Edge line markings have unique value as visual references to guide road users during adverse weather and visibility conditions. Option: 08 If traffic is required to pass only to the right of the obstruction, yellow diagonal crosshatch markings (see Section 3B.24) may be placed in the flush median area between the no-passing zone markings as shown in Drawings A and B of Figure 3B-15. 04 For roadways having a posted or statutory speed limit of 45 mph or greater, the transition taper length for a lane-reduction transition should be computed by the formula L = WS. Pavement Marking Selection, Installation and Inspection Manual Illinois Tollway Standard Drawings in PDF Format (Updated 03/2023) Section A - Roadway Pavement Section B - Drainage Section C - Guardrail Section D - Roadway Section E - MOT Section F - Sign Structure Section G - Structural Section H - Roadway Lighting Section K - Erosion Control and Landscape Section L - Fiber Optic Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. Can IDOT provide any cores that were previously taken for the existing conditions on I-55. PDF 108-22 Pavement Marking Line Types Line Types - Iowa Department of The spacing of raised pavement markers used to supplement or substitute for other types of longitudinal markings should correspond with the pattern of broken lines for which the markers supplement or substitute. At least one retroreflective or internally illuminated marker per group shall be used or a retroreflective or internally illuminated marker shall be installed midway in each gap between successive groups of non-retroreflective markers. The CMMS Supplement Documentation of Contract Quantities Guide document serves as a supplement to the departments Documentation of Contract Quantities Guide. 10 Section 11-307 of the "Uniform Vehicle Code (UVC)" contains further information regarding required road user behavior in no-passing zones. Anyone, 5 years of age and older, is eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. Non-retroreflective raised pavement markers should not be used alone, without supplemental retroreflective or internally illuminated markers, as a substitute for other types of pavement markings. Option: The diagonal markings shall be yellow when used on the left-hand shoulders of the roadways of divided highways and on the left-hand shoulders of one-way streets or ramps. 07 For all exit ramps and for entrance ramps with parallel acceleration lanes, channelizing lines shall be placed on both sides of the neutral area (see Figures 3B-8 and 3B-10 and Drawing A of Figure 3B-9). To sign up for this free service, please navigate to Stay Connected. Sub-Category Plan Title - Download Last Updated; . multi-lane freeway pavement marking (2 sheets) district one typical pavement markings detour signing for closing state highways . The design of the lines and gaps should avoid the wheel paths if possible, and the gap between the lines should not exceed 2.5 times the width of the diagonal or longitudinal lines. Lane line markings should also be used at congested locations where the roadway will accommodate more traffic lanes with lane line markings than without the markings. Reference Material - Illinois Tollway 02 Except as provided in Paragraph 3, where pavement markings are used, lane-reduction transition markings shall be used to guide traffic through transition areas where the number of through lanes is reduced, as shown in Figure 3B-14. Find your nearest vaccination location at vaccines.gov. 5 0 obj <> endobj ROADWAY SIGNING AND PAVEMENT MARKING GUIDELINES MARCH 2021 | ILLINOIS TOLLWAY | 2 19. Similarly, the passing sight distance on a horizontal curve is the distance measured along the center line (or right-hand lane line of a three-lane roadway) between two points 3.5 feet above the pavement on a line tangent to the embankment or other obstruction that cuts off the view on the inside of the curve (see Figure 3B-4). Option: The first word of the message should be nearest to the road user. Support: Highway Standards & District Specific Standards Speed measurement markings may extend 24 inches on either side of the center line or 24 inches on either side of edge line markings at 1/4-mile intervals over a 1-mile length of roadway. Permanent Intersection Tape - Intended for crosswalks, gore lines, and symbols at intersections where markings are subjected to high shear from turning traffic. Figure 3B-12 Example of Solid Double White Lines Used to Prohibit Lane Changing. If an addendum is posted, the contract details above may be revised. 11 The value of N cited in Sections 3B.12 through 3B.14 for the spacing of raised pavement markers shall equal the length of one line segment plus one gap of the broken lines used on the highway. Will County Division of Transportation 16841 W. Laraway Road . 27 Where the median width allows the left-turn lanes to be separated from the through lanes to give drivers on opposing approaches a less obstructed view of opposing through traffic, white pavement markings may be used to form channelizing islands as shown in Figure 2B-17. The space between the triangles should be 3 to 12 inches. If you have any questions or comments about the manual please email: DOT.BLRDOTMANUAL@Illinois.gov, The Illinois Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (IMUTCD) consists of the National Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (NMUTCD) issued by the Federal Highway Administration as amended by the Illinois Supplement to the MUTCD. 0 Figure 3B-7 Example of Two-Way Left-Turn Lane Marking Applications. 18 The International Symbol of Accessibility parking space marking (see Figure 3B-22) should be placed in each parking space designated for use by persons with disabilities. 