21 of the Polynesian Journal confirms the one enclosed very closely. However our whakapapa links go back to Whatuiapiti whose boundaries go deep into Central Hawkes Bay. Printer. Te Ara The New Zealand Encyclopedia.https://teara.govt.nz/en/photograph/2918/whakapapa-of-tiakitai. Ana oti ka mau i a koutou a Hiku. Hiku kei reira e whanga ana. Later Te Karaha was invited to live in Waimarama. The following song was composed by Hokimate (also known as Atareta) who appears five generations from the present day in one of the preceding whakapapa. Ko te haere a te iwi nei he hohou rongo. It was updated in September, 2011. He named the area Te Ipu o Taraia. He went forward accordingly. Different sources also strongly disagree about whether Te Rangitaumaha also gifted large areas of land in the Heretaunga region to Wawahanga. His younger brother Harawira Te Tatere Mahikai inherited his leadership role and was also one of the chiefs that signed the Treaty of Waitangi in 1840. He was avenged by Tuhua with the greenstone mere named Te Onewa. [21] Te Hikawera took Te Tomos bones with him when he left and made them into spear points, washing them in the Mohaka River at a place that was therefore named Waitara (water of spear-points). Kai-te-kopua tenei mahi. Rongomaiaia, Hikamataki = The war party was pursued to Paeroa where Ngai-tahu were again defeated. Those, however, who are acquainted with the swimming powers of the natives can scarcely marvel at the feats of Te Huhuti and Hinemoa. Ka haere a Te Aukamiti raua ko Te Hiku me ta raua ope wahine. This brought conflict between the Kahungunu and Rangitane tribes with key battles at Hakikino, Matanginui and Karamea. Ka kiia ake kei Tawakeroa. An old pa further down the Manawatu river from Raikapua. = Hinekiri, White's I te wa e moe ana te wahine nei me te tangata i mua i a ia ka hotu te manawa o te wahine, ka pehia atu e Hiku te mahunga. Koia ra e kiia ra he ngaru moana., Ka mutu, ka haere te taua a Te Rangiwhakaewa. Ka whaia mai te taua, mau rawa mai ko Paeroa, ka mate ano a Ngai-tahu ki reira. Richard John Seddon Te Whatuiapiti Te Tau Public - Ken - Direct descendant - 12 March 2017 - whanau whakapapa. I mate ai a Te Hokitonga raua ko Tuhakoria. They had eight children, the first four being daughters, Te Huhuti, Ruatiti, Manuitiatoi and Parengenge. Ka haere atu a Te Whatu-i-apiti ki te whare o Te Huhuti, ka moe raua, a i te haerenga ake ki te ata, ka ki atu a Te Whatu-i-apiti ki a Te Huhuti. WWI 9/1987 AWMM. When Hine-te-moa heard the name of Te Huhuti, she jumped up for the purpose of going to slap her face. Whangaimokopuna became annoyed at this, and snatching at one of the boys, devoured him. Te Awariki (see whakapapa below) was the chief who was slain there. [11] She was saved by Tahinga, one of the attackers. Hoeta, Volume 35 1926 > Volume 35, No. HUy\L. 6e pd}Q ab Bbd}JR"`]DT,UPt"V{oLs|@ z It was the custom to light fires at these pa to give warning of the approach of enemy parties, most of the positions being intervisible. In January 1991 the land was aggregated by the Maori Land Court. On the death of Te Wao Ngai-tahu rose up to avenge her death. Ngai Te Whatuiapiti (of the Heretaunga or Hawke's Bay region) Ko Tamatea-Ariki-Nui = Toto ko Rongokako = Muriwhenua ko Tamatea-Pokai-Whenua = Iwipupu ko Kahungunu = Rongmaiwahine ko Kahukuranui = Ruatapuwahine ko Rakaihikuroa = Papauma ko Taewha = Tamaira ko Takaha = Rakaipa ko Hikawera = Hine-te-moa ko TE WHATUIAPITI = Te Huhuti ko Te Wawahanga-o-te-rangi = Te Aopatuwhare ko Te Rangikawhiua . Whangaimokopuna was a pet taniwha owned by the Rangitane people of Motuiti, near Foxton. Ngati Poporo descends from Te Whatuiapiti, who himself was descended from Rakaihikuroa the grandson of Kahungunu, Kupe by several lines, Iraturoto, Awanuiarangi and both Whatonga and Popoto of the waka Kurahaupo. Information about your use of this site is shared with Google. [The above tale and that of Hinemoa of Rotorua are favourite narratives among the native folk, and so are worthy of being recorded. The reading rooms will be closed. Honour and remember New Zealand's servicemen and women. Their territory extended up the Tutaekuri to Mangaone, where the remains of several of their pa can be seen today. It was the headquarters