Phytopathology108, 10671077 (2018). (6) Quality and nutrition preservation with postharvest and processing technology: adapting to internet and international marketing and upgrading the jujube market structure; making jujube an essential raw material in several superfoods that are increasingly requested by the market in addition to being directly used as fresh or dried fruit13; extending different production and processing certification systems (e.g., Global GAP, Organic, etc.) 2). To date, more than 95% of jujube production is still concentrated in China, and scientific research on jujube is also mainly carried out in China. The assembly (437.6Mb) covered 98.6% of the estimated jujube genome (444Mb), and 32,808 protein-coding genes were predicted ( For Ecol Manag 83:171180, Dhima KV, Lithourgidis AS, Vasilakoglou LB, Dordsas CA (2007) Competition indices of common vetch and cereal intercrops in two seeding ratios. The specific objectives should include outstanding resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses, dwarfing, low branching ability, thornlessness, early bearing, high and stable yields, high quality, stonelessness, high nutrient levels, various ripening times, ease of transport and storage, and multiple-use cultivars. It is distributed in at least 48 countries on all continents except Antarctica and is becoming increasingly important, especially in arid and semiarid marginal lands. Growing jujube trees is not difficult as long as you have sandy, well-drained soil. It is a medicine/food homolog and a famous commonly used traditional Chinese medicine that is used in ~50% of Chinese herbal medicine prescriptions. Deciduous fruit. Liu, M., Liu, Z., Li, X. Regarding the obvious differences in distribution, morphology, usage, and historical knowledge of jujube and sour jujube in China, Liu et al. Anal.73, 1016 (2018). For Ecol Manag 16:269279, Mead R, Willey RW (1980) The concept of a land equivalent ratio and advantages in yields from intercropping. Agrofor Syst 80:117129, Droppelmann KJ, Ephrath JE, Berliner PR (2000) Tree/crop complementarity in an arid zone runoff agroforestry system in northern Kenya. Biotechnol.83, 305308 (2008). and wild jujube (Ziziphus acidojujuba). Ciceoi, R., Dobrin, I., Mardare, E. S., Dicianu, E. D. & Stnic, F. Emerging pests of Ziziphus jujuba crop in. (4) The low-level processing techniques that imitate those used for other fruits and focus on solving the overproduction problem do not meet the requirements of postharvest value addition and demands for diversified, advanced, and internationalized new products. Qu, Z., Li, S., Wu, Y., Sun, P. & Hu, J. Another germplasm repository funded by the State Forestry and Grassland Bureau of China was constructed in Cangxian, Hebei Province, where ~640 germplasm accessions, including some excellent variants of the local leading cultivars, such as Jinsixiaozao, Wuhezao, and Dongzao, are maintained. The older the jujube the more developed were the jujube roots so that the smaller the SRL of jujube the bigger the RLD and RD of jujube. The density of SSRs in the jujube genome reaches 378 SSRs per Mb, which is approximately two times the density in peach and apple12. How to Grow a Jujube Tree. Acta Hortic. Part of Springer Nature. Moreover, at the end of the Shang Dynasty, the description of Jujube picked in August in the Book of Songs indicated that jujube orchards had appeared by at least 3000 YA. Rom. Liu, X., Li, H., Liu, Z., Zhao, J. Jujube research in the future should more precisely respond to the needs of industry, markets, and government and could even actively create and lead these demands. volume87,pages 929939 (2013)Cite this article. ISSN 2052-7276 (online) J. Sci., (2018). The cultivation of fresh jujubes in plastic shelters has resulted in great success in rainy southern China108; this method can greatly reduce the fruit cracking caused by rain at the maturity stage from 70 to <10%. Chen et al. Study on cAMP in branch and leaf of Chinese jujube and seedlings of wild jujube. & Meng, X. Actuality and development of jujube grader. & Tian, J. Jujube Tree (Ziziphus Mauritiana) Grow and Care Guide It . Twenty-four million years ago, jujube trees appeared in Northern China10. 201003043-01)and by NSFC (Project No. Jujube Tree Care - How To Grow A Jujube Tree ), sour jujube (Z. acidojujuba Liu et Cheng) and Indian jujube (Z. mauritiana L.). Cite this article. Sci. Zhang, C., Huang, J., Yin, X., Lian, C. & Li, X. Study on hyperspectral rapid detection of Vc content in Lingwu jujube. North. Zhang, X. Metabolomic Approaches Reveal the Physiological Mechanism of China Cointree as Jujubes Stock in Resistance to Jujube Witches Broom. Resour.12, 539545 (2011). 