Sumatran orangutan: . Monti then moved to an island on the grounds of the center to perfect her skills. This lovely lady is Neng. Primates are one of the most heavily traded types of wildlife. He is undergoing rehabilitation at the BOS Foundation Nyaru Menteng Orangutan Rehabilitation Center in Central Kalimantan (Indonesian Borneo). Owning a monkey isn't cheap. The older orangutans at the Zoo are hybrids of Bornean (Pongopygmaeus) and Sumatran (Pongoabelii) orangutansthey have oneBorneanparent and oneSumatranparent. Communities in Africa living in proximity to forested areas have always hunted chimpanzees, gorillas, and bonobos, and although there are local taboos, their meat has always been a staple of Central African diets. This suppression of secondary sexual characteristic does not, however, suppress his fertility, and it has been shown thatunflangedmale orangutans are as successful in siring offspring as fully flanged males. As a slow reproducing animal, orangutans are particularly vulnerable to population losses, as they take decades, even centuries to replace. Read all about Bumi and see more photos here. He was born at the ClevelandMetroparksZoo in December 1996 and came to the Smithsonians National Zoo in 2004 as part of theBorneanOrangutan Species Survival Plan. He was just one year old as he started his rehabilitation. Kikoroutinelybrachiates(swings hand over hand) on the O-Line and can be impatient if keepers dont move quickly enough to his liking. Female orangutans can weigh up to 50 kg, while males can reach up to 90 kg. Although proprietors claim these animals are captive born, they are probably poached from the wild (The Daily Mail, 2010). This also means he is quite a handful! Last Stand of the Orangutan. She was taken to Sumatran Orangutan Conservation Programme (SOCP) center where she received much tender loving care. Five-year-old Bornean orangutan Redd (left) is half the size of 3-year-old western lowland gorilla Moke (right). Mawa was around one year old at the time of his rescue. TRAFFIC, Southeast Asia. All of them are wild-caught or acquired from circuses, zoos, or private collections (Project R&R). . He is receiving lifetime care from Borneo Orangutan Survival (BOS) Foundation. The Daily Mail. Learn more about the adoption process. This sweetheart is Janet. Orangutans live semi-solitary lives in the wild. These numbers are probably just a drop in the ocean, but it's clear that if orangutans in Malaysia and Indonesia are to survive, stronger law enforcement is needed, and current domestic and international laws and treaties banning this trade are enforced. Like all great apes, orangutans have slow life histories, and for the first few years of their lives, are docile, sweet and gentle. Since then, she has grown into a truly lovely lady. When you adopt an orangutan with the Orangutan Foundation, you will receive: A personalised adoption certificate & orangutan fact-sheet. by Leafcutter, Powered (2002).CITES implementation in Indonesia. by Two Blokes with a Postie, OURF President and Co-founder Gary L. Shapiro. Infant orangutans weigh about 1.5 kg (3.3 lb.) Since females generally have only three to four offspring in their lifetime, males may engage in fierce competition for females. She was born at the Zoo on April 15, 1987, and was named after the IRS (Internal Revenue Service) because of her birth date. They are also members of the ASEAN Wildlife Enforcement Network (ASEAN), and Indonesia is a signatory to the Kinshasha Declaration, which resolves to improve the protection of individual great apes and their habitats everywhere by demonstrably improving where necessary the quality and enforcement of relevant laws, as well as the capacity of law enforcement agencies (CITES/GRASP, 2006). From birth, orangutan infants cling to their mothers as they maneuver through the trees. An assessment of trade in orangutans and gibbons in Kalimantan, Indonesia. See some fabulous photos here. Study guides. They will also sometimes nap in a less carefully constructed day nest. Primatologists believe orangutans have such long "childhoods" because there is so much that they need to learn before they can live alone successfully. /*