This reverence to the Infinite, God, is essential for true spiritual healing. But a time comes when no human aid Since 1920, helping people worldwide realize and express the beauty, nobility, and divinity of the human spirit through the Kriya Yoga teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda. Heavenly Father, charge my body with Thy vitality, charge my mind with Thy spiritual power, charge my soul with Thy joy, Thine immortality. Sharing soul-awakening prayers and affirmations born directly of his high personal state of God-communion, he shows modern seekers how to achieve their own ecstatic perception of the Divine. Go deep into the inner sanctum of meditation, mentally praying with utmost sincerity: "Father, reveal Thyself!" Thou didst tear away the night of my ignorance to reveal Thy silver rays of speaking silence! Then I discovered this website! For him She had become without such limiting form. When the consciousness is withdrawn from the sensory surface of the body and its surroundings and centralized in the cerebrospinal shrines of soul perception, that is the most effective time to pray. Like a secret fire, that love burns the darkness from around the soul, and in that light you behold the mightiness of Spirit. There are two kinds of seekers: those who are like the baby monkey and those who are like the kitten. In the tradition of the great lyrical poet-seers of all religions, Paramahansa YoganandasWhispers from Eternityopens a mystical window on the devotional experience of ecstasy. (LogOut/ Break the night and show Thy moond face! Thou art in all Thy children. Since 1920, helping people worldwide realize and express the beauty, nobility, and divinity of the human spirit through the Kriya Yoga teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda. The channel is blessed by what flows through it. Just a little touch of this sweetness is enough to have us desire nothing morecant wait to get to the meditation room, to get still again, to be able to feel some of this divine nectar. Sometimes an apparent disaster turns into a blessing for you. Gloom is but the shade of Divine Mothers hand outstretched caressingly. though there is nothing in the world to conform to your wish, when your will Quotes on Prayer - Aum, Guru. In the tradition of the great lyrical poet-seers of all religions, Paramahansa Yoganandas Whispers from Eternity opens a mystical window on the devotional experience of ecstasy. Over 500 locations worldwide, The last installment of this photo essay is ready for you, Receive inspirational quotes, articles, and guidance for daily spiritual living as well as the latest news and events from Self-Realization Fellowship, See how your support helps spiritual seekers worldwide, Hear from those benefiting from SRF's soul-liberating spiritual programs for all, Self-Realization Fellowship nun Sister Nandini shares wisdom from Paramahansa Yogananda on the aspect of God as the ever-compassionate Divine Mother who feels for struggling humanity with the greatest of concern and love. I demand my divine birthright, intuitively realizing that all wisdom and power already exist in my soul. You have no right to keep me away from You. The Omnipresent God knows all His One is the material. Maybe I have done wrong, tempted by delusions of Your cosmic play; but because You are my Mother, my Father, my Friend, I know You will forgive me and take me back. Attend online meditations, spiritual retreats, and group study of the SRF teachings, The book that changed the lives of millions! Join friends and members of SRF at an event near you. Manifest Thy healing presence in his (her) body, mind and soul. we can go to a doctor for medical treatment. Paramhansa Yogananda often spoke and wrote of Divine Mother in the form of Kali, the way that She is frequently worshiped in Bengal. I heard Thy voice beneath the din of my noisiest thoughts. It is You who are real and all things else are unreal, I said, and the Divine Mother smiled again. Over time I have come to realise that my primary need is to surrender to Her, to love Her, to climb into Her lap, as it were, and soak in Her love and comfort. can help. I heard Thy voice in the lisping whispers of my devotion. Prayers from Yogananda. Lord, give us Thyself, that we may give Thee to all!" Heavenly Father, Divine Mother, Jesus Christ, Bhagavan Krishna, Babaji, Lahiri Mahasaya, Sri Yukteswarji, Guru- Preceptor Paramahansa Yogananda, saints of all religions, I bow to you all. Thank you for saying it so beautifully. Kulakundalini, Goddess Full of Brahman, Tara, O Divine Mother, I Am Thine, for Thou Art Eternally Mine, Thou Mother of Flames, Show Thy Face, Hidden Beneath the Veil of Cosmic Motion Pictures, With the Torch of our Devotion, blaze our dark indifference, Divine Mother, come Thyself into the waiting Temple of our Love, I will be the naughty baby of the Divine Mother, Thou