04 Examples of channelizing line applications are shown in Figures 3B-8, 3B-9, and 3B-10, and in Drawing C of Figure 3B-15. Flashing raised pavement markers are considered to be In-Roadway Lights (see. The side of a raised pavement marker that is visible to traffic proceeding in the wrong direction may be red (see, Retroreflective or internally illuminated raised pavement markers may be used in the roadway immediately adjacent to curbed approach ends of raised medians and curbs of islands, or on top of such curbs (see. If used, right edge line pavement markings shall consist of a normal solid white line to delineate the right-hand edge of the roadway. 21. 06 Crosswalk lines, if used on both sides of the crosswalk, should extend across the full width of pavement or to the edge of the intersecting crosswalk to discourage diagonal walking between crosswalks (see Figures 3B-17 and 3B-19). Guidance: 1. bd01.dgn edge of shoulder greater or equal to 15' (4.5 m) driveway detail - distance between r.o.w. 19 Section 3B.09 contains information about the lane line markings that are to be used for transition areas where the number of through lanes is reduced. Standard: If you would like to purchase a Manual, please visit our Manual Sales page. 13 Pavement markings simulating Interstate, U.S., State, and other official highway route shield signs (see Figure 2D-3) with appropriate route numbers, but elongated for proper proportioning when viewed as a marking, may be used to guide road users to their destinations (see Figure 3B-25). If used, edge line pavement markings shall delineate the right or left edges of a roadway. 34 Where a lane-reduction transition occurs on a roadway with a speed limit of 45 mph or more, the lane-reduction arrow markings shown in Drawing f in Figure 3B-24 should be used (see Figure 3B-14). Stop lines should be used to indicate the point behind which vehicles are required to stop in compliance with a traffic control signal. 01/01/07 - all district one details have been modified to reflect idot 2007 spec 2. 04 White two-way left-turn lane-use arrows (see Figure 3B-7), should be used in conjunction with the longitudinal two-way left-turn markings at the locations described in Section 3B.20. Other markings in the median island area shall also be yellow, except crosswalk markings which shall be white (see Section 3B.18). 09 If traffic can pass either to the right or left of the obstruction, the markings shall consist of two channelizing lines diverging from the lane line, one to each side of the obstruction. Special Provisions | Lake County, IL If used on the roadways of divided highways or one-way streets, or on any ramp in the direction of travel, left edge line pavement markings shall consist of a normal solid yellow line to delineate the left-hand edge of a roadway or to indicate driving or passing restrictions left of these markings. Figure 3B-27 Examples of Lane-Use Control Word and Arrow Pavement Markings. 03 At non-intersection locations, crosswalk markings legally establish the crosswalk. 03 Retroreflective or internally illuminated raised pavement markers may be used in the roadway immediately adjacent to curbed approach ends of raised medians and curbs of islands, or on top of such curbs (see Section 3B.23). The dotted white lane lines that are used for lane drop markings and that are used as a lane line separating through lanes from auxiliary lanes should consist of line segments that are 3 feet in length separated by 9-foot gaps. When substituting for wide lines, raised pavement markers may be placed laterally adjacent to each other to simulate the width of the line. Where opposing offset channelized left-turn lanes exist, lane-use arrow markings should be placed near the downstream terminus of the offset left-turn lanes to reduce wrong-way movements (see. Navigate to Erosion and Sediment Control for more information in regards to methods to prevent soil and other pollutants from leaving the construction site. Option: 10 If used, stop and yield lines should be placed a minimum of 4 feet in advance of the nearest crosswalk line at controlled intersections, except for yield lines at roundabouts as provided for in Section 3C.04 and at midblock crosswalks. Raised pavement markers should not substitute for right-hand edge line markings unless an engineering study or engineering judgment indicates the benefits of enhanced delineation of a curve or other location would outweigh possible impacts on bicycles using the shoulder, and the spacing of raised pavement markers on the right-hand edge line is close enough to avoid misinterpretation as a broken line during wet night conditions. 04 To improve the visibility of horizontal curves, center lines may be supplemented with retroreflective or internally illuminated raised pavement markers for the entire curved section as well as for a distance in advance of the curve that approximates 5 seconds of travel time. The following are the reference materials for executing a contract for bridge and structural work. Support: Standard: Lane-use arrow markings should also be used in lanes from which movements are allowed that are contrary to the normal rules of the road (see Drawing B of Figure 3B-13). Guidance: Guidance: Revised Route numbers (route shield pavement marking symbols and/or words such as I-81, US 40, STATE 135, or ROUTE 10), Cardinal directions (NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, or WEST), Destination names or abbreviations thereof. Navigate to Local Roads & Streets Special Provisions to view a complete listing of updates to the current Local Roads & Streets Manual. If used, speed reduction markings shall be a series of white transverse lines on both sides of the lane that are perpendicular to the center line, edge line, or lane line. @v= #+ In Chicago, the typical roadway pavement width for a large proportion of local streets is 30 feet, measured from face of curb to face of curb. On low-speed urban roadways where curbs clearly define the roadway edge in the lane-reduction transition, or where a through lane becomes a parking lane, the edge line and/or delineators shown in, For roadways having a posted or statutory speed limit of 45 mph or greater, the transition taper length for a lane-reduction transition should be computed by the formula L = WS. The bidirectional marker is capable of displaying the applicable color for each direction of travel. 