When approaching an intersection at which you need to turn, you should Reduce your speed and make a safe turn Yield the right of way to all pedestrians crossing Check for bicyclists and pedestrians coming from behind The right of way should be given at an intersection having no traffic signs or signals to the vehicle The traffic is traveling at 70mph. Question 178: If you possess an alcoholic beverage that has been opened, has a broken seal, or has had some of the contents removed in the passenger compartment of the vehicle, __________. Question 259: When driving in the city, ________may help you avoid traffic, but they may not be as safe or they may increase your travel time because of traffic control lights. Question 61: One of the most important things you can do while driving is to concentrate on the__________of your passengers. What is the chance of death or serious injury in a collision between a train and a motor vehicle? Question 313: When stopped by police, you should __________. Other drivers depend on you to be rational and________. Question 83: When traveling on rural roadways at higher speeds, remember you will______. Large space margins on the roadway provide __________. Biologists search the volumes of the human genome using____________. Question 244: Never drive when your body tells you_____. If during the last 100 feet of approaching a railroad crossing, you cannot see the track for at least 400 feet in both directions, you may not cross the tracks at a speed faster than _____ MPH. Failure to stop at a railroad crossing when required to do so can result in a _____ month license suspension. conduct a self-inventory of all drugs consumed and their side effects. You should search the next intersection beginning at least 12 seconds ahead of time. Correct: check your tire inflation and tread depth, Question 6: Urban driving often involves limited _____ which often obstructs advance warning of traffic obstacles. What does a vehicle displaying following sign on the back indicate? Note: We have highlighted your correct answers in green, and your incorrect answers in red. Correct: Orange, rectangular, Question 6: Reversible lanes are marked with unique signs, signals, and markings, such as_____. Question 222: If you have to drive on a long trip, get plenty of rest before you leave and plan on stopping every ____ hours. Correct Answer: Fluorescent yellow-green diamond-shaped. Question 236: In general, when you accept the privilege to drive in California, you are assumed to have given your __________ to submit to a __________ test if asked by a police officer. As you approach a steep uphill grade in the mountains,_______. Place your hands on opposite sides of the steering wheel at the 8 oclock and 4 oclock hand positions. check the location and condition of the spare tire. When following a bus across a railroad crossing, you should.. answer choices increase speed and pass. If you have to drive on a long trip, wearing your seatbelt prevents your _______ from tiring so quickly. If your brakes fail, one of the first things to do is ___________. Correct: Get into the lane as fast as possible. You are approaching a railroad crossing with no warning devices and are unable to see 400 feet down the tracks in one direction. In California, what is the speed limit near schools and senior centers? Incorrect: the top of the rear tire on the left side, Question 7: When a right turn on red is permitted, you must still __________. Question 294: Electronic highway message boards communicate______. Question 76: If you have to drive on a long trip, wearing your seatbelt prevents your _______ from tiring so quickly. Correct: supplement signs, Question 9: The use of turn signals and your __________ are the methods of communicating to other road users that are used most often. (c) Determine the small-signal voltage gain. According to the book when you come upon a railroad crossing you should slow down and always yield to all train traffic, you should never pass any cars at a . (b)Findthesmallsignalparametersg_m, r_\pi,and, and,andr_o.(c)Determinethesmallsignalvoltagegain. What Is The Easiest Online Traffic School? Expert answered| Janet17 |Points 38794| Log in for more information. If an oncoming railroad train is plainly visible, emits an audible signal or approaches the crossing, a vehicle that is approaching the railroad-highway grade crossing shall stop within 50 feet (but not less than 15 feet) from the nearest rail of such railroad. Question 49: There are usually _______ collisions in a motor vehicle crash. Some people can become frustrated when they are caught in a situation where they have no control, which can lead to __________. Present Problem Fundamentals of Engineering Economic Analysis, David Besanko, Mark Shanley, Scott Schaefer, Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, Hendrick Van Ness, J.M. Alcohol is quick to find its way to the brain because ______. One driving technique that could increase your fuel