didst reveal Thy silver rays of Speaking Silence, Whether dead or living, I am held in Thine Immortal Arms, Prayer for expanding Love from self to all brethren, I loved all things, that I might learn to crave Thee only, Teach me to find Happiness in the Joy of others, Come to me as Kindness (Inspired by Ram Prasads Song), The Bee of my Mind loves to drink from the Blue Lotus of Thy Feet,,, The Cosmic Mother: An ExperientialWorkshop, I am your Mother through all eternity. He will not talk to the devotee. Transform your life through joyful service, yoga and meditation at Ananda Village. help themselves. So be it. Provide relief, physical comfort and spiritual inspiration to the poorest, disadvantaged and marginalized sections of the society. Make me see Thee in every fiber of my being, in every wisp of thought. Break the sun and show Thy face of power! Such as Divine Mother, may I feel in my heart Thy heart throb, in my happiness Thy joy, in my activity Thy power of direction, in my soul Thy Spirit. Break my feelings and show Thy face of love! awaken my heart, awaken my soul, ignite my darkness, tear the veil of silence, and fill my temple with Thy glory. What joy! This is applying the Break my thoughts and show Thy face of wisdom! The baby monkey clings to the mother; but when she jumps, it may fall off. Others inspired him through their lives or poetry, including the mystical poet Ramprasad Sen and the great Master Sri Ramakrishna. Divine Mother, You wear so many costumes of light to appear unto Your children. This came about after praying to Master to help me connect with the Divine Mother. God as Divine Mother ever watches over Her human children, Paramahansaji has said, peeping through the caring hearts of all true mothers.. I will seek to make others truly happy, in gratitude for the divine joy Thou hast given me. Beauty and Joy, Grace and Refuge: Living in the Presence of the Mother Father, teach me to include the prosperity of others in the pursuit of my own prosperity. Home > Spiritual > Prayers From Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda. Divine Spirit has no partiality; the Mother loves all. In that kind of will lies Water condensed becomes ice, and so invisible Spirit can be frozen into form by my devotions frost. Those who pray without knowing the scientific art of interiorization often complain that God does not respond to their entreaties. After meditating, draw the energy into the arms and hands by rubbing the hands together briskly and then visualize the person before you. Every night in meditation, throw yourself at the feet of the Lord. Then say to the Lord, I cant solve my problem alone, even if I In creating this universe God revealed two aspects: the masculine or fatherly, and the feminine or motherly.In Nature you behold the mother aspect of God, full of beauty, gentleness, tenderness, and kindness. If only you could see the beautiful eyes of the Mother that I beheld last night. 2. thought in the mind of another person who can fulfill your desire or need; that If . Saraswati, Goddess of music, wisdom, learning, Madonna and Child, William Bouguereau (1825-1905), Saraswati, Goddess of music, wisdom, learning, White Tara, Buddhist Goddess of Compassion, Green Tara, Buddhist Goddess of compassion and enlightened activity, Swami Vivekanandas Prayers to Divine Mother, Why not worship the Infinite as your Divine Mother?, My First Meetings with Anandamayi Ma, by Swami Kriyananda, part 1, My First Meetings with Anandamayi Ma, by Swami Kriyananda, part 2, Ask of Me Salvation, but not My love and devotion, The Blissful Devotee and His Cosmic Romance. Vocalized prayers are wonderful only if the attention is on God, and if the words are a call to God out of the abundance of the soul's desire for Him. We pray and ask Thee as our Father: Reveal Thyself. Learn more, Copyright Ananda Church of Self-Realization of Nevada County 2023, The Joy Symbol is a trademark registered by Ananda Sangha Worldwide. The aspect of God that is active in creation; the shakti, or power, of the Transcendent Creator. His greatest work on God as Mother is the booklet The Cosmic Mother: One Aspect of God. We are serving as willing instruments for a much greater power than our own little selves. Available in over 50 languages, Enjoy our weekly talks with meditations from SRF monks and nuns. But the urge to seek Him is drowned in the urge to indulge in sense pleasures. PDF Self-Realization Fellowship Worldwide Prayer Circle The little kitten is carried about by the mother cat, content wherever she places it. Heavenly Spirit, bless me that I may easily find happiness instead of becoming worried at every test and difficulty. Manifest Thy healing presence in his/her body, mind, and soul. that ones prayers have touched God. according to their wishes until they have fulfilled His desire for their Help support the worldwide mission of Paramahansa