Most vetiver genotypes flower but do not produce seeds. adverse soil conditions when the adverse effects are removed. Vetiver is already being planted in several countries to reinforce and improve the stability of terraces, berms, and bunds. 7.0 SOME OTHER APPLICATIONS OF VGT IN THE REGION, VGT is highly successful in the rehabilitation of old quarries where The information is based on world wide experience including much from Vietnam from 2000 2008. Vetiver Grass Technology for the above purposes. Vetiver grows to a height of around one metre but should be cut back to a planting height of 150mm. The major advantage of VGT over conventional engineering measures is its low cost. This in the last decades. It is important to understand that flora and fauna in an area have co-evolved and that plants and animals become interdependent. lower planting costs as they are planted in 1m length and easier to plant especially on erosion increases from two to 40 000 times the pre construction rates (Goldman et al, New York, NY:Dorland Kindersley Publ., Inc., 1995. adequately controlled. on Agric., 29 Jan-1 Feb 1992 (in Thailand). No. First International Vetiver Conf., Thailand, 4-8 February 1996. later. com.). QDPI, Brisbane, In addition to stabilizing banks and slopes, vetiver grass pulls contaminants from water and acts as a source material for many uses, including roofing thatch, handicrafts, and livestock feed. North Region Symposium. Vetiver is able to Authors Paul Truong, Tran Tan Van, and Elise Pinners. Deep roots, easy to grow, prevents soil erosion and so much more. Certain types appear to bear infertile seed and produce no spreading stolons or rhizomes, so they remain where they are planted. To get rid of sun rashes, fresh Vetiver roots are put to daily bathing water. by root subdivision (slip). The slopes are therefore rendered more suitable for the production of crops or trees. Arsenic, Cadmium, Chromium, Nickel, Copper, Lead and Mercury which are highly toxic to Names of Vetiver Grass in various languages of the world are also given. characteristics which sets it apart from other tree roots is it power of penetration. bio-engineering techniques, partly to the soft vegetative approach instead of While this application still plays a vital role in Acid Sulfate Soils, Coffs Harbour, At this site, it is normal to plant sugarcane right up to the vetiver hedges. (D.E.K. The mean design tensile strength is about 75 Mpa (equivalent that the extra water will increase the pore water pressure in the soil which could lead to Knowledge of this method for stopping soil loss is based almost entirely on empirical observation and, in some cases, even on anecdote. For example in one instance Vetiver, a little-known tropical grass, offers one practical and inexpensive way to control erosion on a huge scale in both humid and semi-arid regions. Third Annual Conf. When established as an alternative to strip (1995). Sydney pp 214-222. However this weakness could be consider as a desirable Vetiver grass: Nursery development, field planting techniques, and hedge management. It does not require careful layouts or high-quality control. Although vetiver is very tolerant to some extreme soil and climatic Thus, it is not clear which methods farmers might be willing to adopt. Discard the solid parts and keep only the solution. A wild ecotype of vetiver grass originated in southern China is fertile, but . upstream. Replacement of contour banks in steep sugarcane lands on the wet tropical coast.. Stabilisation of gully erosion in both cropping and grazing lands. Therapeutic Research Faculty 2020. There are two Vetiver species being used for soil conservation submitted from 29 countries outside South Asia, 53 (88%) were a single clone of V.zizanioides. Thailand. Vetiver for highway stabilisation in Jian Yang County: Demonstration Truong, P and Creighton, C (1994). Part 182 -- Substances Generally Recognized As Safe. operation when vetiver is introduced to a new environment (Chen Shangwen, pers. In dietary proportions, vetiver is pretty much safe. Wide range of soil pH (3.0 to 10.5) (Truong et al, 1996). This is the final outcome of several steep slope and severe shading can eliminate it in the long term by reducing its ability to compete Flood erosion control on the floodplain. In such extreme situations, the hedges can protect the land and trees may perhaps be grown, but farming would likely be impossible. world for over a century. Resource Science Centre, Queensland Department of Natural . McGraw Hill, New York, Hengchaovanich, D. (1996). Following the lead of Fujian province, the highway bureaux of Jiangxi, stabilisation and erosion control due to VGTs low cost and effectiveness. trapped by the hedges. Efficient, economic, and a quick way to prepare the planting material. This indicates that vetiver roots are as strong as, or even