of Te Rangiwhakaewa the eponymous ancestor of the Ngati Te Rangi- - 16 whakaewa hapu, now subdivided into Pakapaka and Mutuahi. Our history and traditions place us on our land and tie us together as a unique people. The story is considered one of the great Mori romances and has been compared to the more famous tale of Hinemoa and Ttnekai. No te patunga aranga tonu iho a Te Rongo pahekeheke. His brothers were also placed in other parts of the wider territory, Te Kikiri at Waipukurau and Te Orihau 1 at Te Hauke, with Hawea in Heretaunga. "Ko Kahuranaki te maunga, ko Poukawa te moana, ko Ngati Te Rangikoianake te Iwi". Pokia built a house called Mata Kakahi for these women at Tawhitinui, Lake Oingo. Ka patai kei whea a Te Rangiwhakaewa. Kaiaotea went to Tongariro. By the time Ngati Kahungunu arrived in the Hawkes Bay generations later, Waimarama was already well populated by Ngai Tara, Rangitane, Ngati Awa and Muaupoko. Neither of these two whare was adorned with whakairo, tuku tuku or kowhaiwhai. Ka utua e Tuhua ki te patu pounamu, ko Te Onewa te ingoa. Takaha [26], The story of Te Huhuti is first recorded in George Greys Polynesian Mythology of 1854. Te Whati Apiti is the ancestor of the Heretaunga Hapu Ngai Te Whati Apiti of Kahuranaki Marae. As a member of Te Hika a Ppuma, Te Whatuipiti was locked in a multi-generational feud with his cousins in Te Hika a Ruarauhanga. (1990). Papauma, Tamahikawai Nga Hapu o Waimarama whakapapa dates back to pre-migration times. This example refers to cultural icons like the old Ngaruroro River which marks our northern most boundary and the western boundary to the Ruahine ranges. Tahinga was allowed to live, because he had earlier saved Te Whatuipitis wife. [12] Tiakiwai also recounted the gift of Te Rangitaumaha in 1889, but his version was challenged at the hearing by Meihana Takihi and Paora Kaiwhata. Nga Hapu o Waimarama whakapapa dates back to pre-migration times. After further conflict, he fell in love with Te Huhuti, daughter of Te Rangitaumaha of Te Hika a Ruarauhanga, who married him and ended the feud between the two families. These pictures were supplied by several whnau members at a Korongata Marae Whakapapa Wananga held in August 2008. How we engage with our land and its coasts is crucial to our identity, our culture and our tikanga. Te Whatuipitis men hid themselves in the bush surrounding Takutai o Te Rangi and Otara. The Mahangaiti lagoon is said to be the old course of the river. 13. Ka haere atu kotahi te tangata, ka patua. Ka tae - 19 ki te tangata i mua atu i a ia, ka karanga atu ia, E, ka mutu koe tukua mai ta tatou wahine ki au kia haria ake e au ki tahaki nei. Katahi a Te Whatu-i-apiti, ka piki ki runga i tona whare karanga ai. Get more from your Museum with Membership, Find out more about Auckland Museums transformation, Nominal Roll Vol 2 (Roll 21), Page: 12 - No known copyright restrictions. Also five loose sheets "Te Whatuiapiti" [Eponymous ancestor of Ngai Te Whatuiapiti tribe of Hawke's Bay]; "Maori language maramataka, which lists days for planting/not planting and other activities, according to the lunar cycle; "Ramaapakura Greenstone Axe; an 'extract from a sheet of paper handed by Te Kauru Hohepa to the Court during the . Ko te pa o Te Whatu-i-apiti kai waenganui o te roto; me na runga i te waka ka whiti atu ai ki te pa. Te taenga o Te Huhuti ka mahue nga kakahu, ka kau ki te pa, ka whiti atu, ka noho i te tauranga. Te Whatuipiti later married Hinepehinga, who was given to him by her father Kotore of Wairoa as a peace offering, but she avoided sleeping with him because she was in love with another, so he allowed her to leave. How we engage with our land and its coasts is crucial to our identity, our culture and our tikanga. When she returned she heard of Hikawera's arrival, whereupon she cried out, Let me kill him so the sun will turn about and shine upon you. Te Umuroa replied, How shall you use your weapon when the wave of the sea is lying there? (i.e., when Hikawera was under the protection of Te Rangiwhakaewa.) When Taraia and his Ngati Kahungunu followers invaded Heretaunga around 1550, they found three distinct tribal groups in occupation of the land. Decent can be traced back to the original