Yogananda, Resurrect Yourself! by Paramahansa Yogananda With Guided Meditation From Brother Chidananda (Video), To Forgive Is to Have Peace of Mind by Sri Daya Mata, SRF/YSS President Brother Chidananda Visits India, So Uplifting! SRF Online Meditation Center Updates, Kriya Yoga: Science of Spiritual Living for the Modern Age, Spiritual Happiness: Tapping Into the Souls Storehouse of Love, Peace, and Joy, Kriya Yoga: Quickening Our Human Evolution. The quest continues. Lessons subscriptions Change your contact info View Lessons Auxiliary Content Make a Donation, Your digital spiritual companion for study, meditation, and inspiration (newly expanded), A 9-month in-depth course on meditation and spiritual living, Further guidance and additional techniques, A magazine devoted to healing of body, mind and soul, Your digital spiritual companion for study, meditation, and inspiration. Aum, Kali. All rights reserved. believe may help. Over 500 locations worldwide, The last installment of this photo essay is ready for you, Receive inspirational quotes, articles, and guidance for daily spiritual living as well as the latest news and events from Self-Realization Fellowship, See how your support helps spiritual seekers worldwide, Hear from those benefiting from SRF's soul-liberating spiritual programs for all, From the Wisdom Legacy of Invincible Lord, teach me to use my will unceasingly in the performance of good actions, until the little light of my will burns as the cosmic blaze of Thine all-powerful will. Help support the worldwide mission of Paramahansa Yogananda, Resurrect Yourself! by Paramahansa Yogananda With Guided Meditation From Brother Chidananda (Video), To Forgive Is to Have Peace of Mind by Sri Daya Mata, SRF/YSS President Brother Chidananda Visits India, So Uplifting! SRF Online Meditation Center Updates. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. But if they could see what strength, what joy, what love is in the Divine Mother, they would fly away from all else. Yogananda's Healing Prayer Techniques - Ananda India I long to be with You always. Follow that solution, and you will meet with success. Sati (an incarnation of Devi) (1943) by Nandalal Bose, Bernardino Luini, Madonna and Child with Angels, Raphaels Madonna and child from his painting Madonna di San Sisto, Madonna and Child, Fra Filippo Lippi, c. 1440, Madonna and child, Gherardo Starnina, 1410. (function($) {window.fnames = new Array(); window.ftypes = new Array();fnames[0]='EMAIL';ftypes[0]='email';fnames[1]='FNAME';ftypes[1]='text';fnames[2]='LNAME';ftypes[2]='text';fnames[3]='CONTACTID';ftypes[3]='text';fnames[4]='SIGNUPURL';ftypes[4]='url';fnames[5]='ZIPCODE';ftypes[5]='zip';fnames[6]='COUNTRY';ftypes[6]='text';}(jQuery));var $mcj = jQuery.noConflict(true); Please tell us your healing prayer stories, for they will be of great inspiration to others now. Change). Manifest Thy healing presence in his (her) body, mind and soul. Copyright 2022 Self-Realization Fellowship. All rights reserved. Attend online meditations, spiritual retreats, and group study of the SRF teachings, The book that changed the lives of millions! to the unlimited Divine Power. Reveal Thyself to me!" because your mind is calm, you are capable of picking out the best solution. Therefore, perfection is in me. I want to come to Thee., Devotee PortalOnline MeditationMeditation CentresVoluntary League of DisciplesVolunteer PortalBookstore, Apply for LessonsLearn to MeditateFree LiteratureKriya Yoga pathSRF/YSS App, Request PrayersUpcoming EventsDonateNews & Blog, View FAQsEmail UsCall: (0651) 6655 555Employment Opportunities. But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret. Sharing the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda. If one tunes in to the consciousness of a spiritual master, that master has the power to help one feel and experience their spiritual state. Water condensed becomes ice, and so invisible Spirit can be frozen into form by my devotion's frost. Only when thoughts cease can one hear the voice of God communicating through the silence of intuition. Experience the power of spiritual community, Join us for meditation and inspiration. When your mind is calm and filled with faith after praying to I want to go Home. Awaken my heart! Learn how to calm your mind, still your body, and open the doorway to the joy of your soul. Prayer to Divine Mother Divine Mother, Thou art omnipresent. Paramahansa Yogananda on Prayer | Self-Realization Fellowship Break the night and show Thy moond face! Self-Realization Magazine 2022 Annual Issue. It touched my heart with such joy, For years, my relationship with Divine Mother was more transactional than selfless, as I mostly only turned to Her for Healing, for Protection of my loved ones and so on. This is the tendency of many otherwise sincere spiritual peopleto show off their love for God, rather than strive to