the delegation of authority (especially from a central to a regional government), based more on cultural and linguistic differences than religious or racial differences. Like,. The West Bank Barrier, which is a wall that was built by Israel in the West Bank in order to separate Israeli and Palestinian territories. Check out our guide to all AP Human Geography practice tests you can use for tips on what to prioritize in your prep. The TPP aims to remove economic boundaries and promote trade and economic cooperation between the member countries. Dept. Create An Account Create Tests & Flashcards. A Packet made by Mr. Sinn to help you succeed not only on the AP Test but in your class as well!. 14 environmental issues that span across national borders and require that nations work together to solve them, an organization involving several countries, a global organization that seeks to promote international corporation to adress global economic problems. Prepare a frequency distribution for the data on Industry Group Relative Strength. What is OTB at cost? In an organizational context, an internal boundary might be a line that divides a company into different departments or divisions. As an investor in this companys stock, would you be pleased with this years dividend yield? For example, when people who speak the same language or practice the same religion are split, boundaries play a negative role. In 1942 Spykman proposed a theory that countered Mackinder's Heartland theory. Check out my ultimate study guide for AP Human Geography! The DMZ is heavily militarized and is patrolled by both North Korean and South Korean military forces. Physical geography: Physical geography, such as rivers, mountains, or other natural features, can sometimes serve as the basis for internal boundaries. Ratzel compared the growth of the state with the growth of an organism. \end{array} & \$ 1,000 & \$ 720 \\ During the dry season, farmers in northern India will burn the dead vegetation in their fields (following the harvest) to improve soil nutrients. As a result, the current conflict between Russia and Ukraine has been problematic for the Ukrainian central government because of the Russian affiliation with eastern Ukraine. \text { Monaco } \\ 6 \\ We can help. Internal boundaries can be found in a variety of contexts, including geographic regions, political divisions, and organizational structures. Before we get into examples with answer explanations, let's go over the essential steps you must take in order to effectively answer these types of questions. Historical or cultural factors: Internal boundaries may be influenced by historical or cultural factors, such as the existence of pre-existing divisions or the presence of different ethnic or linguistic groups within a region. JeffersonPlt. Just as with every thoery some people argue against the World Systems Analysis and state that there is an overemphasis on economic factors in political development. The boundary between these countries was created as a result of the breakup of Yugoslavia and the declaration of independence by various constituent republics. any political or popular movement intended to reclaim and reoccupy a lost homeland. 72 \\ an area of a country that has a degree of autonomy, or has freedom from an external authority. An internal boundary is a line or border that divides one area or entity into two or more smaller areas or entities. We can distinguish three types of borders in Geography: Defined: borders that are established by a legal document. \text { Cost } The border between neighborhoods within a city: Cities are often divided into neighborhoods or districts, each with its own character and identity. question 38 \\ AP Human Geography Vocab Boundaries. Ultimately, you'll save time and earn points if you're careful to make these distinctions among task verbs! If you see a topic that is especially familiar, you might go for that question first as you'll be able to answer it the fastest. D. ethnic boundary Answer: Geometric boundaries are based on human constructs such as straight lines. European countries such as England, France, Spain, and Portugal; the border between Romance and Germanic languages that runs trough Belgium, France, Switzerland, and Italy. \mathrm{A} \\ These boundaries are used to define the areas over which a particular government or political entity has jurisdiction and the areas within which it can exercise its authority. Sovereignty is the authority of a state to govern itself. The border is heavily militarized and is patrolled by both Indian and Pakistani military forces. \text { D } \\ Ex. Which of the following employees would not fit into a protected class? What is the decision rule for determining the preferred machine based on future worth ranking? \text { Relative Strength } the cost advantages that enterprises obtain due to size, output, or scale of operation, with cost per unit of output generally decreasing with increasing scale as fixed costs are spread out over more units of output. Gerrymandering is important because it can have significant consequences for the balance of political power within a state or country. \text { C } \\ If molding labor costs $18 per hour, determine the direct labor cost budget for the year. \mathrm{E} \\ \text { B } \\ BowaterPLCCallawayGolfCentralParkingDeanFoodsDoleFoodElec. c. At least how many ounces of juice will 77 % of the oranges contain? For a single of 800 people who play these games, how many would you expect to be under 18 years of age? Economic sanctions can have significant impacts on the economy of the targeted country. For example, an internal boundary might be a line that divides a country into states or provinces, or a line that divides a city into neighborhoods or districts. He was influenced by the writings of Darwin (survival of the fittest). 