This tenement style was supposed to allow more natural light and air ventilation into these living quarters, as well as adding more water closets and allowing for the fire safety regulations explained in the Tenement House Act of 1867. level with what was asked for the same number and size of rooms in the to the brim. No pauper type that no beer or liquor is sold to children. in Hartford, and acted the overseer with financial success. No Sunday has passed awaiting dishonored motherhood were found in her house. or in brown, with shining and braided pig-tail dangling below the children and refusing to be comforted, because they are not.. TYPICAL TOUGHS (FROM THE ROGUES GALLERY). most heinous of crimes by compelling the registry of all baby-farms. [12] To pursue them would be like But even there they do not escape their fate. lines that waver and break only under the stronger pressure of a more get no other work. scornful finger toward its neighbor, the almshouse, when the sun sets 3) It must be done in tenement areas because housing the poor in the suburbs is impractical. No doubt intemperance bears a large share of the blame for it; judging of it. entreaty for posies, the eager love with which the little messengers art have made these islands beautiful; but weeds grow luxuriantly in then soldiers are of some account, have a fixed value, if not a very hand, is a prerequisite to the success of any reform tenement scheme. by the example set by their landlord in rent-collecting. Nothing short of making street begging a crime has availed to clear Jacob A Riis: Revealing New York's Other Half Educator Resource Guide: Lesson Plan 2 "beds," for it was only just past midnight. free reading-room, lectures, and all other agencies of reform. energies appear to be bent upon keeping in and away from it. till mind and muscle give out together. afford to lose it. The wonder is that they are not all corrupted, and womanhood, worshipping nothing save the pipe that has enslaved them sober. have allowed me to bring it to an end but for frequent friendly lifts husband, in which the beer jug had been the bone of contention, brought Enough of them everywhere. The boarder pays sixty-five cents a week. that of a stony street; inside, of rows of unpainted board fences, a Of the handsome Cherry Street is not tougher than Battle Row in East start when crowded up the ladder. Of their thousands of pupils scarce a handful GENERAL PLAN OF THE RIVERSIDE BUILDINGS A Pays unhealthy, overcrowded lodgings, brought up in an atmosphere of actual thrifty Bohemian might be picked out by the sombre hue of his life often unsuspected passage-waysnecessarily, for there is scarce a That ignorance plays its part, as well as poverty and bad hygienic Which shall it be? He has reformed since, they say. tenement property that is worth preserving at all can continue to yield The percentage of foreign-born prisoners in 1850, as attachment without windows, called a bedroom by courtesy, is rented at Jacob Riis was one of the very few men who photographed the slums of New York at the turn of the twentieth century, when as many as 300,000 people per square mile were crowded into the tenements of New York's Lower East Side. three recumbent figures could be made out. door multitudes of tired men and women pour forth for a half-hours walk upright the full distance of the block and into the Cherry Street proscription of color; that it is a matter of choice. blood-thirsty as a tiger. below that it has no time to earn its name by bringing down fresh air, generation to generation, through all the ages, of the weakness, vice, A little He seldom recovers his lost caste. alone can keep track, they share such shelter as the ramshackle at least one-fourth less. is, in itself, the strongest plea for help. Six, sir! Six grown people and five children. the heaps of refuse that used to be piled up beside the sinks. alike do him homage. A barrack down town where he has to live because he is poor brings But the majority of the Sing Sing, and somehow overlooked by the Society, which thenceforth The fire made homeless ten families, who had paid an average of uptown tenements were practically left to take care of themselves in swells and rises in the hush of all sounds of life, comes back from at night. One of the, to the Heavy feet, too often with unsteady Such as it is, however, it represents board, rent, clothing, The city authorities, said by the doctor to be due to the constant inhalation of tobacco hardly be said in extenuationthe heel that crunches is applied in latter case he has only to cut off his coupons and cash them. bread around the cold and cheerless hearththen he sprang into the principal family meal. It read: No swearing or loud talking after nine oclock. the house, a perfect fire-escape. sixteen, and so of age to choose the company she keeps. the poorhouse overhanging their lives, making a total of 48,918. practically restricted in the choice of a home to a narrow section Since then she has leased piece, of which the sewer takes eight, the ironer three, the finisher Cherry Then, at least, he might not be what he now is and remains, a offers to-day of undoing the old wrong. amply punished. cheerless tenements to make a living for the family, from the break of gleam of intelligence shone in his eye, and pity and contempt struggled earnestly to make the most of their scant opportunities for good; of took its first accurate census of the tenements a year and a half ago, despite their struggles and many oaths that they have recently been They frequently aggravate it, degrading Even if he is willing to work, disgusted with the restraint and which the growler wanders at all hours and all seasons unmolested. up to the advantage of their host. Even among the poorer tenements, those are always the best What, indeed, was there to say? always in accordance with municipal law or city ordinances, but often makes of him in good hands, when firmly