touch the heart of God alone. This you can do any time, anywhere. The following poems and prayers are just a selection from the writings of Paramhansa Yogananda: Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Divine Mother, with the language of my soul I demand realization of Thy presence. Jesus Christ, Great Masters of India, and beloved Guru, Paramhansa Yogananda, we humbly bow at Thy feet. While others waste their time, meditate, and you will see that in meditation that Silence will speak to you.Everywhere I see the Divine Spirit manifesting in form as the Mother. Yogananda's words convey great spiritual power, in this case the depth of his relationship with God as Divine Mother. As quickly as I can, I shall do Your work and get out of this play of Yours; but I want to take others also away from this delusive drama of comedies and nightmares., But as long as it exists for you, have but one trend of thought in your mind God.Close your eyes, think of God, and give the Divine Mother a call from your soul. Kali Iconography as explained by Paramhansa Yogananda Reincarnation: How Can It be Scientifically Proved. These are not the result of the stimuli of the senses, but the combination of the devotee's silence and God's voice of silence. I see Divine Mothers eyes in the face of Masters mother. When that sensory urge disappears, then the urge for God automatically appears. The kitten has complete trust in its mother. Teach me to open my closed eyes of unbelief and behold Thine instantaneously healing light. Thank you! This website is a veritable trove, that I look forward to raiding again and again. Thou didst emerge from the molten door of the sun to pour Thy power into the pores of my life. Sometimes an apparent disaster turns into a blessing for you. May Thy love shine forever on the sanctuary of my devotion, and may I be able to awaken Thy love in all hearts. It is warm and loving. He continued to have visions of Her, and sometimes caller her Kali, but he always described Her as beautiful, and even as one with Christ, Krishna, and the Guru. Fill us with Thy healing light that we may share Thy blessings with those in need. And again, only as far as I know, he didnt practice any formal worship of Kali in any form/murti/yantra after a certain point in his life. No matter what else you may be doing, you can mentally converse with God: My Lord, I am looking for You. Prayers and Affirmations | Paramahansa Yogananda unconditioned by any external influence is evident proof of the responding Prayer with devotion is a wonderful means of opening oneself to the freely flowing blessings of God, a necessary link of man's life to the Infinite Source of all benefaction. In divine love and golden light I prayed, O Mother, be Thou real unto all.. I prayed, O Mother, be Thou real unto all.. choose or reject Him. Break my thoughts and show Thy face of wisdom! This you can do any time, anywhere. the Father, and the Father wills that your desire be fulfilled. Under all circumstances health or sickness, riches or poverty, sunshine or gray clouds your feeling must remain unruffled. This talk, recorded at the SRF Mother Center in Los Angeles, illustrates how we all can have a personal relationship with the Divine Mother who understands us completely and cherishes each step we take on the spiritual path. Rub the hands together briskly, then raise them above your head. Sati (an incarnation of Devi) (1943) by Nandalal Bose, Bernardino Luini, Madonna and Child with Angels, Raphaels Madonna and child from his painting Madonna di San Sisto, Madonna and Child, Fra Filippo Lippi, c. 1440, Madonna and child, Gherardo Starnina, 1410. Over 500 locations worldwide, The last installment of this photo essay is ready for you, Receive inspirational quotes, articles, and guidance for daily spiritual living as well as the latest news and events from Self-Realization Fellowship, See how your support helps spiritual seekers worldwide, Hear from those benefiting from SRF's soul-liberating spiritual programs for all. Paramhansa Yogananda's teachings on the Divine Mother Dont forget that. Thou didst tear away the night of my ignorance to reveal Thy silver rays of speaking silence! Join us in sending healing to the world during these challenging times. Stone sculpture, Gujarat, 16th century. of Desires. If we meditate on the Sri Yantra (of Tripura Sundari) a very different vibration comes alive. That love is sacred within, an inner communion, silently giving its oblations into the Spirit. But Her devotees appreciate Her love, respond to Her love. In which particular writings of Paramhansaji does he talk about The Divine Mother as the AUM, please? The occasion was a visit to Yogoda Satsanga Math, a YSS ashram set on the Ganges River in Dakshineswar, West Bengal. our body, mind, and soul. Divine Mother, with the language of my soul I demand realization of Your presence. God as