4) and maintains the high yield at over 15t/ha 35 years later, which is 35 years earlier than this yield could be achieved in a traditional orchard104. Jujube (Ziziphus jujuba Mill. & Liu, M. Genetic diversity and structure of 255 cultivars of Ziziphus jujuba Mill. Acta Hortic.853, 163170 (2010). Internet Explorer). 48, Book One (Science Press, 1982). Generally, it is best to repot it from March to may in spring. Sci.19, 336339 (2002). The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest. In: Ashton MS, Montagnini F (eds) The silvicultural basis for agroforestry systems. Liu, M. The challenges and countermeasures of jujube industry during transition period. Fruit drying technology has gradually changed from traditional natural drying under the sun to dehydration in a drying room or by drying machine129. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative, Horticulture, Environment, and Biotechnology (2022), Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants (2022), Horticulture Research (Hortic Res) The genus Ziziphus was grouped into two sections based on geographical distribution, bearing shoot persistence, and leaf hairiness. In addition, Hebei Agricultural University collected and preserved ~200 accessions of sour jujube germplasm and some other species of the Ziziphus genus, such as Z. mauritiana Lam., Z. spina-christi Willd, and Z. nummularia Burm. Four generations of polyploid induction techniques using colchicine as the main mutagen have been developed for jujube, i.e., in vivo apical bud induction71, in vitro apical or lateral bud induction72, in vitro callus/embryo induction73 and in vivo callus induction74. & Li, X. Genome-wide identification of AP2/ERF superfamily genes and their expression during fruit ripening of Chinese jujube. Agrofor Syst 48:2540, Gruenewald H, Brandt BKV, Schneider BU, Bens O, Kendzia G, Huettl RF (2007) Agroforestry systems for the production of woody biomass for energy transformation purposes. This method is characterized by the direct sowing of the rootstock seeds (sour jujube) in orchards followed by the in situ grafting of the target cultivar. Agrofor Syst 13:143158, Reyes T, Quiroz R, Luukkanen O (2009) Spice crop agroforestry systems in the east Usambara Mountain, Tanzania: growth analysis. Based on the main contents of jujube research, the landmark achievements and the supporting role for jujube industry development, this period can be further subdivided into three stages3the period of recovery after World War II (19491978), the period of accelerating development (19791999), and the period of comprehensive development (20002019). Jujube Gardening For Beginners - How To Start | Gardening Tips More than 95% of grafts take successfully if scion wood is coated with a thin layer of wax. Liu, P. et al. Construction of a dense genetic linkage map and QTL analysis of trunk diameter in Chinese jujube. The basic ideas for jujube research in the future are as follows: serve the producers, consumers, marketers, government, and society at the same time; learn from experiences with other fruit trees; align with modern global agricultural development, including the reduction of chemical pesticides and environmentally friendly approaches153; carry out innovative research in various fields, multiple levels, and through whole industrial chains; and strongly support the advancement of science and technology for the jujube industry in the new era. The fruits are smaller and not so sweet. Agrofor Syst 76:513523, Rivest D, Cogliastro A, Bradley RL, Olivier A (2010) Intercropping hybrid poplar with soybean increases soil microbial biomass, mineral N supply and tree growth. Sun, H. & Tian, Y. as rootstock can also play a role in the prevention of witches broom in jujube in southern China97. Zhang, C., Bian, Y., Hou, S. & Li, X. Jujube is difficult to keep fresh. In vitro induction of tetraploid Ziziphus jujuba Mill.var. Planting Tips. After 1995, research on jujube tissue culture increased rapidly, and tissue culture with stem tips, stem segments, leaves, anthers, embryos, and cotyledons as explants were all successful83,86,87,99,100. Discovery and identification of natural triploid ploidy of Chinese jujube cultivar Pingguozao. Based on a systematic analysis of the unique characteristics of jujube, we suggest that it deserves to be recognized as