economy is to __________. Correct: All options are correct, Question 2: Traveling at high speeds requires__________. Question: 1 If you are over-driving your headlights and you see an object ahead, you will_____.Correct: not be able to stop in time to miss the objectQuestion: 2 Light trucks have a high center of gravity which increases their susceptibility to_______.Correct: roll overQuestion: 3 Aggressive drivers__________two to four times more people than alcohol-impaired drivers.Correct: injureQuestion: 4 One major advantage of push/pull steering from the low-hand position is________.Correct: enhanced vehicle control because the arms stay close to the body and maintain a more stable vertical body positionQuestion: 5 Highway hypnosis is related to ____________.Correct: drowsy drivingQuestion: 6 An intersection is considered ____________ if there are no stop signs at any corner and you cannot see for 100 feet in either direction during the last 100 feet before crossing.Correct: BlindQuestion: 7 Young children can sustain serious injuries from ______, which deploy even in a low speed crash.Correct: air bagsQuestion: 8 Always __________ others who are already in the intersection.Correct: yield toQuestion: 9 Fatality related to motor vehicle traffic is the number one cause of accidental death and motor vehicle collisions are the leading cause of death for people ages _____.Correct: 3 to 33Question: 10 If you have a solid yellow line on your side of the road __________.Correct: you cannot pass or cross over into the oncoming laneQuestion: 11 What does Californias anti-gridlock law mean?Correct: All of the answers are correctQuestion: 12 When you decide to execute a maneuver, you will need a control zone of approximately__________seconds.Correct: 10 15Question: 13 If intervention is not working, instead of driving with the impaired driver, you should______.Correct: call a cabQuestion: 14 If you can see an emergency vehicle with flashing lights ahead, ______.Correct: do not follow too closelyQuestion: 15 During the first 12 months after issuance, a holder of a provisional license may not drive with a passenger under the age of__________.Correct: 20Question: 16 _________is one of the factors associated with fatal crashes.Correct: All of these answers are correct.Question: 17 Among those killed, teenage drivers have the highest death rates per miles driven among all age groups, followed by elderly drivers and young ________.Correct: adult malesQuestion: 18 Most skids are caused by_________.Correct: driver errorQuestion: 19 Risk while driving is defined as the probability of _______, damage or loss.Correct: injuryQuestion: 20 One drink equals__________ in the eyes of law enforcement.Correct: 12 ounces of beerQuestion: 21 If you determine your driving risks associated with physical, ________, or medical limitations are too high, consider alternative transportation choices.Correct: mentalQuestion: 22 Side effects of legal drugs that can impair your driving include _________.Correct: slowed reaction timeQuestion: 23 Cruise control should not be used__________.Correct: in the rainQuestion: 24 If an approaching driver refuses to switch his high beams to low, you should_____.Correct: locate the white line marker and use it to guide youQuestion: 25 When you enter traffic from a stopped position, always yield the right-of-way to_________.Correct: All of the answers are correct. On the expressway, maintain a 3-4 second following distance. Correct Answer: you should pull over to use the phone. Correct Answer: left, center, right, left again. Because the actions of other road users are __________, you can lower your risk if you adequately communicate to those around you. You have answered 10 question(s) correctly. Question 171: If you are driving in heavy traffic and you want to weave in and out of traffic to get ahead, it may be a result of __________. They are_______. Question 200: As you enter the deceleration lane or the exit ramp, slow down and __________. Correct: false sense of well-being, Question 3: In general, when you accept the privilege to drive in California, you are assumed to have given your __________ to submit to a __________ test if asked by a police officer. Question 125: Deer are likely to be more active and roam outside of their territory during ________. Slow down to 15 mph and be prepared to stop if necessary. : In California, what is the speed limit near schools and senior centers? Take your foot off the gas. Question 71: Electronic highway message boards communicate______. If you see raindrops splashing on the surface of the road or if you are forced to drive through a puddle or standing water, __________. A NASA satellite showed that in 200920092009 the ozone hole over Antarctica had a maximum surface area of million km2\mathrm{km}^2km2. Question 59: Deer are likely to be more active and roam outside of their territory during __________. Check a rental vehicle for __________ before you leave the lot. Why are school