inhabitants, Kupe, Paikea, Tara, Whatonga, Tara and Toikairakau. There was no wharenui on the land. A Ngati-mutuahi pa at Te Ruru on the Manawatu river. Remain, sir, in your fort at Te Rotoatara Ka po rua pea te ngaronga atu o Te Whatu-i-apiti, ka oma atu a Te Huhuti. Kahungunu and have traversed the whenua of these great chiefs. When the envoy arrived, he was imprisoned, but he said to Irakumia that he had come from Te Whatuipitis nose, a reference to the hongi, or touching of noses, with which Te Whatuipiti and Irakumia had sealed their peace. Kia penei tonu i au nei te nunui o nga pakihiwi, kia whiu rawa ake i te rakau kaore e hoki mai. Ka utua e Rakairakaahu, He manu iti noa te kopara kei takirikiri ana i i runga i te kahikatea. Graphs are temporarily unavailable due to technical issues. E whakaki ana i te taha ki te wai, e hapai ana, kua patai atu - 34 a Te Huhuti. The third brother was Hikateko. When Te Whatuiapiti was born about 1620, in Heretaunga, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand, his father, Hikawera, was -79 and his mother, Hinetemoa, was 23. Iwi Mori AWMM; It was heavily fortified and was established very early in the history of the tribe. This was the origin of the name Aroarotahurihuri. Rangituehu = Rakaitekura (F) (Hineiao, Tuaka, Kehu), (Te Huhuti, Ruatiti, Manuitiatoi, Parengenge, Taraia II, Hinehore, Hikateko, Kaiaotea). [15][16][17][18] It is commemorated by a traditional song of Ngti Te Whatuipiti, which is recorded by John Te Herekiekie Grace: (Hiku arranged for men in the trees near the pa to imitate bird-calls by blowing leaves.). Ko wai tera, e ka horo, ka horo, a te Roto-a-Tara i a Te Huhuti. Te rongonga o te iwi me Hine-te-moa ko Te Huhuti tenei, te tino huinga ki te marae o te whare o Te Whatu-i-apiti, kiki ana tera i te mano o te tangata. Although history recounts skirmishes, and waves of invasion from Ngati Kahungunu, true to old traditions they intermarried with the local people. Ka haere atu e rua nga tangata, ka patua. As a result, in his youth he was driven out of the Hawkes Bay region, finding sanctuary in the Wairarapa. After this victory, Te Whatuipitis control of Heretaunga was confirmed and peace was made. All maintained the mana of Waimarama and encouraged the hapu not to sell land. I mate ai i te taua a Marangaihenuku. Taura i a Mounga Hikawera i a Te Uira-i-waho Na te roanga katahi ano ka titiro kei roto ratou i te taua. A genealogy printed on page 112, Vol. The song is addressed to Te Umurangi, the 'little tiny treasure' who is descended from Te Whatuiapiti, a great Ngati Kahungunu chief and warrior. East Coast elder Apirana Ngata explained that whakapapa is 'the process of laying one thing upon another. Ao noa te ra, tiketike noa mai te ra, e moe tonu ana a Te Whatu-i-apiti raua ko Te Huhuti. She was a daughter of the chief of the place, Te Rangi-taumaha. Aranga tonu atu te ingoa Aroarotahurihuri. Te Awhina i a Tama-i-whakarukerukea . Dick Te Tau Public - Ken - Direct descendant - 12 March 2017 - whanau name. No te taenga ka tapahia te uma, ka inumia nga toto a mate noa. No other version, Maori or English, is known to me. RememberRichard John Seddon Te Tauby laying a poppy. H10{g0#E)bD~`)'8]lJ}msbMlKV orY!3p Bt*]Da 7 238 0 obj <>stream In 1908, Te Whare Tipuna Hikawera was built and is said to have been a project instigated by three Kuia, Ani Kamau, Keita Puriri and Tiniripene Hapi. The decent of this marriage became the new aristocracy. I reira ka patua, ka mate a Te Aukamiti, ka puta a Hiku. Onward : portraits of the New Zealand Expeditionary Force (vols 1-5). Possessing kinship links within Ngati Kahugunu, Rangitane, Ngati Ira and other major tribal groups in Hawke's Bay made him influential throughout the region. ORIGIN OF THE NAME OF THE NGATI-PAKAPAKA HAPU OF RANGITANE. Mo Te Whatu-i-apiti. Ka ki atu a Te Huhuti. Legends tell us that before leaving Hawaiki, Tama te Kapua made long wooden stilts so that he and his brother could pick this delicious fruit from Uenukus Poporo Tree (Coming of the Maori, pg 39). Living a Healthy Life with Long Term Conditions, Registrations now open - Kura Whakakairangi (2021), Waimarama Marae Whanau Ora Day Marae Health Clinics, Paua Reseeding at Ohinemakawe & Taingamata (Cray Bay). Tawhaki is the demi-god who climbed up a vine to the heavens. +$zt+Aez?R8?1v"lx/4eYMJH`aul~75'#' % I have set out the details of these fortresses at the commencement as most of them figure in the narratives which follow. 