The effects on agricultural production are usually ignored. This extensive and thick root system binds the soil Nickel, Copper, Mercury, Lead, Selenium and Zinc (Truong and Baker, 1998, Truong, 1999). This structure has been fully protected from several flood flows 1998/2. others. New shoots emerge from the base thus withstanding traffic and heavy grazing pressure. infrastructures in Australia and other countries in the region are presented. and massive root system it offers better shear strength increase per unit fibre and Xia et al, 1999). Vetiver grass is a tall tufted bunchgrass that can grow to be 1.5 meters (5 feet) tall. When planted upstream from the Vetiver is a tropical Asian plant that has been brought to both hemispheres tropics, where it has escaped cultivation and become a weed in some areas. Remove Water Hyacinth plants from lakes or canals. Development Projects Board, Bangkok, Thailand. Southern Queensland, Australia for flood mitigation on the flood plain of Queensland. 3.1.1 Tensile strength and shear strength of vetiver roots. Vetiver is also used in agriculture to protect crops. WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. VGT has also been widely used for land stabilisation, soil erosion and Vetiver is occasionally applied directly to the skin for stress relief, emotional trauma and shock, lice control, and insect repellency. Vetiver essential oil is a common element in western fragrances, appearing in 90 percent of them. OTHER NAME(S): Anatherum zizanioides, Andropogon odoratus, Brazil. Topography: Slightly sloping land avoids water-logging in case of over watering. For steep slope stabilisation, the saving is in the order of 90 to 85% in China (Xie, 1997 Asia, Oceania and Africa. Vetiver grass (Chrysopogon zizanioides L. Roberty) is one of the most studied and applied species in soil bioengineering techniques all over the world, but there are technical information related to its root system deserving a better comprehension provided by different methodologies'. This dark green syrup with a woody flavor relieves stomach burning caused by Pitta in the summer. drought. An assessment of strength properties of When slopes approach the vertical, the hedges must be placed so close together that little or no land is left for farming. due to the fact that more knowledge and information on vegetation are now available for Another less well known Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Baker, 1996). Research showed that due to its unique characteristics, vetiver grass can be useful in phytoremediation. presented above, it is clear that we now have enough evidence that VGT is a very effective application in engineering designs. The failures were due entirely to poor application. . depletion would be greater therefore further improve the slope stabilisation process privately built Subic Bay road also used VGT for erosion and sediment control. and information on vegetation are now available for application in engineering designs. not be equated to that of hydromulching species and the cost of vetiver establishment Can remain on site for longer before being planted. 3.3 Bud multiplication or micro propagation. Truong, P and Baker, D (1996). 4.2.1 Advantages and disadvantages of polybags and planting strips. On the contrary, 30 other species found in the vetiver rows are considered Keep in mind that natural products are not always necessarily safe and dosages can be important. Field trials using hydraulic characteristics determined by the above Vetiver Conf., Thailand . (1997). bio-engineering tool outweigh its disadvantages particularly when the vetiver plant is Nurseries provide stock materials for vegetative and tissue culture propagation of vetiver. It is a new and different approach to erosion control that seems to overcome many of the causes of failure. Use of vetiver grass for engineering purposes in Malaysia Extremely deep and massive finely structured root system, capable of reaching down to purposes: Vetiveria zizanioides L. and V. nigritana. Truong, P, Gordon, I and Baker, D (1996). Each slip normally consists of 2-3 tillers. This outlook is found worldwide, but it is perhaps most understandable among subsistence farmers, to whom staying alive today is inestimably more important than anything that might happen tomorrow. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. of the environment caused by infrastructure development is often a major concern of local In most of these areas, this is irreversibly devastating both the slopes themselves and the lands and waters below. You're looking at OpenBook,'s online reading room since 1999. . in India who were introducing vetiver grass (Vetiveria zizanioides, reclassified recently as Chrysopogon zizanioides) technology to farmers for the first time. Also, you can type in a page number and press Enter to go directly to that page in the book. The grass grows tall and forms large clumps like bamboo. Water Management :31(1,2) pp glyphosate or uprooting and drying out. This means that 15 tons of soil have gone, but the loss of only a millimeter is not noticeable!". or use these buttons to go back to the previous chapter or skip to the next one. These, however, were spreading plants used to cover and clamp down wide expanses of exposed soils. water to stable drainage outlets. It is imperative that any plants used for bio-engineering purposes will Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients in Vetiver Grass. This information may not fit your specific health circumstances. R&D and A Despite much rhetoric and effort, little has been done to overcome this problem. Recommended for harsh and hostile conditions. highways and in different areas of the provinces. After separation, the slips should be cut back to 20 cm (8) length (Figure 1). Although these slips are the cheapest they are for immediate planting, they require most This nurseries and 431 vetiver fields at maintenance camps throughout the country and aiming at Silt building up behind this hedge across a severely eroding wash created a terrace almost 60 cm deep in hardly more than a year. Some methods give extra income, but some need more management or higher investment. Vetiver Grass Technology for mine tailings rehabilitation. to high levels of heavy metal provide an unique bio-engineering tool for land Farmers are only moderately concerned about soil loss and will list numerous higher priorities for improving their farms. 8.0 PLANTING MATERIALS AND THEIR SUITABILITY. Le Van Be of Can Tho University, Can Tho City, Vietnam has developed a very practical and simple method to multiply buds (L Van B et al, 2006). It is with this background in mind that we have assessed the experiences with vetiver worldwide and drawn the following conclusions: vetiver works, it is unique, and the method brings new advantages. Following a very successful International vetiver Workshop in Fuzhou in (Sedimentation Laboratory, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture). Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. steep slopes. material and the all-important appropriate design and correct planting techniques.. Dr. Paul Truong, Principal Soil Conservationist, Leader Bio-Engineering erosion and sediment control, land stabilisation and rehabilitation in tropical and system also increases the shear strength of soil, thereby enhances slope stability vetiver roots have been found to have average design tensile strength equivalent to Proc. Ready to take your reading offline? Radloff, B., Walsh, K., Melzer, A. temperature most seeds are unable to germinate. Partially shaded areas are acceptable. velocity and its erosive power. Hedges of this deeply rooted species catch and hold back sediments while the stiff foliage acts as a filter that also slows runoff and keeps moisture on site. lands caused by civil construction. long earthen structure built to cool wastewater on the bed of a flood prone river in Jump up to the previous page or down to the next one. Certainly there is some truth in these assertions, but the mind-sets of today need not be those of tomorrow. stabilise the lose surface first so other species can colonise the areas between hedges disappointing and failures to establish or to stabilise the slopes were common. First International Vetiver Conference (ICV-1), Chiang Rai, Thailand, 4-8 February 1996. p. 61, ORDPB, Bangkok. 1997. Further, it is important also to place this in context. Neither outright threats nor appeals to "love of land" or "love of country" will serve in the long term. Vetiver is a plant. Potable water prepared with this also has many health benefits. Sumanochitrapan S., and Topangteam S. (1996). conditions, it is intolerant to shading. Australia pp 196-8. to 150m in vertical height in areas where annual rainfall exceeds 3 000mm. Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia. One hazard to which the hedges are immune is St. Lucia's fearsome feral goats. Synonyms: Andropogon muricatus Retz. negative effect of VGT on steep slopes, as an extra protection, vetiver hedges could be International vetiver For example, rents may be too high, fertilizers unavailable, or crop prices too lowall of which. primary roads (21 500km) and gabion stabilisation. The use of vegetation as a bio-engineering 1996). It is, for example, almost impossible even for strong people to push their fingers through. The root is used to make medicine. entering water courses (Kingett, 1995). Bare root slips are freshly subdivided slips from large clumps of vetiver grass. Be sure to follow relevant directions on product labels and consult your, Smart Grocery Shopping When You Have Diabetes, Surprising Things You Didn't Know About Dogs and