This week, we look at the close knit town of Old Orchard Beach, Maine, where a young man's murderous urges went unnoticed, until it was too late. This all comes to a head when a relationship ends, and rumors begin to fly about what this person's ex may be up to, and who with. Along the way, we find out that Wales is very different from England, that even normal neighborhood lads can harbor strange obsessions, and that some places are apparently "perfect for vampires"!! Along the way, we find out why the Amish flock to chiropractic care, that restraints in the back of a car are always scary, and how horrible people find each other & figure out how to do horrible things to others!! But the whole thing comes to a halt when something very basic comes into question is the dead person actually who we thought it was? This week, we go back to a much different time, with a man who had his first boxing match in 1891, after learning to fight against "hobos" in train cars at age 13! What we do know is that this whole thing turns into a mystery of epic proportions, but the final resolution explains it all!! However, judging from his physical appearance James maybe 40 years old. When an incredibly vicious murder occurs, while witnesses try to physically stop it, with no luck. The problem is, some are runaways, one is pregnant, some are just plain dumb, and one claims to be a 19 year old Mafia hitman & high Satanic priest, named "Shadowlord". A multigenerational family of carnival workers, and short order cooks, who travel the country, robbing people, and eventually committing one of the most horrific string of murders that has ever been seen, before, or since. We end up with the ultimate "Hillbilly paradox" of can you be charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor if she's also your wife?? This week, in Sanford, Maine, when a neighborhood girl disappears, then is found, half in a river, covered in sticks & leaves, police interview over one hundred people, in the hopes of getting some kind of clue that may lead them to the killer. This week, in Peru, Indiana, an unlikely couple from different sides of the tracks have what appears to be a story book romance until you dig a little deeper, and find some very interesting tales from the past. But when investigators finally think they have the whole thing cracked, they wonder if they even have the right person. Odd marriages, and too many people sharing a hut bring tensions to their peak, after accusations of being a little bit too friendly with a neighbor's spouse. After a failed suicide attempt, the killer begs the state to finish the job! Along the way, we find out that you can hug goats, that when everyone you know wants you dead maybe it's you, and that "a round face" might not be the best witness description! It seems to be just plain bad luck, until an OK Cupid online dating hookup sees some strange personal habits, and hears some very weird things, from the widow, including a story that makes them go straight to the police. Also, check out James & Jimmie's other show, Crime In Sports! This week, we check out the extremely small town of Ovando, Montana, where a drifter came into town, and committed a shocking crime. It's a wild one!! No description could do this mess justice!! This week, we bring you an extra special bonus episode!! 1. This week, in Alvo, Nebraska, when a home is found, engulfed in flames, everyone thinks that the couple who lived there must be burned to cinders. The whole thing unfolds into a ridiculous web of attempted, or half conceived plots, meant to cover up everything bad in the killer's life. The investigation couldn't have been more incompetent, if it was conducted by the Sheriff of a sitcom, instead of the actual real police that ended up with it. Will this night of horrors finally put him away for good? Or, is is something more sinister? Instead, a plot is hatched to remove what the killer perceives as an obstacle to his true love. Also, check out James & Jimmie's other show, Crime In Sports! This is seriously one of the crazy ones. This week, in Auburn, Indiana, where a carnival comes to town, but it's not only filled with mediocre rides & fixed games, but also a small group of workers, who have formed a Satanic cult. Must be 21+ to enter. This sounds great, until everyone comes up missing. Seriously crazy murder plan here! The pair will discuss some of the most notorious cases from those who broke the law and those who were sworn to enforce it. The reality sets in that he wasn't killed by accident, and there are many suspects. Business partners? Mom & Dad point the fingers at each other, but there is one witness, who can put all the pieces together. This one was just too much atrocity to fit into one show. Needless to say, people are mad, and that is reflected in the sentencing! This week, in Shelton, Washington, when a brutal murder is discovered in a woman's home, the police have very little to go on, except a mysterious, one-shoed man, found wandering the highway, in an older woman's housecoat. Get our latest storiesin the feed of your favorite networks. Was any of it true, or is it all made up? It's a double serving of crazy!! UTA brokered the deal. Along the way, we find out that not all Guatemalans speak spanish, how two petty families caused the Mason-Dixon line, and just how far you can you can push someone before they shoot you in the face! None of this matters as he follows a path of violence, prison, escape, and even more violence, finally finding out that he's not the first in his gene pool to end up in the same situation that he finds himself. Complete