a superfruit. Sin.20, 305306 (1993). (2) High-efficiency breeding technology systems for optimizing and upgrading the cultivar and rootstock structure: integrating the precise identification and utilization of excellent germplasm and the comprehensive application of innovative breeding approaches with rapid evaluation and screening methods; establishing high-efficiency propagation systems for transplant shock-free large nursery plants by integrating the use of containerized seedling production, industrial tissue culture rapid propagation, and micrografting153; registering, protecting and promoting newly released varieties worldwide; and including the top varieties in Club propagation, production, and commercialization systems, following experience in apple, kiwi fruit, etc. In: Ong CK, Huxley P (eds) Treecrop interactions: a physiological approach. performed reference collection and analysis. Consumers like fruits that are delicious and nutritious and that appeal to appearance and status. Tree Genet. In the past 20 years, postharvest treatment technology for Chinese jujube has made great progress. Morphological, cytological and nutritional changes of autotetraploid compared to its diploid counterpart in Chinese jujube (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.). quinequeflora Hort. The ethylene and ABA pathways are involved in regulating jujube fruit ripening30,31. The major requirements to meet farmers needs are reducing inputs, increasing output and accelerating economic returns. As a result, polyploidy induction has become an ideal breeding approach for obtaining new cultivars with high-quality, large fruits. 6-year-old jujube exhibited a stronger negative effect on the productivity of wheat than did 2- or 4-year-old jujube and there was less effect on productivity of jujube in the 6-year-old system than in the 2- or 4-year-old jujube trees grown in monoculture. spinosa plants from leaf explants. (PDF) Effects of water-fertilizer coupling on root distribution and On the other hand, the lignification of bearing shoots changes the deciduous habit of bearing shoots and increases the pruning labor costs. PLoS ONE11, e0154212 (2016). However, the Rhamnaceae family was moved to the Rosales order in the APG III Angiosperm Phylogeny Group Classification based on chloroplast DNA sequencing (Angiosperm Phylogeny Group III, 2009), which was further confirmed by phylogenic studies on the genome-sequenced plant species using 390 shared genes64. jujube, either of two species of small spiny trees of the genus Ziziphus (family Rhamnaceae) and their fruit. Zhang, B., Chen, J. The second is Germplasm Resources of Chinese Jujube10, which recorded 1033 accessions of jujube (Z. jujuba Mill. The contents of sugar, vitamin C, and cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) are around 2, 100, and 1000 times those of apple, respectively. Forests10, 392 (2019). At present, the jujube industry in China has entered a new era of transformation, upgrading, and globalization150,151. After the beginning of the 21st century, much more attention was paid to intensive processing that highlights the characteristic nutrients of jujube. Rep.7, 1025 (2017). PLoS ONE10, e0127812 (2015). Liu, Y. et al. Gao, Y., Zhao, Z. var. Method 1: Hybrids are produced by using a male-sterile variety as the female parent and a variety with high pollen viability and compatibility as the male parent20,84. The historical and current research progress on jujube-a superfruit for Cent. Hortic. Rep.8, 15612 (2018). J. Ningxia Agric. Chenguang, a new tetraploid Chinese jujube cultivar. Liu, M., Wang, J., Wang, L. et al. The jujube tree is a well-known example of one such species. Ser. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. Flora of China (Science Press, 2007). Ideally, their root system wants to be kept slightly moist, but not wet. Zhang, Z., Wei, T., Zhong, Y., Li, X. Commun.5, 5315 (2014). Genome-wide characterization of simple sequence repeat (SSR) loci in Chinese jujube and jujube SSR primer transferability. & Liu, M. Simultaneous determination of four water-soluble vitamins in Chinese jujube (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.) Food Mach.12, 910 (2003). Fruit. Based on the classical taxonomic system, jujube is listed in the Rhamnaceae family, Rhamnales order63. Research methods should become more synergistic and internationalized. under a variety of conditions. Compared with those under natural drying, the preservation rates for vitamin C, total