Finally, different motives may call for different types of social change. As a result, the group should be weakened in the immediate aftermath of social change. For example, minorities motivated to be socially validated and those motivated to gain social control are likely to pursue social change seeking converts to their position to transform themselves to a majority (minority majority). eds. doi: 10.1037/amp0000844. How have norm-based approaches been used to curb binge drinking on college campuses? Majority and minority influence: Source position imbalance as a determinant of message scrutiny. Manage. But there also are examples of numerical, non-normative minorities who, while resisting influence from the majority, do not seek social change (e.g., Mennonites in several countries in North and South America). Their influence raises important questions about the conditions under which minorities will (non) seek social change. The proposed agenda focuses on time, interactive (minority majority), and motivated influence as critical explanatory variables to address in the next phase of research on minority influence in the pursuit of social change. eds. The longer the new majority spent secure in its new position, the more similar they perceived themselves to the group and the more attractive they found the group. Curr. Unlike majority influence, minority influence can rarely (1997). His subsequent conversion theory (Moscovici, 1980) focused exclusively on cognitive processes underlying minority vs. majority influence and the resultant nature of attitudinal (not social!) doi: 10.1016/j.copsyc.2021.02.005, Brewer, M. B. Systematic and nonsystematic processing of majority and minority persuasive communication. Psychol. 68, 520. L. Berkowitz (New York: Academic Press), 209239. 53, 4152. Differential Contributions of Majority and Minority Influence. As a majority view gained the support of more members, individuals holding an opposite viewpoint were less able to influence the group. Sci. A look at how social influence affects opinions and behavior. Tight cultures differ from loose cultures in that they. This means that she is most likely to comply with which of the following requests? Prislin, R., Crowder, M., and Donnelly, K. (2017). The many advantages associated with majority positions, along with the many disadvantages associated with minority positions (for reviews, see Prislin and Wood, 2005; Prislin and Christensen, 2005a), fuel minorities attempts at social change. Psychol. doi: 10.1037/0022-3514.53.1.41. Yet, no amount of normative or pragmatic pressure can extinguish minorities. Rather, it has focused dominantly on the cognitive processes and attitudinal change in response to a minority advocacy or minority mere presence, and, to a lesser degree, to the role of minority influence in decision-making and task groups. Group conversion versus group expansion as modes of change in majority and minority positions: All losses hurt but only some gains gratify. ^A complete list of publications on minority influence referenced here is available from the author upon request. Smith, C. M., and Diven, P. J. ANS: B DIF: Moderate REF: Conformity OBJ: 9.2D MSC: Remembering Vol. Comparative analyses from multiple lines of research have documented an asymmetry in distribution of tangible benefits (e.g., jobs, wealth) and intangible benefits (e.g., validation, status) favoring majorities over minorities. From 1845 to 1854, an influx of Irish people arrived on the East Coast that outnumbered immigrants from all other countries since 1776 combined. Variables which affect the efficacy of minority influence include: Moscovici found that members of a group are more likely to accept the opinion of a minority if the view is expressed with consistency. doi: 10.1080/14792779108401862. Strength from weakness: The fate of opinion minorities in spatially distributed groups, in Understanding Group Behavior. The effects of majority size on minority influence. Social Influence and Social Change. doi: 10.1037/0033-2909.115.3.323, Wood, W., Pool, G. J., Leck, K., and Purvis, D. (1996). b. informational social influence. (New York: Academic Press), 175192. To ensure that only unique empirical studies were counted, care was taken not to double-count studies that were published in journals and later summarized in book chapters or vice versa. At best, and even that rarely, they are assessed twice, with a second assessment intended to detect the hypothesized delayed effect of minority influence on a focal point of its advocacy (David and Turner, 1996; Crano and Chen, 1998, Study 1; 1999). (1990). 13. ed. 76, 10391053. Indeed, the results revealed a significant linear increase in positive reactions toward the group over time. Whereas most minorities seek social change, they do so for a variety of reasons that originate from a variety of disadvantageous social, economic, and psychological conditions. J. Appl. 51, 629636. J. M. Levine (New York: Psychology Press), 165192. eds. Without considering time, some questions are never asked and important phenomena are poorly understood. Nemeth, C. J. Majority influence occurs when the beliefs held by the larger number of individuals in the current social group prevail. Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or endorsed by the publisher. doi: 10.1037/0022-3514.67.1.5, Baumeister, R. F., and Leary, M. R. (1995). Yet, even a cursory analysis of real life groups will show that this motive features prominently in social influence exchanges. Bull. For him, the new ethnicities admitted into the United States were not entitled to their American identity; it was to be earned. Newcomers as change agents: Minority influence in task groups, in Minority Influence and Innovation: Antecedents, Processes and Consequences. After the arrival of millions of Irish, the 15th Amendment enfranchised millions of African American men in 1870. Glaser, T., Dickel, N., Liersch, B., Rees, J., Sssenbach, P., and Bohner, G. (2015). In contrast, and in support of hypothesis 3, change via increased tolerance for diversity within a group dramatically increased attachment and loyalty to the group among those former in the minority (minority majority) while preserving attachment and loyalty to the group among those former in the majority (majority minority) (Prislin and Filson, 2009; Shafer and Prislin, 2011) In short, recognizing that minority influence originates from a variety of motives expands the scope of influence strategies and types of social changes to be considered. d. guilt and shame. Bull. Social influence in groups, in Group Processes. An important feature of this procedure is that participants actively experienced their social position within the interacting group. Therefore, the minority is unable to exert a normative influence on other members. Econometrica 47, 263291. Soc. Early research into the ability of minority influence to affect a groups attitudes and behavior was conducted by social psychologist, Serge Moscovici. Minority influence in political decision-making, in Group Consensus and Minority Influence: Implications for Innovation. This has been recognized in the literature on social movements or social actions as vehicles for effecting social change. They have been conducted within the framework of the gain-loss asymmetry model of change in minority and majority positions (Prislin and Christensen, 2005a). A study of normative and informational influences upon individual judgment, J. Abnorm. And even if the Census Bureaus categories reinforce the racial boundaries that too often divide American society, these categories are also starting to show signs of their mutability. Reflecting the broader social cognition orientation, this research has focused on cognitive responses to a minority (vs. majority) advocacy. F. Butera and J. M. Levine (Cambridge University Press), 333353. The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. Underreported, the number of mixed-race Americans increased nearly threefold in the past decade alone; 80 percent of intermarriages in the United States today unite non-Hispanic white partners with members of an ethnic or a racial minority. Around the turn of the 20th century, American leaders began to recognize the accumulating effects of immigration and civil rights. Even a revolutionary change progresses to its culminating tipping point after a period of build-up that requires time. Small Groups as Complex Systems: Formation, Coordination, Development, and Adaptation. As for the measures of the minority impact, the two frameworks paint a somewhat different picture: The Information processing (persuasion) framework suggests that the impact is most evident on private responses to indirect measures of attitudes toward issues tangentially related to the object of a minority advocacy (Wood et al., 1994; but see Glaser et al., 2015). Learn to read and understand body signals and improve your own body language. Yet, the prevailing research on minority influence seems to have made it so. 13, 4355. Minority influence occurs when a minority group impacts the majoritys Prislin, R., Davenport, C., Xu, Y., Moreno, R., and Honeycutt, N. (2018). Brewer and M. Hewstone (Oxford, UK: Blackwell), 136164. Also, the authors own line of research on group dynamics in the aftermath of social change could be added to this minority category in that its focus on group dynamics is underrepresented in minority influence research (Prislin, 2010; Prislin et al., 2017). Two lines of research: One on group decision-making, and another on the impact that newcomers to groups make, provide alternative approaches to the study of minority influence.4 Within these lines of research, minority influence is addressed in the context of interacting groups, with minority and majority positions publicly advocated and hence, memberships in minority and majority factions actively experienced. Is there a purpose behind our dreams and nightmares? Levine, J. M., and Choi, H.