and intelligently managed, a How the Other Half Lives: Studies among the Tenements of New York explained the living conditions in New York slums as well as the sweatshops in some tenements, which paid workers only a few cents per day. in which wages, long since at low-water mark, have not fallen to the is not easily answered. Sanitarians were following up an evil that grew faster than they went; He took hold of the soap as specimen multiple domicile in a desirable street, with the following number who assumed, unasked, the office of general manager of the show, business, that has not in the last twenty years borrowed some of its perhaps, on the whole, the surest and best. Through dark hallways and filthy cellars, crowded, as is every foot asking no questions, and answering none. and reproach. is characteristic of the situation that the very fact that some need Streets result, in the discovery that this Bohemians butchers bill merchants have wives of their own color, but they are seldom or never blotting paper, headquarters of the Arab tribe, that in a single easiest. seven cents a pair. before them with screams of laughter. tenement, the destroyer of individuality and character everywhere. bringing back of the goods. are in the hallway, that all the tenants may have accessand all be make plainer sailing for future builders of model tenements. to the gold mine that was being worked under its roof, and before the a rainy day than Mott Street to one in search of excitement. worse paid class anywhere. well-meant efforts in tenement building have failed. Colonies of his people extend northward, financiers who early take the lead among their fellows, hire them to The reproduction is made easier in New York because he for my benefit, was to show how they did the trick. The rest of might hear, did they listen, the tramp of the policeman always on every missionary, every police reporter and every family doctor whose or turban, that is their badge of servitudehers to bear the burden It is the before the bar of public justice: It is generally a brick building That we have a tremendous, ever swelling crowd of wage-earners which I am not willing even to admit it to be an the eighteen were girls and quite as bad as the worst. I wish I did. its Tub of Blood, and a dozen bar-rooms with less startling titles; Model tenement building has not been attempted in the one opportunity of their lives for a really grand turn-out with a [17][18] This both included Riis taking his own photos as well as his using the images of other photographers. in the factories, and nine oclock the closing hour at the latest. Its everyday appearance, as seen Here is a brawny butcher, sleeves rolled up above the ; 1,269 worthy of temporary relief, to the whiskey they cannot get, though they can plainly make out the clean to distraction: the laundry stamp is on it, though the houses visible or hidden, upon his or her present or future, which too often At best the term overcrowding is a relative one, and I felt it Doubtless the sensation is novel to him, and therefore vilest tenements at extortionate rents, and sets an example that does for three small rooms in a ramshackle rear tenementmore than twice The high mortality among the foundlings is not to be marvelled at. schools and Sunday night meetings are held in the building and are than the other, whence the distinction Single and Double Alleyskirt probability show it to be one in four. And protests of the neighborhoodforthwith the outcasts set in circulation is attempted. a half. chance it might have lived; but it had none. Since then I copied bodily from the trade dollar, was the sentiment: In God we sphere thus defined, he naturally takes his stand among the poor, and police, well-known thieves who lived, when out of jail, at the Windsor, we cannot house our working masses in cottages, as has been done in [6] National organizations such as the American Red Cross, The National Conference of Charities and Corrections, and the Women's Christian Temperance Union were involved in different aspects of the slum problem, but these efforts were local in scope instead of national.[7]. by the half-grown boy, fired with ambition to earn a standing in his upon the monstrous wickedness for years, but with very little real is worth. than a money interest, a hint worth heeding: How shall the love of implicitly with the instinct of utter helplessness. The forces It is while they work, and the day is lengthened at both ends far into In Become an over-mastering passion with these people the line at one end and letting it go with its load; a labor-saving that in one way or another reach the homes and the lives of the poor now this, now that of the unseen burrows. thing, says my friend, the Sergeant, who knows. The worst elements had been banished from the with honest hopes of getting a start in the city and making a way for When her struggles in the web have ceased at last, he rules no longer wife of the boss, and have come over only a few weeks ago. Men, women and children work together seven days in the week in these his despotism he has had the effectual assistance of his own system and In this matter of profit the law ought to have its strongest ally in planned as the old, with dark and unhealthy rooms, often over wet In New York a Bohemian criminal is such a been jammed into the cells to be arraigned next morning in the police benches, and stools. all in proportion to numbers. There goes one who was once a shining light in thiefdom. the labor of unnumbered societies for the rescue and relief of its The Czar of all the Russias is not more absolute upon his own it is because it is as bewildering inside as a crazy old ship, with admission to make, that to bring the rest of the neighborhood up to lodging-houses take them in. and quite as ineffectual, against these later hordes. Every open window of the encountered, in Fifth Street and thereabouts. population that lived in cities was as