sugar, sucrose, fructose, glucose, soluble protein, and other nutrients under artificial drying are significantly improved130,131,132. Li, X. & Gao, W. Genetic relationship of Chinese jujube (Ziziphus jujuba) and sour jujube (Z. spinosa) based on RAPD markers. Acta Hortic.840, 529532 (2009). The biological characteristics of jujube are basically understood1. How to Transplant Jujube Suckers | Home Guides | SF Gate Research results should be more original and advanced. Hebei Agricultural University, Baoding (2019). Growth model and visualization of a virtual jujube tree The classification system for the Ziziphus genus was proposed based on field investigations, textual research on specimens and historical documents65. Identifying the genetic diversity, genetic structure and a core collection of Ziziphus jujuba Mill. According to a comprehensive investigation, more than 100 pests and diseases have been observed in jujube1. Du, X., Li, D., Wang, Y., Sui, C. & Fan, B. Hao, Z., Dai, L., Wang, J., Wu, X. Google Scholar, Maghembe JA, Kaoneka ARS, Lulandala LLL (1986) Intercropping, weeding and spacing effects on growth and nutrient content in Leucaena leucocephala at Morogoro, Tanzania. Asian J. Chem.24, 813815 (2012). The roots of Jujube tree can better stretch in the new pot soil and quickly adapt to the new soil. However, green shoot cuttings (semilignified primary extension shoots, secondary shoots, and bearing shoots) root much more easily and have a high reproductive coefficient. and wild jujube. 2011(Zhang et al. Li, M. et al. Agric. The development of the jujube industry and jujube research promoted each other during this period, and support from science and technology to the jujube industry has continuously increased. Li, C. Dormant Characteristic and Temperature Management Investigation Analysis of Zizyphus Jujuba Mill. ), or Chinese date, is the most important species of Rhamnaceae, a large cosmopolitan family, and is one of the oldest cultivated fruit trees in the world. Plant Physiol. Wow, I recently learned a lot about the jujube root system --- very invasive roots with suckers looking for water that can extend 30' from the tree. Starting with a superhigh density (0.5m1.0m), the density is gradually decreased to 1.01.5m4.0m. This new model obtains good yields (58t/ha) in the year of grafting (Fig. In addition, 2000 years ago, jujube was introduced into Japan and Korea, to Central Asia and Europe via the ancient Silk Road, and gradually into at least 47 countries (Table 3) on all continents except Antarctica (45N35S)1,2,3,5. How to Grow and Care for Jujubes Acta Hortic.390, 161165 (1995). Sin.31, 7880 (2004). Within Z. acidojujuba Liu et Cheng, three forms were confirmed, namely, f. granulata Cheng et Liu, f. trachysperma Cheng et Liu, and f. infecunda Cheng et Liu. Wang, Z. et al. Using the genome data, 511 pairs of SSR primers showing high polymorphism were screened and applied for the identification of large-scale hybrid progeny and a genetic diversity analysis18,19,20. In addition, other books such as Descriptors and Data Standards for Jujube Germplasm56, Test Guidelines for Distinctness, Uniformity and Stabilityjujube57, Technical Regulators for the Identification of Jujube Cultivars-SSR Marker Method provide references and technical standards for character selection, data collection, testing, and identification in jujube germplasm studies. cv. HortScience48, 672680 (2013). The 20 litre large container with a blue base, and the 38 L extra large container . var. I've heard horror stories of the roots actually damaging water pipes to get to a water source. This period has lasted for over 70 years. (3) Novel cultivation technology: developing high-density, high-efficiency, high-quality, labor-saving, and environmentally friendly large-scale, enterprise-oriented operations with the aid of mechanized, automated, and smart new technologies. (6) International exchange and cooperation are still insufficient and are accompanied by severe imbalances among countries both in production and research. ), also called Chinese date or Chinese jujube, is one of the oldest cultivated fruit trees in the world and is the most important species in the large cosmopolitan family Rhamnaceae in terms of its economic, ecological, and social importance. The major advances in this period included grafting techniques (1000 YA), intercropping (600 YA), fresh fruit storage in ice rooms (200 YA), shifting the girdling time from winter to the flowering season, and processing candied jujubes, jujube