72 \\ These straight lines could coincide with latitude or longitude, as is the case with the northwestern boundary of the United States with Canada along 49o north latitude. What are examples of a cultural/ethnic or consequent boundary? 82 \\ The AP Human Geography Exam has question types and point values that will remain stable from year to year, so you and your students know what to expect on exam day. Walls, fences, posts Administered boundary The enforcement and maintaining of a boundary by government Individual countries decide how strict or relaxed border crossings will be. study that analyzes geography, history, and social sciences with reference to international policies. A boundary line that is no longer functioning, but shows on the cultural landscape. Likewise, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea is separated by another geometric boundary along the 141st meridian. lol), The study of the relations among geography, states (countries) and world powers How does the term "registration" relate to the chapter? What is an example of a geometric boundary? For example, if there is a huge population of liberal black voters in a district, they would win seats as they outvote conservative white voters. \text { Goodyear } \\ Source | Wikimedia Commons In this section, we'll go through the answer to a sample free-response question from the 2020 AP Human Geography Course and Exam Description. Super Imposed Boundary. The benefit of geometric boundaries is that they are easy to mark on a map and easy to understand. NATO created Soviet Union satellite nations and the USSR came together under the Warsaw Pact for military alliances, An area of instability located between two regions with opposing political or cultural views Boundaries can be both physical and anthropogenic, and while it is difficult to categorize all boundaries, some prominent boundary types exist. A nationality that is not represented by a state. Federal and unitary states Ap Human Geography, AP Human Geography- Chapter 11- Agriculture K. We combine world-class admissions counselors with our data-driven, proprietary admissions strategies. If all ethnic groups in Africa were to be enclosed in their own boundaries, Africa would have over 2,000 countries (1). a. Sometimes, these boundaries change suddenly because of armed conflict or state's change gradually through the process of devolution. The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which is a trade agreement between the United States, Canada, and Mexico. When he proposed this (post WWI) there was little to foretell of the rise of superpower in the heartland. 81 \\ \hline & \text { Structure } \mathbf{Y} & \text { Structure } \mathbf{Z} \\ Alternative electrical energy and/or alternative fuel programs that are cleaner-burning or have zero emissions. States can be viewed as living organisms (The need to consume territories and make alliances. The central government created by such a league has only limited powers over the states. The free-response section is the hardest part of any AP test. \textbf{Total}&\textbf{Federal Income}&\textbf{Social Security}&\textbf{Medicare Tax}\\ The payroll was paid by Check No. Although AP Human Geography is much more straightforward than some other humanities AP exams, if you don't have your stuff down, the free-response section can still hit you where it hurts. 6 \\ KrogerMattelMcDermottMonacoMurphyOilNordstromNYMAGICOfficeDepotPaylessShoesPraxairReebokSafewayTecoEnergyTexacoUSWestUnitedRentalWachoviaWinnebagoYorkInternational8158842187144676847072798221577680841869780581758766231914980609869832874172293846621875469216893256382420621625745405932726148316512364914BCBCCCBBBEADAEBADDEADBBDBBCCDDDBCEDDABBEADECCCBBADBDCADCABCDBBBEABCAABABSource:InvestorsBusinessDaily,April7,2000.\begin{aligned} What are some examples of a language boundary? Students employ spatial concepts and landscape analysis to examine human social organization and its environmental consequences. \\ \mathrm{D} \\ Delimited: borders that are drawn on a map. Then take a look at our expert guide to Human Geography. Here's what you must do for each question, according to the College Board: Note that a "stimulus" is a quantitative or qualitative source, such as a chart or table. Ex. Eastern Europe was this This vast desert is one of the driest and hottest places on earth, and it forms a natural barrier between the countries of the region. 49 \\ 31 \\ The Great Wall of China is a natural boundary that was built to protect China from invaders. organization of countries in southeast Asia to promote cultural, economic and political development in the region, formed in 1958 to heal scars from WWII promotes common economic foreign security and justice among other states, military alliance among democratic states to maintain balance in WWII, Unit 4 Political Patterns and Processes 2021,, AP Human Geography Unit 5 - Boundaries & Boun, AP Human Geography Unit 8, Political Geography, Unit 2 Vocabulary: Agriculture and Rural Land. The line that divides the states of New York and New Jersey is a geometric boundary that separates the two states. TotalEarnings$15,640.00FederalIncomeTaxWithheld$1,015.00SocialSecurityTaxWithheld$969.68MedicareTaxWithheld$226.78. &\text { Source: Investor's Business Daily, April 7, } 2000 . has a rough, circular or oval shape without major indentations, a state that completely surrounds another, A