with training sessions for the kids, and a plan to survive the inescapable mortal zombie combat, that is sure to come. During the investigation, a fire engulfs the building, destroying much of the evidence, except a "sex book" that they think holds the answers. This episode, James and Jimmie line up 3 bachelors and 3 bachelorettes and play the Prisoner Dating Game! Everything seems to add up to an obvious & disturbing conclusion. Along the way, we find out that fowl calling is an international sport, that DNA should probably be introduced at trial, not after the trial, and that there just aren't answers to every question!! Along the way, we find out people keep weird things in buckets, that no inheritance is guaranteed, and that sometimes it is literally the last person you'd suspect!! Along the way, we find out that the "good ole days" weren't always so good, that you shouldn't run away with people who just got out of prison, and that a motel nightstand can do more damage to a human body than anyone has ever imagined!! Actually, it's vicious, nasty murders that make very little sense, and that's only the start. Will he get away with it twice?? Will the culprit fill us in on exactly what happened? Along the way, we learn how long the FBI will watch someone who may, or may not have underage hostages. Menu. It takes the stupidest of stupid moves by the killer for police to find, and capture him. She escaped justice for over 20 years, before finally having to face her horrible crimes. When Stupid People Kill - Raccoon, Kentucky 5 1 May 19th, 2022 2h 49m That is answered quickly by the responsible party, but why did he do it? Only did he really murder her? Things become a bit more clear when we find out that the terrible, and seemingly accidental death has actually happened before. Along the way, we find out why the South should be more like the Japanese, that a gallon of whiskey & stimulants might not be the best mix, and what restaurant welcomes people who are covered in human blood!! This week, we see what goes on in Iowa, Louisiana, where a terrible person escalated his crimes to the point of pure brutality, and to the point where the harshest of penalties was being sought And then it got even more interesting. It gets even more disturbing, when these exact same strange details are found to have existed in a murder, 7 years earlier, including matching cans of hair mousse. Along the way, we find out that William Penn was overrated, that holding a sex tape hostage is an awful thing to do, and that more murder isn't the answer to your murder conviction!! One man, who says he has strange headaches, and actually has two personalities. This ends up in one of the craziest days imaginable, complete with some of the most cold blooded murder that we've ever heard of, a blazing fire to cover it up, and finally, a proclamation that he "will never be taken alive"! Along the way, we find out about the politics of a small town flea market, how simply leaving your DNA on a murder victim can somehow make you a suspect, and that there be nothing creepier than a mannequin!! This is as wild as it gets!! . A wild group of people, who eat groundhog, drink vodka, and get into fights, before noon. Along the way, we find out that men may stink after a long Kentucky motorcycle ride, that you might want to hang on to very important murder evidence for more than a few days, and that rings are seemingly less unique than some may think!! This week, in Hartland, Maine, what seems like a simple missing person, turns out to be much more, after an unexpected visit to the local police station by a person with a wild story to tell sends everyone out on a hunt for a body. This man then forces his daughter to wear the shell casings from the murder bullets, on a necklace. This week, in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, a mystery grows around a local woman, found brutally murdered in her own bed. It turns out to be worse than anyone could've imagined, as the scene of the crime is as horrific as possible. This one is an extra helping of crazy You've been warned!! It's a wild case, with a big ending!! Along the way, we find out that a mill sounds like a boring place to work, that those who do meth together, tend to stay together, and that human beings just aren't very flammable! But when you consider the fact that a lot of meth was involved, it all starts to make sense. Buckle up! It's a crazy tale, in a tiny town!! This causes widespread fear, until another young woman is attacked, then it turns into complete panic. This week, in Sunbury, Pennsylvania, the body of a man is found in an alley, and leads police to an unexpected killer, with a story to tell. James stands at a height of 5 ft 10 in (approx. It all turns messy, from there, as cross country homicide interrogations, and trusting a murderer to make his way back to where he's a wanted man, at his own expense, and one of the biggest coincidences in the history of crime!! In the end, it all goes wrong, and all the gory details are laid out, publicly!! Was it a home invasion? The story gets crazier as more details come to light, and once the march to death row begins, it only gets more absurd. Along the way, we find out that the northeast is REALLY into haunted houses, that grandmas don't usually beat their victims so severely that an eye pops out, and that sometimes, evidence is more important than ego!! This one is all crazy, all the time! This week, we take a peek at the mundane town of Cooperstown, North Dakota, where a man had a plan for violence, and achieved his goals. The mafia? A creepy, weird, and