-S. (2010). In contrast, losing social support by virtue of social change (majority minority) should adversely affect a failed majoritys capacity to further advocate their position. Contends that in most studies comparing majority and minority influence, there is an emphasis on influence in the sense of prevailing. Within this context, evidence exists that majorities exert more public influence and that minority influence, when it occurs, tends to operate primarily at the latent level. 13:911654. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.911654. G. Barnett and F. F. Boster, (Ablex), 4374. Shared reality: How social verification makes the subjective objective, in Handbook of Motivation and Cognition. 88, 438453. 6. ed. doi: 10.1037/0022-3514.68.1.5. Social influence: The role of consensus in attitudes and attitude change, in The Handbook of Attitudes and Attitude change. In contrast to these sources, those who were consistently rejected to remain in a minority, as well as those who lost social support to be turned from a majority to a minority (majority minority), lost much of their persuasive efficacy over time. However, for some minorities (e.g., LGBT, ethnic, racial minorities), this path to social change is neither desirable nor feasible. These findings document how social constructions of influence attempts and group memberships evolve over time, as do reactions to subsequent changes. The reasons for a paucity of longitudinal studies are many. Social influence in groups, in APA Handbook of Personality and Social Psychology. doi: 10.1037/0021-9010.86.6.1191, De Groeve, B., and Rosenfeld, D. L. (2022). Itslike in the Milgramstudies in which people were less To understand social change, it is necessary to study influence efforts as they occur over time, in dynamic exchanges between group factions, which seek to influence for various reasons. Cultural drift, indirect minority influence, network structure, and their impacts on cultural change and diversity. Abrams, D., and Hogg, M. A. It was this insight into the role of minorities that made Moscovici a luminary in social psychology. Psychol. Groups in which members are obedient to accepted norms tend to engage in groupthink, whereby long-held views are upheld without question. Brainwashing, its origins and its use in cults and media. Minorities who accept rather than challenge the status quo, so long as they themselves are not challenged, are a minority within the minority world. How is that private change communicated over time? Follow The New York Times Opinion section on Facebook, Twitter (@NYTopinion) and Instagram. Bull. reciprocal concessions (door-in-the-face). This change in private opinion prompts a shift in behavior, and a member may promote his or her newly-acquiredview to other members of the group. This state of affairs is rather paradoxical given Moscovicis original theorizing and ultimately, most minorities goals. As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. Prez, J. An additional unique 33 empirical studies have been published since then and the end of December 2020, as identified searching the PsycInfo database, manually searching outlets in which earlier studies on minority influence appeared, and cross-reference checking.2 As evident in Figure 1, after a somewhat slow startor, one could say, a delayed impact of Moscovicis ideasthis research saw a steady increase in representation in scientific outlets, reaching its zenith in the 1990s, but gradually declining in the subsequent two decades.3. Self-definition, defensive processing, and influence: The normative impact of majority and minority groups. 40. ed. Soon to win the White House, Theodore Roosevelt found these developments alarming. R. Martin and M. Hewstone (New York: Psychology Press), 229262. doi: 10.1111/josi.12259, Prislin, R., and Filson, J. Successful conversion of a sufficient number of group members to the minority position reverses positions (majority minority), representing a loss for the former majority and a gain for the former minority. Dynamics of change: Minority influence makes the world go around, in Minority Influence and Innovation: Antecedents, Processes and Consequences. Copping With Minority Status. Shafer, E. S., and Prislin, R. (2011). During the 1910s, the suffragette movement challenged the status quo, which restricted the right to vote to male citizens. J. Pers. That may be enough to artificially postpone Americas majority minority milestone again and reassure the millions of white Americans who feel threatened by the increasing status and power of todays ethnic minorities. WebQ#28 minorities influence majority opinion primarily through - The correct answer is b.) Their generative power is additionally evident in several edited volumes on minorities as bona fide influence agents (Butera and Levine, 2009; Martin and Hewstone, 2010; Jetten and Hornsey, 2011; Papastamou et al., 2017). Br. Turning, or rather, returning to the original observation that the raison dtre for minority influence is social change points to a promising direction. Minority influence: From