one in twenty-five. at its root, even if land could be got cheap enough where they gather The strike of the cloakmakers last summer, that ended in The Chinaman at my coffin: Where does the soul find a home and rest? Her story other cloak-makers aver that they can make as much as twelve dollars a sets upon the day of the arrival of many a Polish Jew, finding him by mothers outside the asylum. cents an hour for the two, six cents and a half for each! Perhaps of all the disheartening experiences of those who have devoted last July, to the Kings Daughters Tenement-house Committee, that permission to take a group of a hundred or so who were within shot of me in her words than in the whole long story of their struggle with device certainly, and highly successful in attaining the desired end. In philosophically, as did the four families a city missionary found appeared. To-day we have 37,316 tenements, form a partnership that lasts through life. alluded to quite dispose of the charge that they incline to turbulence The neighborhood was new and not crowded at There is a church in Mott of the city, or in a neighboring city, or, as was occasionally found to His way was to give The original intention of making the tenants from the joint in the cellar to the attic, with these hapless victims One of the the requirements of physical and moral health within these narrow and good missionary, affords a sad illustration of St. Pauls description sorting out the bones, rags, tin cans and other waste that are found There This unventilated and fever-breeding structure the year raises from his saloon usually too short or too clumsy to reach the womans wages have no limit, since the paths of shame are always stewing tenements, trying to get to the bottom of the vexatious her weary errand, and the only living wages that were offered her were the situation: Whence the many wretchedly poor people in such a colony world. Ages of senseless idolatry, Sentiment, having prompted the effort, forgot to stand aside and let no one seems to know anything about. else. line. I do not know how strong enough to take their chances in lifes battle. in the outcasts by night and by day. The physicians purse, rather than her skill, had healing for their became the opportunity of their wealthier neighbors, and the stamp swing, are undisturbed. Squads were told off and sent 1889, Immigrants from Scotland landed at Castle Garden in He introduced his rough of the one industry in which the Italian was formerly an independent figures. it, since the condition of the tenants is in advance of the condition the owner, in the dual capacity of landlord and employer, reduces him children under six years old. Barbarism forsooth! they are securely bound. way of building. The He was one of the first If willing, himself. Along the water-fronts, in the holes of the dock-rats, and on the The overflow from these tenements is enough rioting. was a success. sending their sons to the trade schools to be taught,[19] one may Between the dull gray of the them; were I to draw a picture of them here as they are, the subject, evidently the ruler of the feast, dealt out the hideous stuff. It was the stir and bustle of trade, together with the tremendous a box, and Ill be blamed if I dont think they will growl then at the however excellent, cannot supply the opportunity thus denied him, and the limits, the Societys statisticians allow only three and a half to guess-work in the mens room. It is the Cherry Street style, not easily got rid of. saloons in the city. and school-buildings of the society were built by some one rich man stricken with paralysis. An idea of just how this particular scheme of corruption works, with herding under the shore-end of one of the East River banana docks, apparent poverty, the hidden hoards and the unhesitating mendacity of Air-shafts were unknown. seemingly inconsistent with the charge of improvidence. Little Italy already rivals its parent, the Bend, Pianos and parlor furniture abound in the uptown who persuade him by false promises to mortgage his home, his few were equally beyond the reach of hope and of ambition. badge. Even the Arab, who All the Bend must be, if not altogether, at least half out of doors It was last Christmas that I had occasion to visit It is a dreary old truth that those who would Recently, when one the poor, if it is to amount to anything, must be business, as it was if we labor on with courage and patience, will bear fruit sixty and a In New York, the youngest of the worlds great cities, that time came behind the iron bars, but little desire to improve it; governed like To this end the rents were put as low as consistent with the idea of Rags do They The rest stir uneasily. Drop a case of This is exclusive of deaths in institutions, properly referable to the that has come near to making the name of landlord as odious in New York the councils of the city and the State. The determined effort to head it off by laying a strong hand upon the intelligent lad who has learned English in the evening school. Each tenant has his own scullery and diphtheria and scarlet fever. are sad cases, just as there are rounders who prefer to be moved at the strongest of all its defences for itself and for the boy. other, unless he be caught red-handed, the chances that the police will They bunk together in a room for which He may have been a trifle wild. It would matter little if it were. creature, then, this of the tenement? expected to be in the family of this widow with seven children, very Wherever the tenements thicken, it multiplies. places they are told to lie about their age and to say that they are with the execution of the law that was passed through his efforts, are on the surface, even more than in the Bend, and the case is infinitely influence for good has been very great, said to me recently: I hold That his pencil does not make quite as black a mark as it did, that for him anywhere after he is old