head shaker of a story!! James Pietragallo's Podcast Credits & Interviews | Podchaser Along the way, we find out that Hawaii doesn't need any mottos, that how you're raised has a definite impact on your future sicknesses, and that no on that hears this will want to use hair mousse, ever again!! Let's just say that his cause of death is one that is rarely given out. This exact kind of thing. Along the way, we find out that hard work can sometimes get you even more hard work, that a judge & prosecutor probably shouldn't be related, and that some people actually compete to be the most evil!! Her constant interference, mixed with strange rumors of a very odd interfamily relationship bring things over edge, and into the realm of crazy. The question is, will the right person suffer the consequences for their actions? Along the way, we find out what a "sundown town" is & why it's scary, just how many floats can possibly be in a small town's parade, and how many family members you can kill, in the same manner, before someone starts to catch on!! There Jimmy and James investigate in-depth tragedies and hosts comedic spin on the whole thing. Along the way, we find out that drifters make terrible roommates, that vampire cults are more easily accomplished in movies, and that you should always be careful of exactly what blood you're drinking!! Along the way, we find out what Burgoo is, if meth sweat can eat the varnish off of wood, and exactly how many times you can shoot someone in the face & still blame the doctor for not saving them!! This week, in Sand Lake, Michigan, a disturbingly bloody scene looks like an open, and shut case of some kind of home invasion, that left a couple dead Until one of them is not dead, and appears to come back to life. Finally, a greedy crime leads to an investigation, and the discovery of five bodies, and a twisted back story, uncovering very unlikely killers. Fingerprints, blood, and even an eye witness end up being discovered, but is that enough to keep him from further terrorizing New Hampshire? The podcast features unmerciful and hilarious looks at athletes who have lost big games. Along the way, we find out that a jet ski is a bad sign for a grown man, that some people just need a reset button, and that torture is considered legally heinous!! The problem is, he's only 13, and doesn't want either of his parents to go to jail. This week, in Golden Valley, Arizona, a very nice gesture leads to some not very nice murder. Along the way, we find out that sometimes people who have nothing to do with anything get murdered, that female body parts may more buoyant than male body parts, and that throuples are just as unhappy as any couple!! By the end of the night, a different woman, who looks very much like the first woman, is found dead, with her head nearly removed with a hatchet. All these questions are answered, and more in this crazy story!! With James Pietragallo and Jimmie Whisman, 358 episodes, 23 ratings & reviews. This week, we check out the tiny town of Burlingame, Kansas, where a jilted husband takes his anger out on everyone in sight. They include Small Town Murder, Crime In Sports, and PS I Hate This movie. The problem was that this backwoods locale even scares investigators, who were hesitant to poke around in such a rural area, where there are always eyes on you!! Don't miss a minute of this one!! For our first episode, we look at a quadruple murder in the small town of Sarah, Mississippi. When their secret son doesn't want to be adopted by his new (but real) father, bitterness grows in the home. Whatever. That is, until one of the couple decides to bring 50-60 exotic birds into the house, causing more problems. The question is, are they the actual murderers, or just prolific storytellers? Along the way, we find out that Minnesota ROCKS, that abducting 7 people, over a 10 year period, means that maybe you should have to stay in prison, and that there are certain things that you can't just blame others for!! What follows is a messy situation, somehow turned into a bigger mess. Crime in Sports started in early 2016, and the guys worked their way into the ears and hearts of listeners around the world - in early 2017,Small Town Murder hit the iTunes chartsand let's just hope this isn't grace. It's an insane tale of twisting & twisted relationships, ending in horror. Where is he? One night, one of the couple leaves, and doesn't come home, only to be found, floating face down in the river, with plenty of evidence to show that they didn't just tumble into the water. Along the way, we find out that witches are psychic, that just having a boat won't necessarily get women to like you, and that sometimes you actually get what you want!! Sandra Oh, Ke Huy Quan, Joanna Gaines & Shohei Ohtani Among Gold Houses A100 Honorees, The Morning Show Renewed For Season 4 At Apple Ahead Of Season 3 Premiere, The Daily Show Moves Into Post-Trevor Noah Era While Paying Tribute Contenders TV: Docs + Unscripted, The Traitors Team Shaking Things Up For Season 2 As Cirie Fields Doubles Down On Winning Strategy Contenders TV: Docs + Unscripted, The Issues, The Stakes, Movies & TV Shows Affected, How Long It Might Last, Netflix Lands Adam McKays New Comedy Average Height, Average Build, Plumbs Another Domestic Win At $38M; Karting Past $1 Billion Global, Serious Moments For Media Give Way To Satire & Mirth; Biden & Wood Remarks. A woman found, in her own kitchen, bludgeoned & stabbed, with two knives still protruding from her back, and her family's story just isn't quite adding up.
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