Saturn Square Venus Synastry - An Unlikely Match [2023] Dont expect to gain wealth overnight. Your motivations for pursuing relationships are likely to change now. As such, couples who have strong Venus-Saturn aspects (especially double-whammies!) Of course, Im not saying that the stars actually caused the hardship in my life, but they do tell the tale quite accurately, and the causeif you want to countenance such a thingis as capricious as it could conceivably be. Saturn cannot be retrograde with this conjunction. January 22, 2023 Relationships suffer the most with this transit, but you could also experience some financial hardship at this time. Venus Conjunct Saturn In Natal Chart There is a feeling of being contained with this placement. You may be materially focused and judgmental towards others. April 7, 2025 Seek further information on Internet and you will be shocked by what youll find out. Saturn is the planet of strict energy, rules, karma, time, past life themes, and can represent authority. January 3, 2020 - 256 likes, 10 comments - Kirah (@thestrology) on Instagram: "2020 YEAR AHEAD READING I have a special new offering for January and . Remember that every part of life has a phase this will pass and you will actually learn a lot along the way. 200+ pages beautiful comprehensive readings about your chart, with focus on your attitude toward love and relationship; 10 planets from Sun to Pluto and the North Node in detail plus Chiron the healer, Lilith the rebel . You wont spend more than you have and do not have an issue living conservatively. She was only married to him a short time, he just couldn't hold her. On the other hand if you want real (Saturn) love (Venus), the conscious Venus Saturn person has it to give. Long-Lasting Love: Venus Conjunct Saturn - I have nothing but relationship failures, not one single real success, so my life is all about ghosts of relationships past, plus of course the ones that might have been, but never became a thing. Venus Conjunct Saturn In Natal Charts, Composite Charts & Synastry Thank you Eleanor, and my deepest sympathies to you on your separation and hardships. With Venus trine Saturn, love flows into your life at a steady pace. However, the worst part is going through life without anyone around me who is clear-headed enough to understand me and whom I can trust to actually grasp my meaning when I rant about some of these things. You will slowly learn to let go of your sense of duty and find a deeper sense ofloyalty, the kind that you give because youwant to. For a woman, her Venus is part of her feminine nature, so it is definitely best when her partner also relates well with this element. This aspect gives a cold chill, when faced with love, to the native or relationship and any harmonious compatibility that may be present just adds to the chill factor. Real security comes from knowing your value regardless of the situation. You are focused with Venus trine Saturn in most of your endeavors. Would You Marry Someone With Saturn In The 7th House? Lucky Jupiter obscured by cloudy Neptune Descendant. When the actual truth is the last thing people want to hear, then they structure their lives around lies, which is what weve done as a whole society. Blessings from the other side of earth, Coliberi When it comes to sex and sexuality, a Venus conjunct Saturn aspect can point towards a fun yet stableexpression. This can also result in you taking up positions of leadership. You might also become too focused on discipline and maintaining standards, which can end up leading to rigidityand even disappointment. If you encounter a new romance during the Venus conjunct Saturn transit, youll find that its based on practical concerns instead of overly romantic. If you are uncomfortable with something, it is important to voice it out and for your partner to accept that and vice versa. venus saturn synastry marriage - Astrology Anonymous Thanks Kurt, you will feel it more strongly because you have the same aspect in your natal chart. Venus and Saturn Conjunction in Astrology - Vidhya Mitra Venus and Saturn in Synastry - Astrology Bits All Saggs are in this together. Speak to an expert today start your reading for free. This means that you might get stuck in loveless relationships, thinking that you must choose either dutyor true love. Relationships (of all kinds)that are REAL may be sparse and not flashy, but they are a joy for their commitment loyalty and dependability (saturn) It is important to learn how to let go of all the fears and walls that you hold when it comes to relationships and having a patient partner can be the key to that. January 18, 2025 The best part is you are able to ask any specific questions you have. My friends probably didnt understand when I started seeing him (being a lot older), but its not me, its my astrology! Am a cancer sun, acquarius ascendant, Taurus moon. They may not have been taught how to avoid predatory people so to keep oneself safe they remove themselves or avoid relationships. Im not saying that all older guys arent fun, but after a while the fun seems over and they can come across Saturnian in nature, which I really dont like. Or that loving someone or something is a matter of duty and honor, not necessarily enjoyment or reciprocity. @R,I can relate,as i now live a hermit existence and have very little to do with this corrupt system. Jupiter will spend the first part of 2023 in Aries, its a great time to start new projects and adventures, especially if you have Aries placements. Cheers. People from previous lives that felt betrayed or hurt by you will seek you out in this life to teach you a lesson and balance things out. The the basis of much astrology is that you won the natal aspect. Hi Jaime, so do we feel this during that day only? I am very sorryas I was in that lifeand this gives me patience with the karmic asshole convention that arrives to harm me. Some people think design means how it looks. Yes the conjunctions are as