and Allah knows best. Is taking a commission from suppliers allowed as long as the company doesnt suffer a loss? If you dont, email them. I had an orgasm from a sex dream during Ramadan. I dont know how reliable the internet is but i read a hadith somewhere but I cant remeber the exact words that the prophet said if you see your discharge is thin and yellow. Although, the frequency may be lower compared to men, nonetheless, the occurrence of wet dreams among women does not indicate any abnormality. If one is really not sure what it is at all then one must perform the bath as the Hanafi school emphasises extreme caution in this issue, and rightly so for he that has no purification has no prayer . Try sleeping on your side or back to help stop them. Some Quick tips to reduce frequency of Wet dreams. i am confused about this. i want to ask a question that when i have wet dream i feel some kind of pain in my vagina?? The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: "Yes, if she sees water (discharge of fluid)." Ibn Qudaamah (may Allah have mercy on him) said in al-Mughni (1/130): If he thinks that he had a wet dream, but he did not find any maniy, then he does not have to do ghusl. Allah says (interpretation of the meaning): "Allah burdens not a person beyond his scope" [al-Baqarah 2:286] "If a man experiences a wet dream this does not invalidate his fast, because it was involuntary on his part; it is similar to the case when something enters his throat whilst he is sleeping." (See al-Mughni by Ibn Qudamah, vol. Do I still make ghusl? Jazakallahu khair for taking on a such a sensitive yet crucial subject. It is haram unconditionality If I have some kind of sexy dream and when I awake up I remember the sexy dream and found a little mazi on my penis,will gusl will cumpulsory on me,because I have heard that if u remember the sexy dream and found mazi then u have to take gusl,I am hanfi and plz tell me in "yes or no" do not refer me to another fatwa Answer The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". 3. So the following should not be said in the beginning of prayer? However if a person indulges in sexual thoughts while he is awake, then that would not cause him to ejaculate (white semen), but another type of colorless discharge/Prostatic fluid might come out which is called madhyy, and it is different from semen or manyy which comes out during ejaculation or a wet dream. And I am very confused. i really wish that this issue be clarified, perhaps an article on this topic would be convenient. If one sees a dream in which one has sexual intercourse but does not notice any semen or wetness when one wakes up, ghusl is not necessary. Whats so hard about taking a shower? 2. Another thing to note is that the phrase a woman who has gotten her menstruation means a woman who has reached puberty, and it isnt talking about whether that woman has her menstrual period when she passes in front of the person praying or not. i am 20 years old girl i want to know that if i saw a wet dreams on my bed First, the Muslim should make their intentions for purification. There was a time when I was unmarried, in college(with fitna EVERYWHERE especially during summer sessions), and abstaining from masturbationthese 3 factors increased the frequency of my wet dreams to at times 3 times a night. How do they look, what is their composition to differ them? about the wetness that it is Mathy, then this does not render Ghusl obligatory, but one is obliged to wash the place that it has come in contact with., On the other hand, Maaliki scholar, Al-Mawwaaq, the author of At-Taaj wal-Ikleel, says (quoting from Al-Mudawwanah): If a person wakes up from his sleep and finds wetness in his bed sheet, then if it is Maniyy, hehas to perform Ghusl, and if it is Mathy, he has to wash his penis. [Ustadh] Sufyan Qufi Masturbation slows down or stops wet dreams. Whatever the details its to do with us women! Initial vaginal throbbing sensation can be felt by thinking about sex, foreplaying etc. It is important to note here though that sometimes a female may wake up in the middle of the dream, before having an orgasm. As for how to use the bathroom, I use high quality toilet paper, then moist wipes, and then always wash my hands twice, with hot soapy water, for at least thirty seconds. I cant remember where I read this: any ideas/clarifications? 8. Just to reiterate, Wet dreams in solitary are natural and not in your control. My only problem is its not stopping and physically draining me. Remembering an orgasm or not is of no consideration when it comes to wet dreams. I had a wet dream but I woke up seconds before my orgasm. 3. There is no mention that a man passing in front of a woman (or another man) cuts off their prayer, however, passing in front of a person who is praying in general is not something to be taken lightly, as the Prophet peace be upon him said: If the one who passes in front of one who is praying knew what (sin) he incurs, he would realize that waiting for forty is better than passing in front of him. Abul-Nadr said: I do not know whether he said forty days, or months, or years. For men, its quite simple. Im sorry for being so explicit, but this is just porn covered with an Islamic label. 2.Is the female semen yellow and thin?if so then does if she sees such discharge without remebering any orgasm both during the day or after sleeping will the ghusl be invalid? The way our mind works is that if you tell it not to do something that is the very thing it will do. yasir, the reason we asked if it is just the discharge is because it could be the regular vaginal discharge (in case a woman is not sure whether she had an orgasm or not during the dream). Many ppl, both men and women, think shower=ghusl, but dont realize that they may have not been purified. *thumbs up* good job. As in, those creatures passing in front of one who is praying = problem, but a woman = not a problem, because shes nothing like a dog or a donkey, and neither is any other woman. I cant be certain if there was any discharge. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. I would have appreciate knowing ways to reduce the frequency to avoid having to take 3 showers in one night, if for no other reason :). Alhamdulillah, it is good to see some of our young students of knowledge taking interest in the science of hadith and its studies. What does this hadith mean, specifically? wet dream is involuntarilyhence out of a persons control I know for sure that I cant be the only one experiencing this. 3. I have never had a wet dream and about 7-8 years ago a few friends and I had a conversion and desired to quit M for a bit to see if we could induce one. Does a woman have to do ghusl if she has a wet dream? The Prophet said: Yes, if she sees water (a discharge). Umm Salamah covered her face and said, O Messenger of Allah, can a woman have an erotic dream? He said, Yes, may your hands be rubbed with dust. It is not allowed at that point to use ones own hands or any instrument to insert or rub vaginal area to reach orgasm and feel satisfied. How do you explain exactly what happens during a wet dream? I just went to leave my reply here so i can see if there is an update to ur inquiry. )then carry on the conversation from there on to telling them about the changes they may see, in future, in their bodies and how it is normal, and what they should do when it happens. yesorgasm necessitate ghusal i dont know how just by thinking about sex a person has orgasmbut if someone does then he/she has to make ghusal. 1. Then water should be poured on his head, covering the entire body with water. There was a time when I was unmarried, in college(with fitna EVERYWHERE especially during summer sessions), and abstaining from masturbationthese 3 factors increased the frequency of my wet dreams to at times 3 times a night. I dont have much of wet dreams honestly and usually I am sure when I see them, because even if I dont remember the dream itself the moment when relaxation comes and you feel weak, climax etc, that moment I usually wake up. After that he performed wudu like that for prayer. this article really helped me alot 2. So both, her narration and the one stating that a woman passing in front of a man cuts off his prayers, both these narrations are authentic, so the scholars take them both into consideration when making the ruling, and they say that if the woman passes in front of him then that cuts off his prayer, but if she is like Aisha was in the bed in front of him, then her presence does not cut off his prayer. If one wants a wet dream, stop masturbating. This is a step that a mother has to initiate and be the first to break the ice. My suggestion is to explain exactly what happens during a wet dream, next give her the biological/hormonal cause, and then explain to her the Islamic ruling about it. (Please read the hadith posted in my last post to see the modesty Umm Sulaym and Umm Salamah (may Allaah be pleased with them both) had when asking). They resort to learning from TV and the Internet, both of which are dangerous forms of educating oneself if not done sensibly. (It was reported by Muslim #479.) And to be honest, i would even tell my sonnot in whole details up to a certain age, but tell him what happens and how a girl cannot pray or fast during this time and how they need extra support and care by the men of the family etc. No shy or arrogant person will ever seek knowledge.. May Allaah have mercy on us, grant us Haya and guide us to whats most pleasing to Him. What I do when taking ghusl is rinse my mouth and clean my nose and then take a shower beause I heard and may Allaah forgive me that the whole body must be wet and there should be no dry part on your body where the water hasnt reached. Sahih Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 9, Number 490: I totally agree. 8 Answers. I read that the female maniy maybe white sometimes. A woman will feel fulfilled and satisfied with an immediate drop of tingling in vaginal area and all sexual sensations. The sutrah can be anything that is at least a couple of feet in height, such as a tree, a pole, a chair, a wall, or any other object can be used. 2. Allah, may He be exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): and [Allah] has not placed upon you in the religion any difficulty. Right now i am thinking that the dream didnt have any theory which you have explained before and that the theory was about to start and i opened my eyes to just finish it. Firstly: If a man feels the semen moving when he feels desire without intercourse, and he holds his penis and nothing comes out, then he does not have to do ghusl according to the majority of scholars; this is unlike the well known view of Ahmad, may Allaah have mercy on him. Jazakillahi khayran for writing this article! I read it a while ago but as it has remained at the back of my mind I feel compelled to comment., The Prophet (SAW) has taught us the best of deeds are those that done consistently, even if they are small. honestly saying So that is one and second I do not understand what is a counted as vaginal discharge that lead me to shower. in this case its better to perform ghusl since shes uncertain of the wetness. All perfect praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. What if u get wet after seeing any drama or m0vie scene? Please show me the best way for dawah to someone who used to pray fast, etc? Secondly, please dont be so hard upon yourself. what is a girl touched herself didnt know it was masterbatiion until recently. I understand that there is a wet feeling but that isnt easy to make the difference so can you please explain how to know? I would experience proper wet dreams last few months for the first times and wake up and researched into it a bit and do ghusul. is there a specific colour for the discharge when you have an orgasm during a wet dream? Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. We use cookies on IslamQA to measure visitor stats. What is the ruling of taking a loan from the bank? I didnt smell anything. To use my passion for the canon of western literature on the school syllabus to perhaps help the children to see the importance of empathy for the plight of others. But sometimes scenarios are different; could you please be so kind to give me answers to few scenarios? The scholars (may Allaah have mercy on them) have described all cases, and their comments may be divided into three categories: 1 - Cases in which ghusl is required according to consensus: (i)Emission of maniy (semen) even if it is not through . Does that mean passing in front without a barrier immediately within the vicinity of where he would do sujood? What good is a manual when its instructions become obsolete? 3. If the discharge is without an orgasm, then she should renew her wudu. i never masturbate nor even touch my private parts for pleasure or any i just think of a guy in the need of love and suddenly i realize its just fake and try to push away those thoughts from my mind yet some times i find a colorless liquid after that, is ghusl mandatory in this case? Perhaps you could clarify the definition? I cant know whether I achieved this significantly or insignificantly. If you wake up from sleep and you find wetness, even if it is just Mathy (pre-seminal fluid)as you said, and you remember having a wet dream, then you are obliged to perform Ghusl according to the Hanafi school of jurisprudence. Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen (may Allaah have mercy on him) said:The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: Shyness is part of faith. So shyness in religion is part of faith, but when someone says There is no shyness in religion, what he means is that there is no shyness in matters of religion, i.e., in asking about something concerning which one may feel shy. Therefore this hadith does rise up to an acceptable level of authenticity. and prayed and didnt know. This is the closest that one can get to being sure. But if parents support their children prior to puberty by preparing them for the 5-10 year journey theyre about to undertake and supporting them at every stage, then they will come out much better on the other side knowing that their parent has been their best friend. Usually when I am afraid to see any man in my dream or even think of such things awake, I experience a wet discharge, like lubrication, the one that only breaks wudu, so I guess I was having it that moment as well and may be even had during a sleep already. Interacting with married folks on personal matters. For men, and women alike wet dreams may or may not be accompanied with a dream and this will require a complete article to explain with medical/psychological references and a response will not do complete justice. I woke up and I could not remember clearly whether I had an orgasm in my dream or whether it was just part of the dream because when I woke up there was literally no discharge and no weird feeling as well. (Please keep in mind that female genital area is always wet, and they do not necessarily always have extra discharge upon orgasm, so the matter is not as easy to discriminate as for men). All it takes is a small gift from a reader like you to keep us going, for just $2 / month. And some women need a detailed answer! He said, He does not have to do ghusl. Umm Salamah said, O Messenger of Allah, does a woman have to do ghusl if she sees something like that? He said, Yes, women are the twin halves of men. (Tirmidhi, Abu Dawood). Al-Liqa al-Shahri (37/25) . Discharge can be more wet or more dry, and be more or less thick or viscous. An example of when a person says their intention out loud is when he stands for prayer but before he starts praying and before the first takbeer, he says I intend to pray maghrib, 3 rakahs, fardh for Allah, in congregation, etc.. Umm Sulaym (may Allaah be pleased with her), who asked the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) about a woman who sees a dream like a man sees (i.e., an erotic dream). normally a wet dream is only consisted of something sexual.but if it is accompanied with chest pressure, scary dreams then, Allah knows best, it is something different Asalamu Alaikum! When I checked afterwards, I discovered Id left a large wet spot. I follow the Hanafi School of Thought, where we are told that if we see any discharge after waking up in the morning, we should perform Ghusl (ritual shower). Because if there is no wetness when the person wakes up then how does he know that he had an orgasm while he was sleeping? Saba Syed (aka Umm Reem) is the author of International award winning novel, "An Acquaintance." I think doubts are baseless, but cant judge in a state of doubts.. plz rep as soon as possible. please clarify . In another hadth, the Prophet (peace be upon him) confirmed that a woman had to perform ghusl: if she sees the liquid. [Sahh al-Bukhr and Sahh Muslim]. (I would think Allah rewards each thing on its own and rewards every step we take towards him, and we should have a good opinion of Allah. It is not allowed at that point to use ones own hands or any instrument to insert or rub vaginal area to reach orgasm and feel satisfied. JazakAllah. So is it necessary to do ghusal?? Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. This answer was collected from, where the questions have been answered by Mufti Zakaria Makada (Hafizahullah), who is currently a senior lecturer in the science of Hadith and Fiqh at Madrasah Taleemuddeen, Isipingo Beach, South Africa. He would then go on pouring water on the rest of his body and wash his legs. How else would her child resemble her? (Bukhari). If you have a sexual dream without an orgasm do you have to do your ghusl again? Even having thought like hugging your future husband and all is also haram? These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. reached the age of puberty, wAllahu taala alam. I understand its impure, but what am I to do if I cannot control it, the thoughts arise randomly and unannounced, and it happens so often? It is allowed unconditionally(Imam Ahmads opinion who regarded maturation as cleaning ones nose). Right now there is no extra discharge even. Their words seem to prove the neutrality of performing this act, and thus it is permissable . JazakiAllah khiar iMuslim, i hope so too :). I realized that this issue is not only complicated for sisters but also a much neglected subject. Can you please clarify? narrated by al-Bukhaari(510) and Muslim (507). you could always get a water conserving bidet, and save a tree or two or three. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. the time of that prayer) elapses. Also Refer to Question # 302: Engaging in Secret Habit while fasting. Your right. Hope you are well. I do have discharge every day, they vary between white/yellow/thick/thin. Unless a person wakes up in the middle of the orgasm and is able to feel it, they would not know if they had an orgasm during their sleep if they find no wetness when they wake up. I have a question: if a woman is sure she has had an orgasm in the dream but upon waking has finds no extra wetness or any discharge, does she has to do ghusl? And a lot of taboo topics are in the area of human sexuality. Because you are not in control of what your body does, usually. I know this was posted like nearly ten years ago and I most likely wont get a reply but I cant find the answer to my question elsewhere, so.. Qn 1; does rape, sexual abuse, ambiguous consent, just kissing in your dreams count as a wet dream? In response, I just wanted to share my experience. Usually, it is only pre-fluid (mazi) and not semen Firstly, jazakAllah khair. He says that all of the apparent Shawahid in this regard are weak. It is said that certain foods which are considered hot can lead to nocturnal emissions. However one day I woke up feeling sexually aroused and then I checked it up online and saw that it was wet dream. So when the need rises, one must ask in order to educate themselves regarding these issues which are of utmost importance. Copyright IslamWeb 2023. Pingback: Quandary of Female Vaginal Discharge | Lying on your stomach may make you more prone to have a wet dream. but why not? Uncertainty about purity and wet dream. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Women Visiting Graveyards & Donating Reward to the Deceased, Another version of the Hadith on visiting ones parents grave and reciting Surah Yasin. Hope you are well. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". I change my clothes and it is causing me so much grief. 1.1 what will be a ruling if I see a wet spot on my underwear, but not sure its due to wetness because of desire that only breaks wudu or that thing that requires ghusl? Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Do you have any contacts where we could purchace Alim books. It has made me think quite long and hard about my role as an educator. I read your description but Im still not convinced. I would say just start talking about it. assalamualaikum, (And I read here that if you are uncertain there is no need for ghusl right). I didnt do a ghusl after this bacause I was not sure. I posted a very long reply before, for some reason, after awaiting moderation, did not show up. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. At-Tirmidhi, despite his lenience, also did not grade this Hadith as Hasan. There is also a strong sensation to touch or rub the private area or to take something inside the vaginal area specifically. The thing is that i usually sprinkle a lot of water b4 my prayers on my lower garment to remove any traces of impurity frm any kind of discharges. Do not underestimate what others are capable of teaching your daughter, including her friends (inside or outside the schools, Muslims or non-Muslims) or even teachers. I pray this finds you in the best of states. The Messenger of Allah, sallallahu alihi wasalam, said: The Pen has been lifted from three: from the one who is sleeping until he wakes up, from the child until he reaches the age of puberty, and from one who is insane until he comes to his senses. (Tirmidhi). plus i have to look after my 2 yr old during the day. Hence, I decided to contribute this piece, along with the help of a professional Gynecologist, Dr. Fatimah Lalani and Shaykh Yasir Qadhi, so it may help and benefit all the sisters who read this. I dont understand it and wanted to know if its normal? May Allah ease your heart and help you get through this. Brother, Refer to my comment above akhi, it should clear things up inshAllah. does she need to take ghusl or not.. do rply me on my mail also.. if she had an orgasm, she needs to make a ghusal.and Allah knows best, Sister after I prayer fajr I needed to use the rest room but I ignored it because I wanted to sleep with my wudu. If i dont indulge in these thoughts but it randomly pops into my head and i discharge