We also know that anti-death penalty activists actually hope and pray than an innocent man was executed. Why can't the explanation for his inconsistent statements in the hours after his children's death be that he was suffering intense grief and acute survivor's guilt? There are just no two ways about it. Now try reading the case. Admitting we were wrong is the hardest thing for most of us to do. Now she has to see her former daughter-in-law make statements that harm her stepsons memory at a critical juncture in the case, statements a reasonable person such as Scott would at least question. Part of HuffPost Crime. You can't have it both ways. Co opting and the very real grief of a victm to silence other voices and political gain is rephensible and as immoral as those thease "Tough on Crime " ilk condemn so loudly . The bottom line for me is that his account of his actions does not make him look heroic, but it does not make him look guilty of arson either. By his own words he intentionally left Amber to die. He owes nothing to Willingham's ghost and he has a right to defend himself against accusations that he was ineffective. Wake up to the day's most important news. Can you provide a link that shows that Mr. Willingham waived this privilege? at 6:38 AM,The NACDL said that the Supreme Court upheld the principle that the attorney-client privilege extends beyond the client's death (http://www.nacdl.org/MEDIA/pr000122.htm). to see who they are and learn about them, based on information from public records and government sources. I don't trust evidence they put out for the public. The faulty forensic analysis and lack of other evidence doesnt matter because Willingham was a bad man and a sociopath, so he was guilty. Todd is guilty, the criminal justice system and the courts confirmed his guilt, and he should not be pardoned for his crimes,, While Kuykendall was in Willinghams corner and also persistent about his innocence for years, she changed her stance shortly before his execution.I read that Todds stepmom and cousin are asking the governor for a pardon. Since the pair had been together for about four years and had tied the knot just months before, when Stacy told officers that Cameron would never hurt their children and that they hadnt been fighting, she wasnt challenged. In my eyes, she is simply not credible after so many versions of this story, which makes the evidenceor lack thereofall the more important. That was ruled out. Stacy Kuykendall. When people wake up they are typically disoriented for a period of time and it's no surprise they don't always act logically or reasonably.People saying they know for certainty what a person would do while never being awoken from sleep in a fire, and haven't had explained to them what exactly it is like to experience such a thing, have no business putting themselves in Willingham's shoes.Why is it not possible that the extreme conditions and chaos of the moment overwhelmed his sense of parental responsibility and he just chose to save his own ass? But just this once, I would tend to believe that truth is stranger than fiction and just maybe, people like my neighbor who see conspiracies around every corner are occasionally right on target. Your fire was not a duplicate of the Willingham fire so don't pull your with me. The newspaper couldnt immediately reach Stacy Kuykendall, who has said she believes Willingham was guilty, to confirm whether she believes Willingham made what amounted to a confession to her. Anon. "I meant to say "I see the same pattern in his case as I see in her caselack of remorse, continuously changing their stories, continuously lying and telling fantastic stories that are clearly NOT true.". Who's Searching for You, Look Your Best to People Searching for You. Look it up yourself. Why do you disagree with the lawyers who have criticized Mr. Martins actions on ethical grounds?And now you have the temerity to bring up Stacy Kuykendalls quite understandable pain and heartache as part of your attack on Scotts post. Here is a woman who lost three grandchildren, then saw her son executed partly on the basis of forensic arguments that some of the most well respected names in the field have totally dismantled. This looks like more than one person got cuaght in a huge lie and now is very desperate to get out of it . Not only will it be great to hear the tape but it will also tell us who also had this brilliant idea before you. "I meant: "Also, one day when we were visiting our sister, 6 weeks before the murder, I saw my beloved brother look back at his soon-to-be murderer with a look of such fear and terror on his face as I had never seen before on my brother's face and he was not known to be afraid of anyone. at 11:47 AM, and Anon at 12:39 PM,The attorney-client privilege belongs to the client and extends beyond his death (http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Attorney+client+privilege); therefore, your assertion to the contrary is flat-out wrong. Reasonable doubt exists in the facts that got this man the death penalty. You just have to know the right people, have enough clout, and enough money and you can do like OJ didcommit any murders you want and walk away scot-free without punishment.Any ideas, any comments?Jean. All you require is sufficient details about them that you can utilize to conduct searches at radaris.com. Sept. 15, 1991 at 10:19 pm at Lee Memorial Hospital in Fort Myers, Lee County, Florida.We took the loss of Hambone real hard, and as I said, we have never gotten over it and we all still have