to abolish segregation and discrimination and to achieve political and civil rights for African Americans. They wrote letters to each other regularly. What was Taft's first problem in the opening months of his administration? o Opponents called them the "Wobblies". Club movement allowed women to define a space for themselves in the public world without openly 1920, suffragists won ratification of the Nineteenth Amendmentguaranteed political rights to women throughout the nation. To bring relief to the situation, United States Secretary of the Treasury George B. Cortelyou ponied up $35 million of Federal money to quell the storm. Consequently, he disagreed with Muir about the ethics of damming the valley and supported the creation of a water reservoir. the electorate for approval. o Strongest in urban immigrant communities and Protestant farmers in the South and Midwest In 1908, by a wide margin, San Francisco voters approved building a dam at Hetch Hetchy. In his political program known as "New Freedom," Woodrow Wilson believed trusts To help the poor, there must be an improvement in the conditions. It involved the unintended consequences of efforts to shape the environment to meet human needs. You can expect one (short) email per week. APUSH Chapter 21 Vocabulary Flashcards As surely as forests provided timber, so did they provide beauty, inspiration, and the renewal of over-citified spirits. Born in Massachusetts, educated at Fisk University and Harvard. This valley was isolated and remote, twenty miles northwest of the original. Subject. There is no Starbucks here no daily parade of tour buses and RVs. Pinchot was a blue blood, a Puritan, a community-oriented insider. The battle over Hetch Hetchy was a fight to determine whether a beautiful valley would remain in its natural state or service the growing city of San Franciscos water needs. SUBSCRIBE FOR HUMANITIES MAGAZINE PRINT EDITION Browse all issuesSign up for HUMANITIES Magazine newsletter. movement. What was Roosevelt's policy towards labor? Eventually, when the issue was put on a ballot in 1908, it passed and construction of the dam began after World War I. Roosevelt's progressive political policy that favored heavy government intervention in order to assure social justice, nickname for the new Progressive Party, which was formed to support Roosevelt in the election of 1912. Which statement about education in the late nineteenth century is FALSE? It damming in the 1920's caused major controversy among environmentalists. RELATED: Meet The Real Life Batman & Robin Of The National Parks. The Panic of 1907 was a relatively serious economic downturn in the United States caused by a New York credit crunch that spread across the nation and led to the closings of banks and businesses. Instead, the magnificence of a valley often described as Yosemite Valleys slightly smaller twin takes center stage. Campaign for Republican nomination became a battle between Roosevelt and Taft. Yosemite's Accidental Wilderness | Sierra Club Preservationist groups such as the Sierra Club lobby for the restoration of the valley, while others argue that leaving the dam in place would be the better economic and environmental decision. The battle for the Hetch Hetchy Valleys future was not simply preservation versus conservation. The reservoir supplies water for the city of San Francisco, so there is no recreational boating or swimming allowed. And today there is even an organization, Restore Hetch Hetchy, which is committed to doing just that. This, a system joining preservation with conservation, was the result of his alliance with Pinchot. Why did some progressives oppose business? But camped together beside jewel-like Lake McDonald in what would become Glacier National Park, they took a liking to each other. 44. Explain. Preservationists led by John Muir and the Sierra Club argued that the valley should be protected against human. What did the club movement allow women to do? In 1908, by a wide margin, San Francisco voters approved building a dam at Hetch Hetchy. Other reforms (by some states): What were the different progressive opinions regarding immigration? had the right to be expanded. The National Park Service conducted research to determine what would happen if the dam were removed, and people have repeatedly proposed costly studies to further understand the consequences of removing the dam. March 1911 fire in New York factory that trapped young women workers inside locked exit doors; nearly 50 ended up jumping to their death; while 100 died inside the factory; led to the establishment of many factory reforms, including increasing safety precautions for workers. Muir deeply inspired Pinchot, who in turn helped influence Muirs writing. 4.9 (8 reviews) A reform movement led by Protestant ministers who used religious doctrine to demand better housing and living conditions for the urban poor. Taft made Richard A. Ballinger as "Progressive" Amendments: 17th Amendment, 18th Amendment, 19th . Yosemite Westgate Lodge offers newly-remodeled and well-appointed modern accommodation. B. Republicans usually held a majority in the Senate. Even in the summer when Yosemite Valley is being explored by visitors from around the world, Hetch Hetchy remains an oasis of relative calm. On December 19, 1913, Congress passed and President Wilson signed the Raker Act which permitted the building of the OShaughnessy Dam and the flooding of the Hetch Hethcy Valley in Yosemite National Park. As it debated this legislation, Congress negotiated the fate of a federally protected valley located in Yosemite National Park-asking should the dam be built or the valley preserved? This time, in favor of those who wanted to build the dam. Early twentieth-century clubs turned from cultural to social betterment. Richard Ballinger was a conservative who was one of the main characters who was responsible for the progressive-conservative split in the GOP in 1912 (leading to the creation of the Bull Moose party), which is the factor that determined the GOP would be on the right side of the political spectrum (and therefore ensuring the Democrats would be on the left side of the spectrum). Gifford Pinchot: The Father of Forestry - National Park Service In 1908, Theodore Roosevelts Department of the Interior granted San Francisco the authority to dam the Tuolumne River in Hetch Hetchy Valley for use as a reservoir. The Battle over Hetch Hetchy: America's Most Controversial Dam and the Birth of Modern Environmentalism Robert W. Righter Oxford University Press, Mar 17, 2005 - History - 328 pages 0 Reviews. Years before Hetch Hetchy, the two men were friends. Guinn v. United States (1915): Supreme Court declared the grandfather clause in Oklahoma law was unconstitutional. it to the people. What were the differing viewpoints of socialists regarding the economy? John Muir knew that without public support, the Hetch Hetchy Valley would be lost. . To get the electricity they would need, they first built a smaller dam at Lake Eleanor. They respected each other, and acknowledged their shared appreciation for the natural world. What reasons were given, supporting women's suffrage? What sparked the settlement house movement? 5: 1297089180: initiative: A progressive reform measure allowing voters to petition to have a law placed on the general ballot. They felt government must regulate competition to ensure that large combinations did not emerge. How are these opinions different than and similar to today? by kylecwalden9, Feb. 2012. The commission reported their recommendations to President Grover Cleveland in 1889, engulfing Cleveland, Pinchot, and the rest of the commission in a political firestorm. Slow-moving reservoirs heat up, resulting in abnormal temperature fluctuations which can affect sensitive species. In 1987, President Reagans Secretary of the Interior, Donald Hodel, proposed that Hetch Hetchy be restored.
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