state that includes several discontinuous pieces of territory, have a long extension as part of their territory, love of country and willingness to sacrifice for it. \text { E } \\ \mathrm{B} \\ \text { D } India has a large rural population and urban poor population who are dependent on burning wood for home heating and cooking. Geographic and political features of different regions, especially impact of geography on politics, If one country fell under communist control, it would influence surrounding countries to follow the suit. (This type of expansion is called irredentism). These can create economic conflict between the two countries and can lead to retaliatory measures. Physical boundaries are natural features on the landscape such as rivers, lakes, and mountains. a city or town that has corporate status and local government. The College Entrance Examination BoardTM does not endorse, nor is it affiliated in any way with the owner or any content of this site. 36 \\ The Catalan independence movement in Spain, which is driven in part by Catalan cultural identity and the desire for greater autonomy. a. \text { B } \\ The boundary has been relatively stable and peaceful, and has facilitated trade and economic cooperation between the two countries. In contrast to physical boundaries, geometric boundaries and ethnic boundaries are not related to natural features. i. Review your answers with a second, more critical eye. A Packet made by Mr. Sinn to help you succeed not only on the AP Test but in your class as well! \mathrm{D} \\ \text { D } \\ 12 \\ This way you'll have some extra time at the end to go back and look over your answers and tweak them if needed. a nation or territory considered as an organized political community under one government. 38 \\ characteristics for each structure are shown below. Write your answers in simplest terms. https://www.u Mr. Sinn 141K. If you want more free-response practice, then you might consider getting an AP review book to supplement the online resources listed in this article. The government is increasing its provision of public housing in apartment blocks within the city, which provide larger buildings with multi-family housing units. As mentioned in Section 13.4, boundaries can influence the solidarity of a state, as boundaries disputes can result in conflict. Whereas political boundaries are usually clear, cultural boundaries also exist more fluidly. The wall serves as an internal boundary, dividing China from the steppes to the north. Here are a few specific examples of internal boundaries: The Great Wall of China: The Great Wall of China is a series of walls and fortifications that were built over a period of more than 2,000 years to protect the Chinese empire from nomadic invaders. "Stacking" refers to the practice of creating districts with a narrow majority of voters from one group, in order to create a larger number of districts where that group has a minority of voters. The additional vehicle increases the total amount of air pollution. a. the Constitution had certain provisions to promote free trade between the states, b. if a state has the consent of Congress and imposes a duty on imports and exports the net proceeds of such duty will be for its own use, c. not every city in the United States is contained within a state, d. a state may engage in war without the consent of Congress but only in very dire circumstances, e. a state may not keep troops in times of peace without the consent of Congress. 54 \\ 84 \\ Political boundaries are lines or areas that are used to demarcate the territory of a political entity, such as a country or state. \mathrm{B} \\ Ask questions; get answers. 69 \\ Describe: Provide the relevant characteristics of a specified topic. Then you can move on to the next free-response question. \end{array} a state of political conflict using means short of armed warfare, a group of people who have come together to advocate for freedom. Reading all the introductory statements for the three free-response questions in the section before you start answering any of the individual parts can help you decide where to begin. The smoke can increase the city's air pollution levels. a Boundary is agreed to be made between two parties in a treaty or other legal document. This river, which runs for nearly 2,000 miles, marks the border between these two countries and is an important natural feature in the region. During cold war these states of the USSR were in Eastern Europe, It began to fall in Eastern Europe in 1989 first with Poland then with the collapse of the Berlin Wall and ending with the collapse of the USSR in 1991, States protect themselves against others by matching their power against the power of the other side \text { Fed. All AP Human Geography Resources . Internal boundaries can be used to define and distinguish different areas or entities within a larger whole, and they can play a role in shaping the identity and character of the smaller units that they divide. A need for improved communication or electric utility infrastructure. AP Human Geography is an introductory college-level human geography course. Vehicle restrictions, high-occupancy requirements, tolls, or congestion pricing to limit the number of vehicles on the roads. The Himalayas are a natural boundary that separates China, India, and Nepal. 14 \\ &\begin{array}{|c|c|c|c|c|} Playing video and computer games is very popular. \text { C } \\ nation that transcends the borders of two or more states. \hline \begin{array}{l} AP Human Geography In this video, we're going to learn how about how different boundaries are marked and what their functions could be: cultural, national, or economic divisions. 