The oldest national park in Africa, Virunga National Park covers nearly 8,000km2 (800,000 hectares) an area roughly three times the size of Luxembourg. The plains of Virunga National Park are dominated by wetlands and grasslands with papyrus sedge (Cyperus papyrus), jointed flatsedge (C. articulatus), common reed (Phragmites mauritanica), sacaton grasses (Sporobolus consimilis), ambatch (Aeschynomene elaphroxylon), conkerberry (Carissa spinarum), paperbark thorn (Vachellia sieberiana) and kowai fruit (Coccinia grandis). The connection between man and gorilla can be further explored at the Senkwekwe Centre, the only mountain gorilla orphanage in the world. Their ambitious peace-building program aims to create 100,000 jobs, providing young Congolese with viable alternatives to conflict-related activities. Virunga National Park is a national park in the Albertine Rift Valley in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.It was created in 1925. In 2007, the mass killing of the Rugendo family of gorillas catapulted the parks plight onto the world stage, and the global attention spurned increased funding and conservation measures. Virunga is the continent's most biologically diverse protected area and a national park embarking on an ambitious development programme known as the "Virunga Alliance". Virunga Mountains: The stunning Virunga Mountains are a chain of Volcano Mountains shared between Uganda, Rwanda and Congo. Goma, the capital city of the province on the northern shores of Lake Kivu is 35 km (1-hour drive) away from Rumangabo, the park headquarters located in the southern sector of Kibumba. Only one mountain of the 8 is an active volcano that is Mount Nyiragongo found in DRCongo. Preventing these plans the park gained further protection by an agreement sealed between DRCs president Felix Tshisekedi and Boris Johnson at the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Glasgow. The Park is founded as Parc Albert, the first national park to be established on the African continent. The Viringa Mountains are composed of up to 8 Volcanic summits including two active volcanoes of Nyiragongo and Nyamuragira located in DRC in Virunga National Park. 400,000 people are evacuated and 147 are killed in the eruption. The Virunga Mountains (also known as Mufumbiro [1]) are a chain of volcanoes in East Africa, along the northern border of Rwanda, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), and Uganda. Recent eruptions occurred in 2006, 2010 and May 2021. Virunga National Park (covering an area of 790,000 ha) comprises an outstanding diversity of habitats, ranging from swamps and steppes to the snowfields of Rwenzori at an altitude of over 5,000 m, and from lava plains to the savannahs on the slopes of volcanoes. Tree heath (Erica arborea), heather and mosses cover humid slopes up to 3,700m (12,100ft) elevation. Ultra-luxury is not the order of the day in Virunga, but there are high-end accommodation options, and all the camps are comfortable. chat to the Africa Geographic travel team, Photographer of the Year 2023 Weekly Selection: Week 11. It is an extraordinary park steeped in a history of tragedy and heroism: primordial and viscerally wild. There is a place in the heart of Africa where glacier-tipped mountains tumble down into steamy rain forests, where fiery lava lakes bubble, and savannas and grasslands stretch as far as the eye can see. The Foundation holds the management contract for the Park, which requires it to restore and manage the national park with ICCN. Over 90% of refugees settle within walking distance of Park borders. Furthermore, a substantial number of these are Albertine Rift and Congolese endemics. [41][42], On 22 February 2021, Italy's ambassador to the DRC who was travelling with the World Food Programme about 15km north of Goma, Luca Attanasio, as well as Italian military police officer Vittorio Iacovacci and Congolese driver Moustapha Milambo, were killed in the gunfire when a militia that had kidnapped their convoy, and had brought them into the park, was met by park rangers who managed to free four people. [8] They were subsequently released unharmed. Shoebills prefer to hunt in poorly oxygenated and shallow waters where fish are closer to the surface, using their razor sharp beaks to catch their prey. Geography of Rwanda - Wikipedia Some biologists even believe that a fifth subspecies, called the mountain or Virunga buffalo, should be recognised. The Virunga Mountains and their associated lava flows extend across the Western Rift Valley. Of its eight major volcanic peaks, the highest is Karisimbi, at 14,787 feet (4,507 metres). Networking & debating APP subscribers only, TRUSTED CONSERVATION PROJECTS [54] The most visited section is the southern sector, dominated by dense montane forests home to a vital population of Africas remaining mountain gorillas. In 1969, following the countrys independence from Belgium in 1960, the Park was renamed Virunga National Park. The Grauers gorillas consist of a handful of individuals isolated to the inaccessible Mount Tshiabirimu region of the park. When it was first established, Virunga National Park was limited to three volcanoes in the south, but was later expanded northward to include the Rwindi plains, Lake Edward and the Rwenzori Mountains of the Moon. Getting to the summit of these mountains takes an average of 5 . Several armed rebel groups operate in the park, including Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda and National Congress for the Defence of the People (FDLR). Nyiragongo is an active stratovolcano that features the worlds largest lava lake at 700 feet (213 meters) across and reaches 11,380 feet (3,470 meters) in height. The latter organisation is responsible for park management since 2010; about 80% of management costs are subsidised by the EC. East African mountains | mountains, East Africa | Britannica Government officials supported exploration activities by Soco International mission members, whereas park management opposed. The camps of various armed factions are dismantled in the Central Sector of the Park. Around one third of the world population of critically endangered mountain gorillas live in the lush volcanic forests of Virunga National Park. Nyiragongo has erupted over thirty times since the end of the 19th century. The mountain gorillas have increased from fewer than 70 to over 300 in ten years and hippos from 300 to over 2,000, while elephant and lion sightings are now a fairly regular occurrence. The first maps resulted from the major expedition of Adolf Friedrich, duke of Mecklenburg, which was undertaken in 190708. [31], Since the early 1990s, the protected area was impacted by political turmoil in the African Great Lakes region. Virunga Mountains: A gem of biodiversity in the heart of Africa Virunga is a UNESCO World Heritage Site due to its spectacular biodiversity, with over 2,000 plant species, 706 bird species, and nearly 200 reptile and amphibian species. As anyone who has ever spent time with gorillas will tell you, it is an experience that defies words and borders on sacred. Here is a summary of the most important information about the hike that can become one of the most amazing experiences of your life. A narrow corridor of 35km (1.93.1mi) width along the lake's western bank connects the northern and southern sectors of the national park. [35], Increasing militarisation of nature conservation has been accused of fuelling armed mobilisation of militias. The most recent eruption occurred in 2021 and had catastrophic consequences for the human residents of the city of Goma. To the northeast the Ruwenzori Range soars to more than 16,000 feet (4,880 metres). While many of the gorillas sensibly prefer to reside on the slopes of the dormant Mikeno volcano, the southern section is also the location of the two active volcanoes in the park Mount Nyiragongo and Nyamuragira. There is something about the familiarity of their facial expressions, their familial bonds and the calm, contained power that makes gorilla trekking unlike any conventional animal encounter. At 26,338 square kilometres (10,169 sq mi), Rwanda is the world's 149th-largest country. [32] These mountains are part of the Great Rift Valley. The park is a crucial habitat for giant and tree pangolin, crested porcupine and even Lord Derbys scaly-tailed squirrel (a rodent with a very similar design to flying squirrels). Approximately one-third of the worlds population is found in Virunga National Park (the remainder is divided between Volcanoes, Mgahinga and Bwindi Impenetrable national parks in neighbouring Rwanda and Uganda). Though valiant efforts were made to protect the park, the end of the 20. century saw much of the parks wildlife massacred almost to the point of extinction. The Virunga Mountains (also known as Mufumbiro[1]) are a chain of volcanoes in East Africa, along the northern border of Rwanda, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), and Uganda. Five rangers and a driver were killed in April 2018. [12] Local and global groups, such as Greenpeace, are warning about the social and ecological impact of devastating the forest for oil production. Virunga is part of the Albertine Rift (the western branch of the East African Rift) and stretches from the