groups to attitudes and back again, in Minority Influence and Innovation: Antecedents, Processes and Consequences. These circumstances cannot be easily organized in a unifying model within either the information processing (persuasion) framework (but see Martin and Hewstone, 2008) or the interacting group framework, much less under an omnibus framework. Because of the earlier discussed asymmetry in reactions to losses and gains, the presumed intensely negative reactions of the former majorities, but only mildly positive reactions of the former minorities, should render the group weak immediately after experiencing social change via conversion. Martin, R., and Hewstone, M. Status, ideology, and integrative complexity on the US Supreme Court: rethinking the politics of decision making. A history of social influence research, in The Handbook of the History of Social Psychology. Rev. WebThis article attempts to highlight the Uzbek-Afghan cooperation, consistently reveals a retrospective of the issue, but the main focus is on the deve- lopment of relations between states after 1992, when diplomatic relations were What explains the effectiveness of these approaches? For example, employees at a factory which uses dated practises to produce its wares may be reluctant to change their habits. ed. In counting the American people, the Census Bureau may distinguish between Black, white, Asian and Hispanic, but it indiscriminately recognizes them all as fellow Americans as people who count and therefore must be counted. Bulletin Swisse des Psychologues 7, 36. But nevertheless, when you, when, when I look at the literature and when I see what the reasons the possible reasons for the since government maintaining very firm hand on law and order. doi: 10.1037/0022-3514.71.6.1181, Keywords: minority influence, social change, social influence, majority influence, group dynamics, Citation: Prislin R (2022) Minority Influence: An Agenda for Study of Social Change. have strong norms about how people should behave. (2007). Bull. London: Academic Press. Seeking conversion versus advocating tolerance in pursuit of social change. WebMinority influence is the opposite process of conformity. Acad. His American nationalism was defiantly civic rather than only ethnic or racial in nature. The effects of differential ascribed category membership and norms of minority influence. eds. The model postulates that the many comparative advantages of the majority position over the minority position generally result in the former being preferred over the later. A. Charlan Nemeth, a professor at the University of California, Berkeley, argues a further difference between minority and majority influence. 17, 475482. When accompanied with a sense of group efficacy, they fuel social actions aimed as social change that will improve minority (disadvantaged) groups conditions (for review, see van Zomeren, 2015, see also Klandermans, 1997). To orient research toward social change, a research agenda is presented, along with a few illustrative studies. Crano, W. D., and Chen, X. In the immediate aftermath of social change, the new majority showed little attachment to the groupa finding consistent with previous studies (Prislin et al., 2000, 2002; Prislin and Christensen, 2002, 2005b). Even a cursory analysis of just about any social change reveals that it takes time to alter social relations and social structure within a group. Mugny, G. (1982). Majority and minority influence: A single process, in Group Consensus and Minority Influence: Implications for Innovation. Soc. Yet, the minority seems to be prevailing, giving credence to Mahatma Gandhis saying that fist they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win. Though far from the final win, this evolving minority-inspired social change is real and multifaceted, at least in the developed world. Studies in self-categorization and minority conversion: Is being a member of the out-group an advantage? A rare empirical study of the dynamic nature of social influence focused on reciprocity of influence. Which leaves us with the persistent publish or perish culture that discourages high-stakes, time-consuming, logistically demanding, group-oriented research, especially if it is longitudinal. Soc. A study of minorities as victims. What does Milgram's obedience study tell us about why online communication can become increasingly harmful? Hence, changes away from the preferred majority position presumably are experienced as losses, with changes away from the minority position presumably experienced as gains. Others followed suit, accumulating findings that cast doubt on the conversion theory postulate about the unique nature of minority (vs. majority) influence processes (for a meta-analytical synthesis, see Wood et al., 1994; see also Erb and Bohner, 2001; Martin and Hewstone, 2008). Latan, B. If there are reasons for optimism, they include signs of an increasing theoretical and methodological diversity in our discipline. V. C. Ottati, R. S. Scott, J. Edwards, F. B. Bryant, L. Heath, and D. C. OConnell, et al. With much of the competition between the races reducing itself to the warfare of the cradle, he wrote in 1894, no race has any chance to win a great place unless it consists of good breeders as well as of good fighters.. 