03 On two-way, two- or three-lane roadways where center line markings are installed, no-passing zones shall be established at vertical and horizontal curves and other locations where an engineering study indicates that passing must be prohibited because of inadequate sight distances or other special conditions. The word STOP shall not be placed on the pavement in advance of a stop line, unless every vehicle is required to stop at all times. Detectable warning surfaces are required by 49 CFR, Part 37 and by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) where curb ramps are constructed at the junction of sidewalks and the roadway, for marked and unmarked crosswalks. Examples of lane line markings are shown in. Sections 11-301(c) and 11-311(c) of the "Uniform Vehicle Code (UVC)" contain information regarding left turns across center line no-passing zone markings and paved medians, respectively. Guidance: Where a double line is extended through an intersection, a single line of equal width to one of the lines of the double line should be used. Support: Standard: 14 Lane drop markings used in advance of lane drops at freeway and expressway exit ramps should begin at least 1/2 mile in advance of the theoretical gore. 35 Lane-reduction arrow markings may be used in long acceleration lanes based on engineering judgment. Option: Support: Guidance: PDF NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS BULLETIN - idot.illinois.gov Standard: 01 Transverse markings, which include shoulder markings, word and symbol markings, arrows, stop lines, yield lines, crosswalk lines, speed measurement markings, speed reduction markings, speed hump markings, parking space markings, and others, shall be white unless otherwise provided in this Manual. There is also a new compliance date in the Introduction, and a new publication added to Section 1A.11. For roadways where the posted or statutory speed limit is less than 45 mph, the formula L = WS. 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226-877011-10_SteelComboMastArmAssembly&Pole16'thru55'.pdf, 226-877012-07_SteelComboMastArmAssembly&Pole56'thru75'.pdf, 226-878001-11_ConcreteFoundationDetails.pdf, 226-880001-01_SpanWireMountSignals&FlashBeaconInstall.pdf, 226-880006-01_TrfSignalMountDetails-Post&BracketMount.pdf, 226-886001-01_DetectorLoopInstallations.pdf, 226-886006-01_TypicalLayoutsForDetectionLoops.pdf, 226-BLR17-4_TrafCntrlDevices-DayLaborConstr.pdf, 226-BLR18-6_TrafCntrlDevices-DayLaborMaint.pdf, 226-BLR21-9_TypAppTrafCntrlDevices-ConstrOnRuralLocalHwys.pdf, 226-BLR22-7_TypAppTrafCntrlDevices-ConstrOnRuralLocalHwys(2L2W-RdClsdToThruTraf).pdf, 226-BLR28-1_ConcreteCurbTypeBandCombinationConcreteCurbandGutter.pdf. Support: Lane-reduction transition markings are used where the number of through lanes is reduced because of narrowing of the roadway or because of a section of on-street parking in what would otherwise be a through lane. "/L@ND% - Because non-intersection pedestrian crossings are generally unexpected by the road user, warning signs (see. endstream endobj startxref Where lane changes might cause conflicts, a wide or normal solid white lane line may extend upstream from an intersection. Each updated codebook corresponds with a regularly scheduled IDOT Letting. Support: This website utilizes varied software, media tools, files and applications to present or make available varied information. 07 At locations controlled by traffic control signals or on approaches controlled by STOP or YIELD signs, crosswalk lines should be installed where engineering judgment indicates they are needed to direct pedestrians to the proper crossing path(s). 25 Where through lanes approaching an intersection become mandatory turn lanes, lane-use arrow markings (see Figure 3B-24) shall be used and shall be accompanied by standard signs. At other paved streets and highways where an engineering study indicates a need for edge line markings. These drawings show the details of various construction items and are used in conjunction with the Standard Specifications. Center line markings shall also be placed on all paved two-way streets or highways that have three or more lanes for moving motor vehicle traffic. For hard copies of documents with publication numbers, please send a request toreport.center@dot.govand include the publication number and title, along with the number of copies and your mailing address and phone number. It is normally placed 4-inch either to the right or to the left of the geometric center of the roadway. Speed measurement markings, if used, shall be white, and shall not be greater than 24 inches in width. Figure 3B-28 Example of the Application of Speed Reduction Markings. Each IDOT district may require additional documentation due to conditions specific to the District. Stop lines should be 12 to 24 inches wide. Retroreflective or internally illuminated raised pavement markers, or non-retroreflective raised pavement markers supplemented by retroreflective or internally illuminated markers, may be substituted for markings of other types. 03 If used, speed reduction markings shall be a series of white transverse lines on both sides of the lane that are perpendicular to the center line, edge line, or lane line. They shall not be less than 6 inches or greater than 24 inches in width. 01 Edge line markings shall be placed on paved streets or highways with the following characteristics: Guidance: 0000000596 00000 n 04 When crosswalk lines are used, they shall consist of solid white lines that mark the crosswalk. Current Date,Letting Date,Item-Contract,District,DBE Goal,VBP Goal,County,Major Work Category,Bulletin Description "04/27/2023","04/28/2023",138-72403,6,4.00%,0.00% .