8. Ngti Te Whatuipiti, Ngti Te Whatu-i-piti or Ngi Te Whatuipiti is a Mori hap (subtribe or branch) of the Ngti Kahungunu iwi in Hawke's Bay, New Zealand. Te Rangitaumaha was offended, imprisoning the party and planned to cook them. "The Story of Te Huhuti of Te Roto-a-tara", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Te_Whatuipiti&oldid=1142412470, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. Sitting like a teko, explains Hika-teko. Unlike many of the Heretaunga chiefs, Tiakitai chose not to migrate to Nukutaurua under the protection of Te Wera Hauraki and Te Pareihe. Ngatoto. A small pa on the banks of the Wainui stream where the present Millar street is now situated in Dannevirke. Ngi Whatuipiti had a fierce rivalry with Ngi Te Upokoiri, which was descended from Taraia, a son of Rkei-hikuroa and his first wife. [7], In his old age, Te Whatuipiti's son Te Hikawera went to Tarawera in the Ahimanawa Range to take possession of the area. When they reached Omahu they were attacked and Te Aukamiti was killed, but Te Hiku escaped. Male AWMM. He agreed for them to re-occupy Tuhirangi on condition that they bring up his nephew Rangituehu to be a chief over them. Ko Te Awariki te Rangitira i mate. Rokohanga atu e mahia kinotia ana tana wahine. = Rongomaiwahine, Kahukuranui = Ruatapuwahine, Rakaiwhakaira These wananga helped build the repuatation of Waimarama as a key focal point for the population of the time. In a fight at Waikareau pa, Wanstead, a Ngati-raukawa war-party killed two Rangitane chiefs and carried away Ngarara to Paranui pa, Motuiti, near Foxton, where he was killed and baked for food. Descendants of these rangatira included Te Teira Tiakitai, Horiana Te Wharepu, Airini Donnely, Morehu Te Amohaere, Wi Te Maangi, Mohi Te Atahikoia, Wi Turoa and others. Ko Hineiti, ko te taina o te hakui o Te Rangiwhakaewa, kaore i reira, i te ngaro. There is a discrepancy as to whether the whare was named after Hikawera the Father of Te Whatuiapiti, or Hikawera Tuarua, Nukanoas half brother. From there, he led a number of raids into his old territory. (In this manner a number of men were killed without the knowledge of the people in the pa.) (Another group from the war-party then commenced to dig fernroot.) Ko Te Whatui-Apiti te Rangatira Ko Kahuranaki te marae PEPEHA Our pepeha acts as a cultural summary of who we are, our whakapapa and what cultural land marks define our traditional boundaries. The occupants of the pa saw what they thought was their working party digging fernroot, whereupon the whole pa went out to dig also, not realising that it was the enemy who were digging. Tiakitai was a key figure in the Heretaunga invasion by powerful interior tribes. Te Huhuti was also living there. From this incident arose the name Te Umuopuaiterangi. It was sited on top of a very steep bluff, difficult to approach from any side. Other Mori terms for genealogy are kwai and ttai. Explore over 1 million records. She grasped a greenstone axe and rushed out of the house of mourning, shouting and making faces. Taraia had given authority to occupy lands south of the Tukituki river to his general Te Aomatarahi. WHEN Te Whatu-i-apiti was grown up he travelled away toward the east from his own place, and on his return came to the pa (fortified village) of Te Rangi-taumaha at Heretaunga, beyond Omahu. [20] Te Rangitaumahas lands were nevertheless ultimately inherited by Te Hikawera. Taraia II, was the eldest son and he settled on the lands west of Omahu which were occupied by Ngati Ruapirau. endstream endobj 185 0 obj <>stream Leave a tribute or memory of The encounter took place at Wharepa where Whangataua was captured by Te Pohutu. Presently I will cut you down with my axe, (taraitia) explains Taraia. However, there were many raupo homes, with dirt floors that were occupied by whnau. It was in the early 1980s that a hall was donated and moved onto the Marae. An invading force from the Wairoa district had driven the Ngati Whatuiapiti tribe from its lands in the Napier district. It underpins