Divine Mother ever watches over Her human children, peeping through the caring hearts of all true mothers. Fill us with Thy healing light that we may share Thy blessings with those in need. Prayers - Yogananda - Timeless Teachings Of India Try as he may to respond, the friend is continually thwarted by a "busy" signal! Paramahansa Yogananda. Divine Spirit has no partiality; the Mother loves all. There are two kinds of seekers: those who are like the baby monkey and those who are like the kitten. O Spirit, make my soul Thy temple, but make my heart Thy beloved home where Thou wouldst dwell with me in ease and everlasting understanding. Under all circumstances health or sickness, riches or poverty, sunshine or gray clouds your feeling must remain unruffled. He will not always answer Sometimes, no loud or even whispered words can I pray; for when deep feeling for God possesses you, you cannot utter any words. true devotees, no matter in what form they love Him.[and] answers their Does anyone know.. Where can I buy The Cosmic Mother: One Aspect of God? (LogOut/ Chant AUM mentally or aloud three times, deeply concentrating on Gods blessings flowing through your hands. Into the temple of peace come Thou, O Lord of Joy! Shantidev, Thank you. Divine Mother, I heard Thy voice in the speaking fragrance of the rose. Also, the personal aspect of God embodying the love and compassionate qualities of a mother. Thou art the essence of everything. Self Realization Fellowship | In the Embrace of the Divine Mother When your prayer comes from deep within, and your words are tipsy with love for God, then others around you consciously enjoy your contact with God and drink of the contagion of your love for Him. Stone sculpture, Gujarat, 16th century. His name, is to plunge the mind deeper and deeper in the ocean of His presence God is that happiness. Privacy Policy. His greatest work on God as Mother is the booklet The Cosmic Mother: One Aspect of God. Even This distortion The wisdom of a Mother. Sometimes, when the Mother is going to caress you, a shadow is caused by Her hand before it touches you. Experience the power of spiritual community, Join us for meditation and inspiration. I touched Thy tenderness in the softness of the lily. Eternally through it, I will talk to you. laws; but until He is absolutely sure of the devotee He will not answer openly, This website uses cookies to improve your experience. O Kali, You are our Guru, and Guru is Kali. Yogananda taught the worship of Divine Mother as both a philosophy and a practice, and freely shared many deep devotional experiences. I see that You are all one in Her.. Father, teach me to include the prosperity of others in the pursuit of my own prosperity. Manifest Thy light through the darkness of my ignorance. I have now discovered a very strong connection to the Cosmic Mother. And Nature with her diamond-dazzling stars, the Milky Way, the flowers, birds, clouds, mountains, sky the countless beauties of creation is the Divine Mother. persists, the desired result will somehow manifest. If you do not give up, the Lord will come unto you. Then we look to the other way, to the Spiritual Power, the Maker of (from 'Connecting Your Life with the Astral World' by Paramahansa Yogananda). His Whispers from Eternity is perhaps the best way to tune in to his way of divine worship. Break my pride and show Thy face of humbleness! presence of God. The little kitten is carried about by the mother cat, content wherever she places it. about a solution. But Her devotees appreciate Her love, respond to Her love. Paramhansa Yogananda, The Joy Symbol is a trademark registered by Ananda Sangha Worldwide, Terms of Use It is not Thy pity that we want, but Thy lovefor Thou art our Father and we are Thy children. A subsistent inner happiness "God as Divine Mother ever watches over Her human children," Paramahansaji has said, "peeping through the caring . True prayer is an expression of the soul, an urge from the soul. Kali dancing the Cosmic dance, with awestruck girl at her feet. In 1945, Paramhansa Yoganandaauthor of Autobiography of a Yogi wrote a booklet titled The Cosmic Mother: One Aspect of God, in which he taught a way of relating to God that was new to many people. You have no right to keep me away from You. My meditations are blessed with her presence very tangibly. Copyright 2023 Yogoda Satsanga Society of India/Self-Realization Fellowship. The mother's instinctive love and forgiveness, no matter what her child has done, shows us that God will ultimately forgive the sins of all human beings. God in meditation, you are able to see various answers to your problems; and Read more about Metaphysical Meditations. Now I stand amazed that the choices I made were always the ones which brought me here to finish this life in Yoganandas path. I feel her ever more deeply and I am looking everywhere to deepen this connection.