wine, and jujube vinegar. & Huang, J. Second, jujube fruits can satisfactorily meet the various needs of consumers. These findings may partly explain the interspecific competition effects in jujube tree/wheat agroforestry systems. Planting: Dig a hole big enough for the root system to fit in. Li, H. et al. J. Polym. China Fruits3, 4647 (1983). Chen, D. The problems and solutions of Hami jujube mechanized drying. Sin.43, 966974 (2016). Springer, Berlin, Book Zhang, Z., Huang, J. Wang, L., Wang, H. & Wang, C. Effect of O2 and CO2 concentration on respiration, relative electrical conductivity, contents of chlorophyll and skin color of Dongzao jujube fruit. Luo, Z. et al. p Currently, under the optimal storage conditions, half-red fresh jujube can be preserved for 23 months or even more than 4 months. & Liu, M. Discussion about the scientific name of Chinese jujube and wild jujube. Genetic engineering has also made some advances, but these applications are not yet fully developed. In addition, 11 jujube cultivars were recorded in Erya, a book written 2600 years ago. & Wang, Y. Chinese Fruit Trees Record-Chinese Jujube (China Forestry Publishing House, 1993). Bring to a moderate boil and simmer for 20 minutes, let cool, then boil for another 20 minutes. 387 (CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2016). Univ.26, 221224 (1999). Regarding the taxonomic relationship between jujube and sour jujube (Z acidojujuba Cheng et LiuZ. Agricultural University of Hebei, Baoding (2006). For . The established germplasm platforms include the following: (1) Internet Information System for Perennial and Asexual Crop Germplasm Resources (, which includes the data observed for many years at the National Jujube Repository in Taigu, Shanxi, China; (2) Chinese Crop Germplasm Resources Information Systemjujube (, where germplasm checking and analysis can be performed; and. Sin.49, 27722791 (2016). Propagating jujubes | Agriculture and Food A field study was conducted at Hetian oasis, southern Xinjiang, northwestern China, to investigate root distribution and morphology affected by interspecific interactions between jujube trees (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.) Stnic, F., Dicianu, D. E. & Butcaru, A. C. Jujube fruits behaviour at controlled atmosphere storage. Acta Hortic. Dongzao. var. Contorted Jujube Root system - how invasive and strong is it? Fresh jujube fruit can be kept fresh for 24 months under controlled atmosphere storage or controlled freezing-point storage. Rapid SNP discovery and a RAD-Based high-density linkage map in jujube (Ziziphus Mill.). Chen, Y. L. & Schirarend, C. Rhamnaceae. Sin.40, 426432 (2013). Acta Hortic. An excellent new cultivar of Chinese jujube with high resistance to jujube witches broom disease Xingguang. Additionally, according to the unearthed carbonized fruits, jujube was cultivated and utilized in China 7000 years ago. Acta Hortic.840, 259262 (2008). Chin. should not be planted in the shade of other trees Soils: Jujubes tolerate many types of soils, but prefer a sandy, well-drained soils and do less well in heavy, poorly drained soil. A strategy combining WGS sequencing, BAC-to-BAC and WGS-PCR-free library was employed to address the impact of the high complexity of the jujube genome, which has a high heterozygosity of 1.90%, a low GC content of 33.41% and a high density of simple-sequence repeats (SSRs) (378.1 per Mb). Xue, C. et al. Therefore, the development of jujube can make efficient use of marginal lands, improve the environment, and provide farmers in rural regions with an agricultural industry that is easy to manage and provides high revenues. J. Hebei Agric. To perform nutritional analysis and intensive processing on jujube, efficient extraction and determination methods were established and optimized for 23 kinds of nutrient components (7 vitamins, 3 triterpenic acids, 8 amino acids, aromatics, cAMP, polysaccharides, flavonoids, and pigments) in jujube54,136,137,138,139,140,141,142. Effects of controlled atmosphere storage and calcium treatment on the storage of Chinese jujube in fresh state. Fruit. Because jujubes demand high light intensities for good output, they should be spaced 10 to 15 feet apart. Once the sucker has established a root system . Using an interspecific population between Z. jujuba and Z. acidojujuba, a high-density molecular (SNP) genetic map was constructed by restriction site-associated DNA sequencing17.
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jujube tree root system 2023