whanaungatanga that must be present for any hapu activity. Houanganuku, Te Rangituaiwa = When the elders returned to the pa the boy was missed; and on seeing the remains vomited up by the taniwha the people became very angry. He married Te Aopatuwhare about 1649, in Hawke's Bay, New Zealand. Te Aometikirangi is your flute, sir, Ka mau ki te toki pounamu ka puta kai waho o tona whare taua; kua hamama te waha; kua pukanakana mai. (I te kainga o Titihuia tona whare, ko Aotea te ingoa.) [19] These questions were material to a hearing of the Maori Land Court on claims to the region around mahu in 1889. He extended south to the old Ngaruroro River near Roys Hill and north to the base of Oueroa pa. Kaore i mohio ko te taua tera e kari aruhe. With the help of Maori Access and work schemes, the present kai hall would be ready and dedicated as the kai hall. And lastly the third grouping was Ngati Rangitane and Ngai Tara, who shared common ancestry through descent from Toi Kairakau and Whatonga. Katahi ka whakatika atu a Rangitane, ka mate te tini o Puaiterangi. Presently I will cut you down with my axe.. No te tapatapahanga ki te kakahi aranga tonu iho a Te Mata-kakahi. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. Ka haere mai a Ngati-parakiore i Te Reingaomahuru ki Te Katea. It was built on the block of land known as Korongata 1B, and the original owner of that block was Okeroa Kuikui. May he also be like me in the strength of his shoulders, so that if he were to throw a spear it would not return. Rakai replied, The bellbird is a small bird but it flits about on top of the kahikatea tree. All Videos April 25, 2023 How can whakapapa inspire artistic expression in the present? Nominal Rolls of New Zealand Expeditionary Force Volume II. Tahito-tarere Te Huhuti was also living there. The marriage of Rangituehu and Rakaitekura took place at Mataotao on the Tutaekuri River above Moteo. Geni requires JavaScript! His father, Hikawera, persuaded Te Rangiwhakaewa of Rangitane to join this campaign. Sitting like a hore [an empty-headed person]. It also bears the name Matariki. In conclusion this is a brief history which serves to demonstrate the long and close association between nga hapu o Waimarama and the land and coast. At the same time, other contingents attacked the men digging fern roots at Otatara, in the battle of Aro Aro Tahuri, and the women and children collecting pipi in the battle of Te Roropipi. Tu tonu mai e rua nga tangata. E korero ana, Te kai o ta tatou wahine, ma wai ra e ngaki tona mate. Ka utua e te wahine nei. %PDF-1.7 % Ko Te Whatu-i-apiti me Te Huhuti kai te roro o to raua whare e noho ana, e titiro atu ana ki a Hine-te-moa e mahi mai ra ki a Te Huhuti. [12] He wounded Te Whatuipiti and killed his cousin Tumapuhia. Initially, Te Whatuipitis mother, Hinetemoa, bitterly opposed his marriage to Te Huhuti, but she then gave way. H,M0D+ n ,*6i 9C Ka mau a Arataua, ka patai a Kikiterangi ki a ia, Kei whea a Puaiterangi? Ka kiia mai, Kei te tahere manu. Ka whaia, ka mau, ka haria mai ki runga hiwi. Ranginui Rautahi informs me that in olden times the smaller pa at various points along the Manawatu river were used as outposts for the main pa, Te Reinga o Mahuru. Ka haere mai te tini o Puaiterangi. E piki e tama ki runga ki to pa, It was situated on Raekatia mountain at the head of the Mangapuaka stream. Their territory was to the south of the Ngaruroro River, with pa sites at Tanenuiarangi, Te Awanga and Waitahora. In due course the war-party of Te Rangiwhakaewa departed, Rakairakaahu being the chief of the expedition. A few very large palisade posts, surmounted by the usual knob, are still standing at the present time and I understand that some of the dwelling-sites are still visible. The name Pakapaka (baked) was adopted by the hapu after this event. Puehutai. Tiakitai had direct links to this line through his grandfather Te Karaha and also to Tumapuhiarangi and Hinengatira through his mother Hinekona. One day, when the elders were away, the children fed the taniwha, and gave him only the heads of eels. This was the chief stronghold of Rangitane. (A famous story concerning Te Whatuiapiti is given on page 16, issue no. H*wSp [14], Te Whatuipiti attacked Parehemanihi and fought with great prowess. Waikareau. He probably lived in the late 17th century.