problems dealing with it after all these years.What was the hardest, was KNOWING that he was murdered, but the law enforcement and judicial system deliberately and intentionally covered up his murder and others and called it an accidental death; although the coroner who did the autopsy said no way was it an accidental death, it was murder and nothing else but murder. When Willingham asserted IAC in his first writ of h.c., he waived privilege. For one thing, he seems to have contacted only one arson expert as a possible rebuttal witness. Your claim that there was never a charge of IAC, is an out and out lie. But if she's going to put herself out there and espouse positions that contradict her previous claims, including ones made under oath, IMO it's impossible to consider her statements without openly discussing that "dissonance," as you put it. 2020. It takes a special kind of place to produce people like that! Another scumbag murderer got away with murder.Katy Hall got away with the murder because her family had lots of local clout and money and had connections with the local law enforcement. It was already viewed Grits, Frist I can say that from my real life experince with being on Polunsky . Mr. Martin went beyond trying to defend himself to attacking his client, and a reasonable person would question how effective his defense was.Attacking his client? While we can not be sure about where Stacy currently resides, you can find her on her social media accounts, which she uses as a platform to ensure that no one will ever forget her late daughters. The aystem needa fixing big time, big deal Time to fix it . The forensic analysis is what determined that a crime had been committed in the first place. The case was originally prosecuted by the Navarro County district attorney. Is that it? If you wish to have a legal system that works with gossip, assumptions and the prejudices of the local yahoos, congratulations. That's the problem the rest of the human race has with Texas. According to an article by The New Yorker, Cameron was unfaithful, a heavy drinker, and physically assaulted Stacy at times, even while pregnant. If the locals in Corsicana decided that Willingham deserved to die, then the people who vote in this state -- the people who Goodhair depends on -- think he ought to be dead. Former Baker Donelson lobbyist pleads guilty for role in timber investment scheme, Through overseas currency exchanges, California deputy DA helps online romance scam victims get their money back. 0.00% of Stacy Kuykendalls have university degree, while 16.67% have only high school diploma. No self-respecting murderer would leave witnesses alive that could possibly identify them and there is NO way that the murderer was that sloppy in his actions that he would let witnesses live. 5:16, that's a crock. Apparently those who think he is doing so don't understand the Texas conservative political ideology which drives his constituency. How did Louise go from protecting her siblings from monsters to becoming one herself? Days before Willingham's execution, fire scientist Gerald Hurst concluded there was no foul play and the fire was caused by a space heater, however the governor declined Willinghams reprieve. Did he receive an adequate defense? When intelligent people presented with the same basic evidence can't arrive at a consensus you have reasonable doubt. What are now being described as Willinghams inconsistencies dont come from Willingham at all they are recollections from hearsay witnesses, virtually none of whom testified at trial or were cross-examined. I have to agree, Chris. Despite that, as time went by, her opinion got swayed by court documents and other evidence. This must be the basis of KB's smear campaign against RP. For years, Stacy Kuykendall advocated for Cameron Todd Willingham, stating repeatedly that she believed he didn't deliberately start the house fire that killed their three daughters in 1991. Just because you claim to not know how you would act doesn't mean that others of us don't.You don't, unless you've been in a fire -- and I mean a real fire, not an exploding barbecue or a smoldering sofa you put out with the fire extinguisher. Relatives: A normal person would never have acted like he did.Any ideas, comments?Jean, I have just re-read the Beyler report. Willingham was not charged with spousal abuse; he was charged with murder. Sponsored by Spokeo. Stacy Kiykendall. That's why I know OJ did it as he let the kids live because they were HIS kids. Stop lying and misleading people. Rather like having a close and personal encounter with the Spanish Inquisition. The dead giveaway in his case was that he did not kill the kids in the house to eliminate all possible witnesses when he knew they were there. An associated email address for Stacy Kuykendall is stacy.kuykend***@netzero.net. Then we have a statement from Stacy's brother saying that she told him that Willingham confessed. I have not previously offered an opinion on whether or not he set the fire. examination of the evidence persuaded her. Did he deliberately cause his children to die? And what gives them the right to refuse to call it murder and persecute people who in good conscience oppose it.I used to be against the cold-blooded murder of unborn babies up to the 3rd monthuntil I found out they do it up to 9 months, even minutes before birth for ANY reason. And a reasonable person would be familiar with the case opinions where no IAC was found and not make false accusations. Stacy Kuykendall's phone number is (901) 362-8284.