80 \\ Identifying these verbs will also get you in the habit of paying closer attention to the differences between each of the tasks. They generate more wealth in the world economy. The US used this heavily to justify its military presence in Vietnam (1965 to 1973), The US policy for _____ communism from spreading to the rest of the world For a simple random sample of n=36n=36n=36 units, the sample mean is found to be x=26.2\bar{x}=26.2x=26.2 seconds per unit. One way to reduce these barriers, thereby opening all parties to the benefits of increased trade. lands that would protect by creating a surrounding buffer of sympathetic countries, they bind together the people of a state, enable it to function, and give it strength, destabilize and weakens a state, basically the opposite of centripetal force, sovereign state comprising of a town and a surrounding countryside, Ronald Reagan coined the term 'evil empire' for the soviet union and the US was 'the shining city on a hill', basically he developed a sense of 'us' and 'them'. Or, laws requiring new developments be constructed with bus lanes, train lines, and stations. It sets up the topic you'll be analyzing and gives you firmer ground to stand on when addressing the rest of the question. 84 \\ \text { Office Depot } \\ (Middle east is also a shatterbelt), Multiple world powers 2023 Fiveable Inc. All rights reserved. \text { C } \\ What is the probability that a randomly selected orange will contain between 4.70 and 5.00 ounces of juice? In high school, she earned a 2400 on the SAT, 5's on all seven of her AP tests, and was named a National Merit Scholar. The boundary was created as a result of the partition of India by the British government, which resulted in the creation of two independent countries. \text { Winnebago } \\ \mathrm{C} \\ There is conflict over where exactly the border is between the U.S. and Mexico, especially along the Rio Grande because the river has changed course and moved, and it is the traditional border. He said that if the balance of power is upset a state or combination of states could become the dominant world power. Russian influence in eastern Ukraine is an example of irredentism, or an effort to expand political influence of a state on a group of people in a neighboring state. \text { Kroger } \\ Hang in there, and try to form mental connections to help yourself understand them (rather than just memorizing). We know what kinds of students colleges want to admit. This helps to ensure that each voter has an equal say in the political process and that each district is represented fairly in the government. 62 \\ The Core and Periphery are not just places but they are processes. \text { C } \\ What are some examples of a religious boundary? \\ "Hijacking" refers to the practice of altering district boundaries to move a group of voters into a different district, in order to change the outcome of an election. \text { Alliant Tech } \\ \text { Advo } \\ Natural/physical-political boundary Boundaries that follow a natural feature in the landscape These towering mountain ranges are some of the highest in the world and form a natural barrier between these countries. The Rio Grande is an important physical boundary on the southern border of the United States. Another prime example of where boundaries do not coincide closely with ethnic groups is in Africa. \text { A } \\ 62 \\ While there's nothing wrong with using free-response questions crafted by test-prep companies for preliminary practice, you should always incorporate official questions into your studying at frequent intervals. Here are some common ways that gerrymandering can occur: "Cracking" refers to the practice of dividing a group of voters into multiple districts in order to dilute their voting power. \mathrm{B} \\ Just kidding, I did Google it, and it's probably not a thing, but not even the internet knows for sure. 68 \\ StoreGatewayGoodyearHansonPLCICNPharm. Economic sanctions, which are imposed by one country or group of countries on another country as a way to punish or deter certain behavior. Censuses are typically conducted every few years, and they can be conducted in a variety of ways, including through in-person visits, mailed or online surveys, or phone interviews. \mathrm{C} \\ \hline \begin{array}{l} License | Public Domain Ex. \hline \text { Estimated Life } & 12 \text { years } & 24 \text { years } \\ 97 \\ \text { D } \\ We've overseen thousands of students get into their top choice schools, from state colleges to the Ivy League. b. 776 on June 30 of the current year. \text { Wachovia } \\ He proposed that a state resembles a biological organism whose life cycle extends from birth through maturity and ultimately decline and death. The smoke increases the city's air pollution levels. \text { Bank of Am. } \text { York International } Countries cannot be analyzed independently. an area organized into a political unit and ruled by an established government that has control over its internal land and foreign affairs Nation-State a state whose territory corresponds to that occupied by a particular ethnicity Stateless nation a nation that does not have a political territory Multinational state 2023 Fiveable Inc. All rights reserved. I think this picture is photoshopped, but I don't know for sure because I don't feel like Googling, "Can you have two pupil/iris combos within one eyeball?" benelux a customs union comprising Belgium, the Netherlands, andLuxembourg, begun January 1, 1948. binational or multinational state state that contains more than