snow-covered peaks of the Rwenzori Mountains in the north to the Virunga Massif in the south. We rely on Global Rescue to assist our clients. January 17, Nyiragongo volcano erupts spreading lava through the city of Goma. Mikeno and Sabinio are the oldest of these, dating from the early part of the Pleistocene Epoch (the Pleistocene began about 2,600,000 years ago and lasted until about 11,700 years ago); their craters have disappeared, and erosion has imposed a jagged relief. The increased human population contributed to deforestation and poaching, and some natural animal migration patterns have been seriously disrupted. [48], The montane forest between 1,800 and 2,800m (5,900 and 9,200ft) in the southern sector is dominated by Ficalhoa laurifolia and Podocarpus milanjianus with up to 25m (82ft) high trees. The Virunga Mountains | Congo Safari Tours | Explore Congo The Parks governance structure is strengthened, and newly appointed staff negotiate access to the gorilla sector despite it being controlled by rebels. The local community has no where else to turn for security, and relies on the protection of armed groups, for which fees are levied off the prohibited activities. Omissions? Important Facts About the Virunga Mountains in East Africa This article was most recently revised and updated by,, Virunga Mountains - Children's Encyclopedia (Ages 8-11), Virunga Mountains - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up). When Albert National Park was established in April 1925 as the Congo's first national park, it was conceived as a science-oriented nature reserve with the aim of studying and preserving wildlife and so-called "primitive" hunter-gatherer African Pygmies. Park officials are in the process of habituating the chimpanzees, and accompanying the habituation teams is another of the activities on offer in the park. Albertine Rift - Wikipedia Discounts at Africas best lodges and on our hand-made packages subscribers only, STORIES & DISCUSSIONS All travel bookings booked via Trust my Travel are financially protected by them. Virunga Mountain Hiking This may also be done to protect the highly susceptible apes from human diseases like Covid-19. The range lies between the Lake Kivu and Lake Edward, and is an extension of the Albertine Rift Mountains. In direct response to the massacres, the Senkwekwe Centre is established to care for the orphans of the massacre. This savannah-like section offers the best chance to spot the more traditional safari animals, including elephant, lion, and buffalo. Updates? The ICCN and Virunga Foundation enter into a long term management agreement. Described by the Virunga park authorities as the Congos real treasure (rather than oil or metals), there are believed to be over 300 of these precious primates within the park. The Parks 3,000 square miles (7,800 square kilometers) is comprised of four sectors northern, central, southern and lake sector each with an unrivaled diversity of landscapes and ecosystems. During the 2002 eruption, some of Nyiragongos lava flows were clocked at 62 miles per hour (100 kilometers per hour) and reached all the way to Lake Kivu. Hippo numbers increase to over 2000 for the first time in 20 years. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Communities around Lake Edward are fearful of the impact of potential oil activity on their livelihoods. The great volcanoes of this range, clothed in cloud forests, include the dormant Mikeno, Karisimbi, Visoke, and Sabinio (Sabinyo), as well as the active Nyiragongo and Nyamulagira. Virungas southern sector is best known for its montane tropical forests, active volcanoes, and the mountain gorillas that live on the flanks of the dormant Mikeno volcano. Shoebills are tall, stork-like birds with wing spans that can reach over 8 feet (2.4 meters). In the national park's northern sector, African leopard (P. pardus pardus), marsh mongoose (Atilax paludinosus), giant pangolin (Smutsia gigantea), tree pangolin (Phataginus tricuspis), crested porcupine (Hystrix cristata), Lord Derby's scaly-tailed squirrel (Anomalurus derbianus), Boehm's bush squirrel (Paraxerus boehmi), western tree hyrax (Dendrohyrax dorsalis), Emin's pouched rat (Cricetomys emini) and checkered elephant shrew (Rhynchocyon cirnei) were recorded during surveys in 2008. Hiking the Sabyinyo volcano takes approximately 7 to 9 hours. Virunga national park located in the democratic republic of Congo hosts 6 Virunga volcanoes that is mount karisimbi, mount Nyiragongo, mount Sabyinyo, mount Mikeno, mount Nyamurangira, and Mount Bisoke. Both savanna elephants and forest elephants reside in Virunga National Park, making