experiences important to career success, even when they don't seem related? How do analogous structures provide evidence for the theory of evolution? Question 134: In California, pedestrians crossing outside of a marked crosswalk must __________ the right-of-way to other vehicles. Correct Answer: you will be charged with a fine of up to $500. If you are stuck in a traffic jam and you can feel your anger rising, you are experiencing an emotional challenge called ________. true dangerous areas around trucks that the driver is unable to see where crashes are most likely to occur. You are getting ready to make a right turn, you should: Slow down or stop, if necessary, and then make the right turn. Question 250: If you have to drive on a long trip, get plenty of rest before you leave and plan on stopping every ____ hours. See All Of My Online Traffic School Answers, Question 4: If you hear or see an emergency vehicle approaching within __________, you must safely pull over to the right-hand edge or curb. Question 268: Even if your vehicle has minimal damage from a collision, have the vehicles safety features __________. It is illegal to drive in the United States without __________. One of the most important tasks to complete if you are going to drive in the rain, slush, and, check your tire inflation and tread depth. Question 146: The proper use of safety equipment in your vehicle has the potential to __________. Question 55: __________ percent of pedestrian fatalities in 2009 resulted from persons improperly crossing the roadway or intersection, walking, playing, or working in the roadway. Question 64: If your vehicle begins to hydroplane, you should _____. Question 190: You should never drive __________, you should avoid sudden steering and braking, and you should always signal your intention to turn or change lanes. Correct Answer: the visibility, time, and distance you need to avoid collisions. Correct Answer: adjusting your speed, conducting visual searches, and signaling. You may legally drive: The safest precaution that you can take regarding the use of cellular phones and driving is: Use hands free devices so you can keep both hands on the steering wheel. When approaching an intersection, you will need to search the left-front, front, and right -front zones to be certain they are open. Correct: right side, Question 4: In California, any driver who does not yield theright-of-way to a blind pedestrian can be charged with ___________. If during the last 100 feet of approaching a railroad crossing, you cannot see the track for at least 400 feet in both directions, you may not cross the tracks at a speed faster than _____ MPH. Question 274: For specific guidelines on your vehicles maintenance, make sure to ___________. It is illegal to follow an emergency vehicle at a distance of __________ or to stop within __________ of where an emergency vehicle is responding to an alarm. Question 10: If you can see an emergency vehicle with flashing lights ahead, ______. Question 150: To lower the risk of a collision, you should keep at least __________ of space to one side of your vehicle at all times. Correct: reference your owners manual, Question 4: Do not try to drive more than__________hours in any one day. Correct: 200, Question 9: When you detect your emotions beginning to dominate your judgment and actions while driving, you should practice_______. c. 0.510361050.5 \times 10^{-3}-6 \times 10^{-5}0.51036105 To dry the brakes off, __________. Correct: perception distance, reaction distance, and braking distance, Question 6: When you adjust the drivers side mirror, you want to be able to see_______. Avoid hard braking and overly aggressive steering, Among those killed, teenage drivers have the highest death rates per. Correct Answer: All of the answers are correct. If a road does not have a bicycle lane, where must a bicyclist ride their bicycle? Flashing red and yellow lights control some intersections during times when there is __________traffic flow. Cruise control should not be used__________. Roads that function as expressways and divided highways have high speeds and greater risk of __________ crashes. When you combine alcohol with some drugs, the results can be __________. If you drive an SUV or RV, you need to be worried about clearance when driving __________. It is not safe to drive if you stay awake during_____. Never proceed until you are certain it is safe to do so. What should you do if your accelerator sticks while you are driving? The speed limit is: 15 mph. Question 53: It is illegal to follow an emergency vehicle at a distance of __________ or to stop within __________ of where an emergency vehicle is responding to an alarm. Question 241: Law enforcement agencies categorize observable aggressive driving behavior as which of the following? When traveling behind large trucks, _______ your following distance. If you are in an emergency and there is no space to the side to steer out of the way of a crash, ___________.