follows: Her Saturn 25 degrees and Venus 26 degrees Aries. Consistency in romance comes naturally to you. You can look for love in those areas, from society, but you wont find it there because it comes from within, from close relationships with unconditional acceptance. I get along swimmingly in the natural world, but when it comes to the world of people, I am so constantly harangued and attacked that I can barely exist there (yes, Ive often considered Hermitage, too). Thank you for your suggestion. These aspects have a heavy feeling, since Saturn tends to slow the romance of Venus, but can also teach loyalty, longevity, and how to value oneself. This aspect, in particular, can be prone towards angerto quite an extent, although it might not necessarily become violent and dangerous. Greetings, Micha ** Love and all the best wishes to ELSA in this difficult time ** The Moon is void of course in the above chart, using EST. This is one indication of a long-term, significant relationship. Progressed Venus Conjunct Sun | Astrologers' Community This can make your journey straightforward and your discipline can help you bring your dreams to fruition. Whether this means that youre often committed to very serious relationships or that you rarely enter relationships without thinking through the commitment clearly, youre definitely a bit reserved. Check out the Free online Tarot readings using this deck on the AstroMatrix app. And the more dutiful, respectful and responsible you are the quicker it turns around. You likely select friends with greater care, and those who really are not close to you may fade into the background or may no longer be a part of your circle. This aspect is offen described as a "love at first sight" aspect as it represents an instant and irresistible chemistry between two people. A Venus conjunct Saturn aspect, then, combines these energies since the two planets tend to come close together. A balanced Venus conjunct Saturn personality can be magnetic due to the sense of stability, love, charm, beauty and grace that can present overtly. On the other hand, Saturn represents hard work, commitment, limitations, and sacrifices. You struggle to know your ownvalue with Venus opposition Saturn, but this translates to other areas of your life, too. This can cause you to repress your inner feelings and emotions, leading to resentment and loneliness. There can be an element of envy with Venus conjunct Saturn. Thank you for doing all that you do. Progressed Venus to Venus: A milestone in love There is a milestone in relationships around this time, where you reconnect with an essential need or drive to express your values and tastes, and reflect these values in your choice of partner, and perhaps your choice of economic path. You wont promise more than you can give because once youre in, youre usually committed. My boyfriend has been the only person in my life thats here for me and Im worried about this conjunction. April 26, 2023 by Sasstrology. Having a good balance of traits can lead to fulfilling relationships as well as journeys. Venus conjunct Saturn can be most challenging while growing up. One: will this transit affect me more adversely as the current Venus and Saturn Transit are inconjunct my natal pairing? Its been hard also since none of my family will help me either. Ive had relationships with 3 older guys. So yes, it hurts to be deprived of sex and companionship, and it hurts to be confined to a prison of financial lack despite my many credentials and accomplishments. I steer directly into the storm every time, wanting to flush the truth out to resolve the situation, but the problem is that 99.9% of people run in the opposite direction as fast as they can. This synastry aspect colors the relationship with love and sweetness, but it is not necessary an indicator of longevity. In the conjunct position with Venus, it meant relationship problems. I watch friends and acquaintances living lifestyles and getting things handed to them that I can only dream about without having had any of my struggles. However, this will actually benefit you in the long run and means that you can make the best of the hard times ahead and actually come out on top. We both are blown away daily by bizarre events that seem to indicate something very meaningful is happening, though neither of us knows what that might be, apart from our obvious desire to be with each other. Saturn meant conflict, unhappiness, and old wounds. Similar to the Venus/Mars conjunct, there can be great intimate relief and you will fulfillment. You may have gotten hurt when younger but no one was there to explain to you how predators work. Venus Conjunct Saturn: Celebrating Old People Love. But dont be afraid to think big, either, as long as you put in the day-to-day work. Not only that, but there have been incredible synchronicities and omens all around me during our courtship that have been unlike anything I have ever experienced. It might be time to take a break and rest your mind and body so that you can heal and recover. There can be an element of envy with Venus conjunct Saturn. The universe,the unknown,will have your back. I have venus conjunct saturn, am I doomed romantically? Learn to keep enough money to live on and how to value it. Truthfully spot-on! The squares to Neptune call for extreme caution, unless you like marrying a drunk, an addict or a crazy guy. You can have really high standards for others, too, as you have such high standards for yourself. So obviously the Moon is in Aquarius in the 6th House. Yes, same as with most transits of fast moving planets like Venus to slow moving ones like Saturn. The synastry will be much the same, a big test to pass in order the make it work. Kirah on Instagram: "2020 YEAR AHEAD READING I have a special new Personalized Daily, Weekly & Monthly Horoscopes. In some ways, Saturn can ground Venus, but it can also create karmic debts surrounding love.
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