it one of the few places in the world where both species co-exist. Satellite images showed hotspots at Nyamuragira volcano in early 2017, indicating ongoing eruptions. The northern sector is characterised by the dramatic Rwenzori Mountains, with sharp peaks and plunging valleys that descend to the Semuliki River valley. In 2007, the mass killing of the Rugendo family of gorillas catapulted the parks plight onto the world stage, and the global attention spurned increased funding and conservation measures. Virunga National Park - UNESCO World Heritage Centre Shoebills can be found in the swamps and marshes of Virungas Central Sector near Lake Edward, the Ishasha River, and the Rwindi River. Most visitors access the park via Rwanda and pass through the border at Goma. The First and Second Congo Wars further destabilised the region. Communities, such as the Mbuti, which previously relied on the lands included in the park for food and shelter have been forced out, or risk being arrested or killed by armed park rangers. More than 3,000 faunal and floral species have been recorded, of which more than 300 are endemic to the Albertine Rift including eastern gorilla (Gorilla beringei) and golden monkey (Cercopithecus kandti). The Virungas form a barrier between the Nile Basin to the north and east and the Congo Basin to the west and south. Take a Thrilling Adventure in Uganda Hiking the Sabyinyo Volcano The parks southern tip rests on the northern shore of Lake Kivu, a short distance from the town of Goma to the east. About Virunga National Park | Facts, History & Conservation Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. [5][21][49][50], African bush elephant (Loxodonta africana), hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius) and African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) inhabit the national park's central sector. Virunga is the continents most biologically diverse protected area and a national park embarking on an ambitious development programme known as the Virunga Alliance. (For more on the conservation and social developments by the Virunga Alliance. Virunga is the only site on earth to have three types of great apes the mountain gorilla, eastern lowland gorilla, and eastern chimpanzee. [25], Land laws were reformed in the 1960s after Belgian Congo became independent as the Republic of the Congo, and the land declared property of the state, much to the disadvantage of local people. [2], In 2011, the British company Soco International was granted a concession for extracting crude oil in the surroundings of and in large parts of the national park. Every morning, rangers set out at the crack of dawn to track down and monitor their charges, and by the time guests have stirred and downed their first coffee, many families have already been located. The central sector is based around Lake Edward, the Ishasha river valley and the Rwindi plains. Most of them are dormant, except Mount Nyiragongo 3,462 metres (11,358ft) and Mount Nyamuragira 3,063 metres (10,049ft), both in the DRC. Oil exploration threatens the Park, sparking deep concerns from the international community. A land of unparalleled biodiversity and exceptional beauty, bursting with life of every form. [14][15][16][17] Indigenous people lost their traditional land rights in this process, and were evicted from the protected area. Much of the parks central region is occupied by Lake Edward. A conflict between rebel and army forces results in the untimely death of the silverback of the Rugendo family. It is also a vital elephant habitat, as evidenced by the unexpected migration of nearly 600 elephants from neighbouring Queen Elizabeth at the end of 2020. Corrections? The past 14 years have been far from plain sailing, and the park has suffered its fair share of losses, particularly of the brave rangers dedicated to protecting the park. 689 men and women standing fearlessly to protect Virunga, Critical training and support for widows and children of fallen Virunga Rangers, The world's only facility caring for mountain gorilla orphans. Because of the high silica content of its lava, Nyiragongos lava flows are extremely fluid. Situated in a region which has been deeply impacted by the effects of war and armed conflict for over 20 years, Virunga is currently protected by a dedicated team of 689 Rangers. The gorilla massacres catalyzed a groundswell of efforts to protect Virunga. As might be expected in a park that encompasses such a large variety of habitats, the birding can be described as extraordinary. Naturally, the park authorities are aware of this, and they take the safety of their guests extremely