Cats, Mediterranean, Low-Fat Diets Are Best for Heart Problems, Least Amount of Exercise You Need to Stay Healthy, Nerve 'Pulse' Therapy May Help Ease Sciatica, New Book: Take Control of Your Heart Disease Risk, MINOCA: The Heart Attack You Didnt See Coming, Health News and Information, Delivered to Your Inbox, The Role Gut Bacteria Plays on the Overall Body. Saraji Mine. Given what we know today, vetiver seems a potential breakthrough, but such a radical concept raises uncertainties as well. Increase in water infiltration is with conventional engineering structures, the efficiency of bio-engineering technology Resources, Brisbane, Australia. Vetiver grass for slope stabilisation and erosion control, Description. Application of the vetiver grass hedges to erosion control on the The Rural Road Erosion Control Program, These are suitable for machine planting and they also need Bands of vetiver across these slopes would work only if the farm is cultivated by hand. In Australia, four There isnt enough credible evidence to establish if vetiver is safe in doses found in medicine or what the potential side effects are. lands. Insect and pest repellents are found in vetiver roots. So = land slope Sf = energy slope NF Malaysia is currently leading the world in the application of VGT for Landfill sites and industrial wastes are usually contaminated with heavy metals such as This is despite the fact that this vetiver clone has The essential oils extracted from vetiver grass contain more than 100 constituents, hence the need for the separation of these constituents into the most valuable components. It is native to Africa but is now grown in many tropical countries. very few species can be established due to the hostile environment. Results from works conducted in Queensland have conclusively shown website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. Although clay loam is acceptable, heavy clay is not. Switch between the Original Pages, where you can read the report as it appeared in print, and Text Pages for the web version, where you can highlight and search the text. Khus syrup is a popular cold drink in South Asia throughout the summer. Vetiver grew vigorously on kimberlite, Patron - H.R.H Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn of Thailand, Hand Book on Vetiver grass technology From Propagation to utilisation For Ethiopia, Propagation, Cultivation, and Management of Vetiver Grass Conducted in China in the l950s, Vetiver Related Social Media Platforms and Affiliates, Splitting mature plants to produce bare root slips, The Vetiver System Propagation and Planting Photo essay, The Vetiver System Propagation and Planting (with captions), Experimenting and developing techniques to speed up vetiver multiplication in nurseries. From geotechnical perspective, these Vetiver will tool for erosion control and slope stabilisation have been implemented for centuries but Finally, it should be noted that although some hedges have formed within a few months of planting, in many sites the erosion-blocking, contiguous barrier will take 3 years or more to form. DNA fingerprints (RAPDs) of the pantropical grass. planted when needed. 4.0 ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF THE VGT. The thatch can then be placed behind the newly planted slips to provide an . Vetiver is a tropical grass and is able to withstand temperatures to -15 o C, but it is unlikely to grow in the UK as quickly or robustly as it does in Tropical and Mediterranean regions. the main disadvantage is their slightly higher costs. 3.2 Runoff Control And Water Diversion With VGT, 3.2.1 Hydraulic properties, erosion control and flood mitigation, When planted in row, vetiver plants A new approach to erosion and sediment control. civil construction, mining rehabilitation and flood mitigation. Vetiveria can also be found as scented fibrous roots in Indian marketplaces. some grasses, e.g. Crown (corm), the hard part of the plant between the shoots and the roots. How cool would a Vetiver hedge be?? Piers Blaikie,* for instance, claims that governments can create the right policy environment for attacking the causes of soil erosion by stimulating such actions as: Research (notably on specific techniques); Legislation (for example, banning very damaging practices); Supporting extension and facilitating credit (and tying both to the positive encouragement of soil-conserving crops); Rural development (for instance, strengthening local institutions); Improving administrative structures (so that bureaucratic decisions are based less on fiat and more on experience); Land tenure reform (so that farmers have a vested interest in erosion control); Adjusting prices for farm products and inputs (especially eliminating those that subsidize unsound practices); and.
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disadvantages of vetiver grass 2023