is my wudu invalid? Is it necessary to wear an under wear since we all women have white discharge in our everyday lives.. but is it necessary? Al-Kashshaaf, which is one of the books of the Hanbali school, reads; or that he is sure i.e. Just because . I think it was about me catching a theif or something. Then make wudu like the wudu done for prayer, then pour water on his right side, then the left side. Umm Salamah said: Umm Sulaym came to the Messenger of Allah, sallallahu alihi wasalam, and said, O Messenger of Allah, Allah is not too shy to tell us the truth. Umm Salamah asked: What about women, O Messenger of Allah? If you go to an orthodox Jewish blog, I am sure youll find many discussions there strange as well, as the Torah-based laws are even harder and stricter than Muslims. If i dont indulge in these thoughts but it randomly pops into my head and i discharge is my wudu invalid? Also, she says she would slip away-how is that not passing? A humane compassion for their fellowman through my first love, literature. I have few questions n I want to know the answers ASAP please. I hope it clarifies. I feel terrible knowing the fact that one has to perform ghusl if one sees a wet dream. We use cookies on IslamQA to measure visitor stats. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Yes, definitely. women) dogs. Any suggestions on how to open up the topic of puberty etc etc with children? 5. Assalaamu alaykum. During my discussion with Dr. Lalani, I asked her if a girl could have wet dreams before she has her first menstrual cycle. She was asking whether a woman who for whatever reason, only wears hijab for prayer, if her not wearing hijab at other times invalidates her prayer in hijab. and she needs to evaluate the situation why these thoughts keeping coming back to herif she is interacting with that man then she should stop if she can. But what about the hadith mentioned above, by Sarah I believe- Should I perform Ghusl every morning or just perform ablution when I see wetness and am not sure whether it is a wet dream or not? It is not as simple to explain the orgasm in words. Make your daughter feel comfortable, do not pass any embarrassing comments, put a smile on your face but be precise. The answer being referred to by ustadha Shaista Maqbool is attached. I have also had a baby through c section as i couldnt labor him. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. (sorry i will be slightly descriptive, please forgive me, but i need the right answer so i know im doing things correct) So i went to check and i had a very faint..very faint brown or really light brown spot on my pantie liner. please i need an answer ASAP. Please note that it was not wetness of madhiy because it was not sticky or anything. I am having an issue causing me a lot of anxiety for the past couple of months. Just understand, that the whole notion of reducing the frequency is in more ways than believed, connected to numerous factors personal, social, environmental including the religious makeup of a person. There is haya in all the issues concerning the deen, for haya is part of eeman too, but what I think the sister meant is that having haya does not prevent some one from seeking knowledge in the deen. That was about ten years ago and over the time; our society has only become more corrupted. You can take note of how so many Muslim women are interested in this topic. Make positive statements about yourself and your situation: it is incredibly embarrassing as im an adult and not a teenager even. In the narration of Al-Bukhari it states that he (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) then turned aside and washed his legs. She has hosted several Islamic lectures and weekly halaqas in different communities all over U.S and overseas, also hosted special workshops regarding parenting, Islamic sex-ed, female sexuality, and marital intimacy. Praise be to Allah. Dreams of a sexual nature do not break the fast regardless of any discharge or not. With regards to your statement there is no haya in issues concerning the deen, Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen (may Allaah have mercy on him) said:The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: Shyness is part of faith. So shyness in religion is part of faith, but when someone says There is no shyness in religion, what he means is that there is no shyness in matters of religion, i.e., in asking about something concerning which one may feel shy. I think it is a matter of personal choiceFrom what Ive gathered, in East women dont regularly wear undergarments, but in West it is an unknown concept not to wear one, 5. making wudu before the rest of the shower is from the sunnah, 6. Click here to support MuslimMatters with a monthly donation of $2 per month. It helped me clear up so many confusions that I had regarding this particular issue. However, the majority of audience is Muslim and as such well cater to their needs. And is it haram to read romance books that cause you to have sexual thoughts? How would a woman or a man know if they had an orgasm during their sleep if they had no discharge? They always ask lots of needless questions. I am currently doing hifdh, I still do my hifdh whilst I am on my menstraul cycle otherwise I forget what I have Learnt or its hard for me to go back into the habit of doing it. JazakAllah khair for such an informative post. Can I accept commission from a property broker for selling the owners brothers property? In the name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful. It is however, a different matter when the frequency is influenced by factors in our control (some factors are acceptable e.g.
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