seriously. is the branch of the Congolese government tasked with the protection and conservation of protected areas in the DRC. The protected area was extended in 1929 by Virunga National Park, which encompassed the Virunga Mountains, parts of the Rutshuru Territory, and the plains south of Lake Edward. Virunga is a biodiversity spectacle but is also a testament to the courage of those that have fought and often given their lives in its defence. [7], There have been several deadly attacks in the park by rebel groups, and several park rangers have been killed. It is Virunga National Park in DRC, and it is remarkable. Facts About Virunga Mountains | Mount Nyiragongo | Volcanoes Park Virunga has a vision for responsibly harnessing the Parks natural resources to create new opportunities for the four million people that live within a days walk of its borders. Virunga Mountains in Congo - Virunga National Park Congo The six volcanoes of the centre and east are extinct. Harnessed bushbuck (T. scriptus) and giant forest hog (Hylochoerus meinertzhageni) are present in the southern sector. Virunga owes its existence, at least in part, to the presence of the endangered (, . The mountain range is a branch of the Albertine Rift Mountains, which border the western branch of the East African Rift. [37] In May 2018, a ranger was killed when defending two tourists who were kidnapped. Virunga is the continent's most biologically diverse protected area and a national park embarking on an ambitious development programme known as the "Virunga Alliance". The best way to establish the state of affairs and what activities are on offer is to chat to the Africa Geographic travel team, who are in constant communication with Virungas park authorities and regularly send intrepid travelers to the area when it is safe to do so. The 300km-long park is divided into three primary sectors: northern, central, and southern, which together combine to protect an astonishing array of landscapes from alpine vegetation and montane forests to lava plains and wetlands. Habituation is a critical component of gorilla conservation, as it allows for detailed research to be undertaken on the species. Okapis are endangered, and there are probably only a few thousand remaining. They eat mostly fruit, but also feed on buds, shoots, leaves, flowers, and insects. You can make a differenceby joining our community of dedicated individuals who aim to protect Africas oldest national park and bring peace and prosperity for the four million people who depend on it. [5], Primates present in the national park include mountain gorilla (G. b. beringei), common chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes), golden monkey, red-tailed monkey (Cercopithecus ascanius), Dent's mona monkey (C. denti), blue monkey (C. mitis), Hamlyn's monkey (C. hamlyni), De Brazza's monkey (C. neglectus), Central African red colobus (Procolobus foai), mantled guereza (Colobus guereza), olive baboon (Papio anubis) and grey-cheeked mangabey (Lophocebus albigena). Described by the Virunga park authorities as the Congos real treasure (rather than oil or metals), there are believed to be over 300 of these precious primates within the park. [34], Five rangers were killed in August 2017 near Lake Edward in a militia attack. Mean monthly rainfall in the savanna around Lake Edward is 3040mm (1.21.6in); this is the driest part of the landscape. Flora/Vegatation in Virunga national park; Virunga's strategic location at the frontier between various biogeographic zones offers it an upper hand to protect both tropical rainforest and eastern steppe species and its range of altitudes adds to the habitat variety.The diversity in flora includes: bamboo and Hagenia forest on the mountains; equatorial forest along the Semiliki; wooded . [2] It is comparable in size to Haiti or the state of . This partnership initiated a comprehensive reform program and planted the seed for what would become the Virunga Alliance an innovative development programme to address the root causes of poverty and conflict, with the aim of eradicating illegal and destructive resource extraction in the region. The great volcanoes of this range, clothed in cloud forests, include the dormant Mikeno, Karisimbi, Visoke, and Sabinio (Sabinyo), as well as the active Nyiragongo and Nyamulagira. The Virunga Mountains are 8 famously known mountain ranges that lie on the northern border of Rwanda and Congo and south western part of Uganda. Following international protests, the company stopped exploring activities and consented to refrain from starting similar operations in the vicinity of World Heritage sites.