[1][2]. Na wai ra i tawhiti atu te hakui nei, kua tae tonu atu ki te roro o te whare e noho mai ra a Te Whatu-i-apiti raua ko Te Huhuti; e pukana ana, e wheterotero ana te arero; e ngau ana ona niho ki a Te Huhuti. The murder of high-ranking twin boys at Tranganui [Gisborne] 100 years previously had forced the assassin and his relatives to move south. Kiritai i a Haimona Pita [27] A similar version is given by John Te Herekiekie Grace.[28]. This information is available on the Maori Land Court website. During this time families lived in their own homes on their entitled blocks of land. The relationship of the hapu of Moteo, Omahu and Waiohiki stems from this generation. His lands included the Otupaopao flats around Omahu. Then Rangitane rose up and defeated the war-party of Puaiterangi. But as far as I am aware a translation has never been published. They took over the coastal area around today's Napier, and later moved inland to Waipawa. He was told that the latter - 17 was snaring birds. This incident took place at a pa which stood where the Napier Old People's Home now stands. Ka tae, Kaati kaati, tu ai taku kai nei a Wheraka, Kei te komaingomaingo oku rau e rua mo te upoko e. Mohou e Tioirangi herepu mai na kei tou hemihemi. Kua mutu taku kino, kua puta taku pouri me te mamae o toku ngakau; ko tenei, moea to wahine. Most speakers on Kahuranaki Marae use this expression. The late 1800s and early 1900s saw the more modern rough sawn buildings erected. Wakapakani i a Rurua-rau Then he made his base at Te Purotu. When he returned to Te Whatuipiti at Lake Rotoatara, Te Whatuipiti told one of his men, Te Tomo, to get fish and eels ready for a feast in honour of Te Hikaweras return, but Te Tomo ate the food himself, so Te Whatuipiti killed Te Tomo and served him as the feast instead. Eventually he came to where the Tamaki flows into the Manawatu, and to avoid a long detour he cut straight through the hills and made a new channel for the Manawatu. [9], Te Rangitaumaha of Te Hika a Ruarauhanga invited Te Whatuipiti to a feast at his village, Parehemanihi, near mahu. Te Whatuiapiti on an occasion was invited to send a party to negotiate a peace deal, but he was suspicious about . Katahi ka haere ki reira. There were also kauta for each family to do their cooking and a community hand pump was used to draw water. Iwi. His younger brother Harawira Te Tatere Mahikai inherited his leadership role and was also one of the chiefs that signed the Treaty of Waitangi in 1840. Hine-te-moa was the wife of Hikawera, and Te Whatu-i-apiti was his son. The three sons, Taraia II, Hinehore and Hikateko lived together at Motukumara on Lake Oingo until the time of their marriages. Furthermore, Hineiao, the daughter of this marriage was betrothed to Rangitaumaha, the son of Taraia. The band of Puaiterangi came here from Gisborne and when they reached Whenuahou (near Takapau) Rangitane were defeated. First, he attacked Wainui, fought the Rangitne, and made peace with them. = Kahutapoa. A small pa which formerly stood at the head of the Mahangaiti lagoon, near the junction of the Otope road and the Dannevirke-Weber road. Whakapapa means genealogy. Unfortunately this whare did not have proper foundations and because the wood was rotting, it was demolished and burnt. He was a leader of Ngati Te Whatuiapiti. Pukehou. Secondly, Ngati Awa which was founded by the ancestor Koaupari lived at Otatara. This merging of the bloodlines made it less likely that there would be continuing pockets of resistance to Ngati Kahungunu and established the mana rangatira of Heretaunga, which continues today. Rangitamaha's daughter, Huhuti married Te Whatuiapiti. Te Whatuipiti asked his son for instructions, expecting him to pass his wife to his younger brother, Te Hikawera, Te Wawahanga insisted that she should pass to Te Whatuipiti himself. He was fed on eels from which the heads had been removed. Whakapapa is the core of traditional mtauranga Mori (Mori knowledge). Wellington, N.Z. A force came out from the island in canoes, led by Tahinga, Ika i Te Atu, Te Mata, and Rangitahia.
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te whatuiapiti whakapapa 2023