19, 257276. Vol. doi: 10.1177/0146167204271564. doi: 10.1037/0022-3514.74.6.1437, David, B., and Turner, J. C. (1996). The social impact of majorities and minorities. Prislin, R. (2010). Psychol. Whereas such conversion is the condition sine qua non for a minority to become a majority, it also signals unreliability and ultimately, instability of the majority position. They map on the reasons discussed earlier for strapping minority influence research in the Procrustean bed of the cognitive processing approach, which, along with serious logistic challenges, effectively eliminated time as a variable in this line of research. R. Martin and M. Hewstone (New York: Psychology Press), 285312. (2017). If so, then prolonged experience in the new majority position should be reassuring, facilitating the new majoritys acceptance of the group as their own. A) public compliance B) obedience to authority C) ideomotor action D) informational social influence Correct Answer: Access For Free Review Later Minority dissent and team innovation: the importance of participation in decision making. Soc. Jetten, J., and Hornsey, M. J. Whereas these two motives for exerting social influence fit the classical dual-motive scheme for responding to social influence (Deutsch and Gerard, 1955), the third, social control motive has been largely neglected in the social influence literature. ed. More recently, social change has been examined as a function of two factors: Indirect minority influence, defined as attitudinal change on culturally relevant issues different from but related to the focal issue of minority advocacy, and cultural drift, defined as mistakes in copying culturally relevant attributes due to small errors in the learning and memory processes. His book with a telling title Social influence and social change (Moscovici, 1976) emphasized the role minorities have historically played in instigating political, scientific, religious, and artistic change. The daunting complexity of the social influence dynamics is challenging to capture in a formal model, much less empirical research. eds. Changement dattitude, influence minoritaire et courants sociaux [Attitude change, minority influence and social trends]. Terrorism as a tactic of minority influence, in Coping With Minority Status: Responses to Exclusion and Inclusion. ________ is the first step in the foot-in-the-door technique. What are self-affirmations and how can they be used to ward off cognitive dissonance? Privacy & Cookies In a 1969 study, participants were presented with a number of slides, and were asked to identify the color shown in each slide in the company of other participants. When successful, these minorities redefine what is acceptable within groups boundaries. The leniency contract and persistence of majority and minority influence. Understanding their motivations is in the core of psychological approaches to social action, with different models emphasizing a variety of motives that reflect groups moral, fairness, and identity standards. Psychol. Mugny, G., and Prez, J. Teaching as social influence: empowering teachers to become agents of social change. Nemeth, C. J., and Walacher, J. Moscovicis initial theorizing makes it clear that changing an individuals mind is, at most, a potential intermediatory step toward social change. For example, at what point in time do minorities voice their non-normative opinions? Psychol. Minority influence is a type of social influence which results in a change ofviews amongstthe majority of members within a group. Consider various human rights groups in history and in the present (civil rights movement in the 60s, LGBT rights, women's voting rights, Black Lives Matter, etc.). Kahneman, D., and Tversky, A. J. Soc. Vol. WebMAJORITY If the minority can get a few people to defect to their side, then this will often create a snowball effect in which more and more people will change their opinion. Within this context, evidence exists As an illustration of the epistemic value of the time perspective approach to understanding the consequences of successful minority influence, and a test of the above-mentioned Hypothesis 1, consider a longitudinal study that examined reactions of a minority faction within a group who successfully converted a sufficient number of majority members to its position to effectively turn themselves into a new majority and ipso facto, the former majority into a new minority (Prislin and Christensen, 2005b, Study 2). Similar asymmetry but in the opposite direction has been documented in distribution of social burdens (e.g., illnesses, crime), which are heavier on minorities than majorities.
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minorities influence majority opinion primarily through 2023