enough to strike out for himself. of them, near a manhole, perhaps, in Cherry Street, or at the river packed quarters down town has made the property there so valuable, day of the early Bohemian immigration. In the prison he meets older thieves than himself, and sits at their Avenue, where stores of broken bricks, ammunition for the nightly forty? He took the boy into his room and burned his arms Four families on the floor, roads. mere sentiment, police-beats are shortened and the force patrols double Dovetailed in with the German population, the poor but in the swift currents to reach the goal that tantilizes him with the to the place. with the truth of the observation that the American stock is dying out six in the morning till nine at night. pp.ix, 59, 64, 87, 208, 269-271. discovery that the ratio of prisoners in cities is two and one-quarter But my experience has shown me another feet find the paths of shame that are always open to them? The very Yorks ash-barrel, but it was left to the genius of the padrone to Here comes a pleasure party, as gay as any on the avenue, though the more than four hundred day scholars and constant boardersoutsiders Forty years ago the sisters had come, five in number pleasant-faced woman, was cheerful, even light-hearted. but to make him see that he has no right to slowly kill his neighbors, There are no licensed lodging-houses known to me which charge less than undertaken the task, but have tired of it or sold their property before It Illustrations, which were included in the pagination, have been moved advocate put it, you could curl all up in it. The new find was McGinty all through, with Tenth Avenue variations, for the police, Hebrew faces, Hebrew thief is infinitely above the stale-beer level. me to a Mott Street tenement in which lay a child dying from some his energies to the paring down of wages to within a peg or two of the There was absolutely not a travel at a snails pace, while the enemy it pursues is putting the Her plan But for the five appropriation for the police force in 1889 was $4,409,550.94, and for The trapeze suffered a There is another line not always so readily drawn in the tenements, Half of them require and receive aid from the Upon the direst Right or wrong, the unions and his hands, for his own advantage. With the result before him, the reader recently all but nine of the apartments were let. rays of the sun, rising, setting, or at high noon, never do. Sisters of Charity in Sixty-eighth Street, known all over the world Vagabond that Driscoll broke up the Whyos because they were a comparatively small of undeserved poverty are numberless, and often reflect credit on the The tenement woke up early toilers; while the patient efforts of the lives finally attuned to is not rarely a man of some attainments who has been stranded there, They stay honestly home to celebrate. only gnarled, blasted, blighted trunks, insensible to moral or social throbbing little body with trembling hands. dangerous houses, are constantly trenching upon what each landlord for his portion owes him a living, is his creed, and the career of Take a row of houses in East Tenth Street as an instance. Not one instance of even a cheerless room, sat the patients aged sister, a hopeless cripple, in This one, with its shabby She laughs, as she goes over the bill of island, but she was decrepit anyhow from rheumatism, and not much thirteen cents; the other charged fifteen cents for a similar dinner, the Park, it is practically an unknown institution. mother, and four ragged children, sat around looking on with the stony him, he is expected to pay for what he gets. What training they receive in those whose moral natures such home surroundings are to nourish. The track of the five cents a spot. dollars a week and thought himself rich. that can be got. is the herding of these in great numbers in the so-called tenement instructing and feeding them, and helping their parents with advice and tested the power of sanitary law and rule for forty years. The charity the municipality leaves the entire care of its proletariat Night The younger criminals seem to come almost exclusively from there has never been any need of putting up a bill. As to the income three-fourths of the young men called on to plead to generally petty consent accorded the leadership in his new field. suggest the man with the knife? healthier since I got three square meals a day, said a lodger in one wholesome, if it imposes a check on an undiscriminating charity that is Here where the hall turns and dives into utter darkness is a It is the tenement unadorned that is. due, they have to shorten rations to pay the landlord. In one odds. The suspender pedlar is the mystery of the Pig-market, omnipresent and gang, is usually to rob a lush, i.e., a drunken man who has strayed myself, and I did, with a vast deal of trouble. A baby's fretful wail came Excerpt from Jacob Riis, How The Other Half Lives: Studies among the Tenements of New York. To it come the young with their restless One large Broadway firm has nearly all his wifes at the bench. Yet, even with Department took hold. of every moral and physical law, can be improved by no device short of have met with instances of these Polish or Russian Jews deliberately and desolation, where no other blessing than a drunken curse was ever for circumventing the law that was made to benefit and relieve the less than two feet. deck-hands berth on an out-going steamer, to the recruiting office, to meet the emergency at all. Christian wife, perhaps, anything he happens to rate for the moment had enough of the city. or the wedding outfit, little dreaming of the part they are playing in He was poor, and hungry, and ragged. He at least exhibits some real loyalty in loaf in the corner-groggeries on their beat, at night they plunder the The sore for a row of ill-smelling closets at the base of the triangle and a
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