one nation (usually no one single dominant ethnic group) boundary types physical-political, cultural, geometric, boundary Voting districts are set up based on population data from the census. AP Human Geography free-response questions are typically pretty straightforward so you can attack them in a methodical fashion. Boundaries designed to keep people out The Rio Grande is a natural boundary that separates the United States and Mexico. The Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ), which is a strip of land that runs across the Korean Peninsula and separates North and South Korea. Or an explanation of the economic development of a state in terms of the external influences--political, economic, and cultural--on national development policies. A need for improved sanitation, water supply, waste disposal, or wastewater treatment facilities. \end{array} & \begin{array}{l} So when you cross the border, you cant drive into another state because the border is . Heres an example in Louisiana. As a reminder, you'll have one hour and 15 minutes to complete three FRQs. They are exploited by the core but in turn exploit the periphery. A 20th century example is the German invasion of Czechoslovakia and Poland, with German minorities. 22 \\ persistent differences in levels and rates of economic development between different sectors of the economy. \text { Murphy Oil } \\ \text { NYMAGIC } \\ 1. \end{aligned} The largest cities of Baton Rouge and New Orleans have the biggest black population in the state. hbspt.cta.load(360031, '4efd5fbd-40d7-4b12-8674-6c4f312edd05', {}); Have any questions about this article or other topics? NAFTA has removed many economic boundaries between these countries, leading to increased trade and economic cooperation. Check out our top-rated graduate blogs here: PrepScholar 2013-2018. 58 \\ AP Human Geography : Function of Boundaries Study concepts, example questions & explanations for AP Human Geography. What could you do to correct the weakness. It also shows the cash received and any change returned to the customer. Zoom and pan the map to see the entire world. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which is centered around competing claims to land that is considered holy by both Jewish and Palestinian cultures. Students cultivate their understanding of human geography through data and geographic analyses as they explore topics like patterns and spatial organization, human impacts and interactions with their environment, and spatial processes and societal changes. 18 \\ \text { Sales/Margins/ } \\ c. Which structure should be recommended? \text { C } \\ The process whereby regions within a state demand and gain political strength and growing autonomy at the expense of the central government. This AP Human Geography study guide will explore those forces that divide (centrifugal) or unify (centripetal) a country. He argued that land based power, not sea, would rule the world. \text { Praxair } \\ Examples: War between Mexico and United States in areas such as Texas, where many US citizens had settled, and yet the Mexican government controlled the land space. Smart-growth policies, slow-growth, or zoning policies that restrict the amount of land that can be developed or create a development boundary or greenbelt around the city. \text { ICN Pharm. } \text { Callaway Golf } \\ It is typically carried out by national governments and is used to gather data on the size, composition, and distribution of a population. The Strait of Gibraltar is the boundary between southwestern Europe and northwestern Africa. \text { C } \\ Her goal is to help students adopt a less stressful view of standardized testing and other academic challenges through her articles. The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), which is a trade agreement between several countries in the Pacific region, including the United States, Japan, and Australia. Audience - Human geography HUMAN GEOGRAPHY Borders, boundaries, and barriers Click the map URL above to launch the map. In part E, the task verb is "describe," which denotes a longer answer that elaborates on an example of a centripetal force that governments use. \text { Dole Food } \\ The wall is heavily guarded and has been the subject of controversy and protests. ACT Writing: 15 Tips to Raise Your Essay Score, How to Get Into Harvard and the Ivy League, Is the ACT easier than the SAT? What is the probability that a randomly selected orange will contain between 5.00 and 5.50 ounces of juice? political boundary that separates territiories according to natural features in the landscpae, such as mountains, rivers or deserts. \mathrm{C} \\ Journalize the payment of Houston's June 16-30 payroll on page 8 of a cash payments journal. \end{array} \\ \text { A } \\ Internal boundaries can be created for a variety of reasons, and the process by which they are created can vary depending on the context. \mathrm{B} \\ \text { Industry Group } \\ This AP Human Geography study guide is going to seek to describe the concept of devolution through the lens of the contemporary political-territorial world order. The border between North and South Vietnam, which was heavily militarized during the Vietnam War. agreement between two or more states to fight against an opponent. Want an overview of the whole AP Human Geography exam with examples of both multiple-choice and free-response questions? Trade barriers, such as tariffs or quotas, that are imposed by one country on imported goods from another country. Find common denominators and subtract. Pasadena Candle Inc. budgeted production of 785,000 candles for the year.